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Last Good Movie You Saw


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The World's End. Like others mentioned it starts slow but it turns hilarious. Simon Pegg is a piece of shit and Nick Frost is a badass.


You're Next: fantastic. Very well made. The shaky cam can get tiresome. But the writing, setup and plot are pretty good for this type of film. It was advertised as horror but it's not.

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City of Life and Death



Super depressing but I'm surprised by a Chinese film giving such humanity to the Japanese... some of them anyways. That in itself gives the film some brownie points since most gives the Japanese a terrible vibe (Ip Man is guilty of this). From what I've heard, this might be the most level headed of the bunch. So look no further if you want a level headed film set in China during Imperial Japan's invasion.

Edit: Also quote from the movie that kind of got me... : "I'll go."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done 4 films today;


The Impostor - Rather interested documentary that mixes up well produced live action, interviews with relevant characters and archive footage. All in all, i was a little disappointed, but it's still a pretty good film. Certainly worth a watch. 


IP Man - Again, slightly disappointed in this one. It had been built up to me over the last few weeks, and it never quite hit the high's i was expecting. The action was great, but i just wasn't interested in the story. 


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Jack Nicholson at his sublime best. Engrossing from start to finish. I can't believe i waited 25 years to watch this.


Sound of my Voice - My favourite film of the day. Brit Marling was absolutely astonishing. The film itself had me captivated from start to finish. I've given out maybe eight, 5 star ratings in the last 4 years, and i think this might just make it 9.

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Kick-Ass 2. Good, not as good as the first. Seemed kind of pointless really. Still liked it quite a bit though, if for nothing else than Hit Girl and Jim Carrey.


Super. I'm not sure why people think it's so much better than Kick-Ass. All in all, its not. 

What Super has going for it over Kick-Ass is that when its really good, its REALLY good. Its way above even the best part(s) of Kick-Ass. But those moments dont come very often and makes the whole movie inconsistent, where as Kick-Ass is always generally good with a few above average moments thrown in. Super delves into mediocrity quite a few times. It was a "throw shit and see what sticks" sort of movie. Not really my thing. Still liked it though and Id still recommend it.


Also, Matthew Vaughn is a way better director than James Gunn. Easily.

Edited by Strangelove
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I'm pretty sure you don't need to be a fan of westerns to appreciate the greatness of that film, Ethan.



Actually saw this not long after it came out and remember being surprised by how good it was so I grabbed it on DVD recently and rewatched it. You definitely need to be a fan of Mitchell & Webb and the whole Peep Show vein of humour, and it has some great supporting actors as well. Jessica Hynes is great.



Kick-Ass 2

It's an odd film in that nothing really feels 'complete' yet it's still a fun watch, mainly thanks to the continued ridiculousness and some fun performances from people like Donald Faison, Jim Carrey and Christopher Mintz-Plasse among others (Night Bitch was hot). Hit Girl had a nice little story arc that kinda wound up being...lame. It kind of exemplifies the film's main problem in that it goes for relatively serious story beats and does well, only for it to peter out under all the bombast. It feels like it wants to say something but ultimately feels undermined.


Really bizarre seeing so many British actors, even compared to the first film. I was wondering what had happened to Steven Mackintosh (turns out he was on Luther), and it was odd seeing the 'romantic interest' from the Alan Partridge film as his superhero wife, Jorah Mormont as a mafia boss, other heroes and villains were mostly British TV actors, one of the 'mean girls' is British, and even one of Dave's friends has been replaced by a British actor. I guess they were cheaper. :P

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  On 9/8/2013 at 11:06 AM, Hot Heart said:

I'm pretty sure you don't need to be a fan of westerns to appreciate the greatness of that film, Ethan.

I dunno, it's really slow and not a lot happens.  I could totally see somebody who doesn't like westerns being bored to tears.

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  • 1 month later...


Slasher movies are my favourite. Chucky is batting 5/6 right now (Childs Play 3 being the only god awful movie in the series); making it probably the most consistently good slasher franchise in history. And he's never even had a reboot, which is awesome (arguable I guess. He does change genre with the times, but they've never started the story over from scratch). Doesn't really pick up until the second half, but from that point on it's insane. Especially the ending; there's like 3 different 'epilogue' scenes to it (including one after the credits) that just get crazier and crazier. And it's back to being pure horror now (the last two were more comedic than anything), which I have no strong opinion on since it suits both genre's really well.

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I also saw Gravity last night.  Like FDS says, the 3D is actually an asset for once.  This isn't a movie you see for the story, though, even though the story is perfectly serviceable.  You see it for the spectacle, to get a sense of the sheer enormity and desolation of space through the extremely impressive visual effects.  Put simply, if you don't see it on a big theater screen then you might as well not bother seeing it at all. 

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Finally got around to watching Pacific Rim last night. I wasn't quite sure which thread to post in but I settled on this one.


It's a damn fun movie because giant robots punching monsters. It has that much going for it. But holy fuck, what a goddamned piece of shit otherwise. There was no tension whatsoever. I never cared for any of the characters other than Charlie. His B-plot was pretty much the most interesting aspect of the entire movie. At one point, I looked at the running time and literally went "oh, there's less than 20mins left. I guess this is the climax?".


Such a disappointment.

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If you did indeed post in the right thread, you should watch Crank. It's 90 minutes of a dude just startin' shit with people because of an inane premise. It's fucking awesome.


I'd also recommend Crank 2. It's 90 minutes of a dude just startin' shit with people because of a totally retarded premise. It's fucking awesome.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 11:12 PM, NeoStarr said:

If you did indeed post in the right thread, you should watch Crank. It's 90 minutes of a dude just startin' shit with people because of an inane premise. It's fucking awesome.


I'd also recommend Crank 2. It's 90 minutes of a dude just startin' shit with people because of a totally retarded premise. It's fucking awesome.

Yeah, I meant to post here. The script is utter shit but the movie is undeniably fun to watch.


As for Crank, I loved the first one but for some reason was kinda bored by the second one. Probably because I watched it alone but had watched the original with friends and beer.

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Man of Steel - If you guys know anything about me, I like two things: PlayStation and Marvel Comics. As far as DC goes, their characters, outside of Batman, get a resounding "meh" from me, but Superman? He gets an eye roll. All that said: this movie wasn't bad. There was some science that, as far as comic book movies go, make sense, and I didn't have any "wtf, seriously?" moments like Superman Returns did. I'm excited to see where they take this. I figured, due to the mix response, and my dislike of Superman, I'd hate this movie so I went in with low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. Plus Amy Adams. Seriously. Amy Adams. Amy. Adams.

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Seven Psychopaths


Some good chemistry, good actors. Slightly unpredictable despite the hugely unsubtle nod between the film and the film within a film relationship. Of which I think our favourite part was the bit in the car pretty much reciting exactly what they were doing at that time and why it was a bad thing to do for plot.

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Thor: The Dark World.


Really enjoyable, so much so I'd put it above most the other Marvel films I've seen. It's almost the complete opposite to the first Thor film, in that it's full of large-scale action; the ending setpiece is particularly thrilling but also quite hilarious as well. Yep, they've kept the gags throughout, and most are great (particularly a "cameo" of sorts). The villain and the McGuffin are a bit "Eh, OK", but they're not really the point; though, it seems the seeds are definitely being sown for the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as there is a mid-credits scene with a certain upcoming character (as well as the usual post-credits one, too).


p.s. eagle-eyed Game of Thrones watchers will spot a particular actor making an appearance during an incident that also appeared in the show (but also based on real history, too, obviously); specifically, the first scene of S3E03 "Walk of Punishment."

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