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Last Good Movie You Saw


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  On 6/23/2014 at 9:11 PM, Hot Heart said:

My sister keeps recommending I watch it (and, yes, Ralph Fiennes is fantastic) because it's not very Wes Anderson-y in the ways I dislike... but I've already been burned twice or thrice.

I think it's his best film specifically because it transcends "Wes Anderson". My fave is probably Life Aquatic, but GB Hotel feels like it's in a totally different league. I cant even compare it to his other films at all. It's really high energy, globetrotting, plot-focused fun. Some amazing cameos/ gags too.


EDIT: Just remembered my penchant for overhyping stuff is probably showing.


Ignore everything I just said. Watch it begrudgingly, in a bitter mood, expecting an even more plodding Rushmore with one joke an hour

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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It's a strange movie to recommend to people. It's great, but it's only going to depress you.


The only film outside of the horror genre where shit just gets worse and worse and never ever lets up. There is no hope in that movie whatsoever, no highs or lows. It just plummets from the start.

The movie basically just shits on you.

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The Cabin in the Woods.


Supposedly going from Netflix so decided to get round to watching it, and glad I did. I'm not a fan of horror films, but had heard this was not your typical one. It most certainly is not.


 It's a postmodern take on things, akin to Scream, but to say too much would spoil it somewhat. I will just say that it's a good watch, and the third act is gloriously outrageous.

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Secret Life of Walter Mitty.


One of a couple movies we had the option to watch other day. It was chosen due to being "feel good movie". Was pretty good, I quite liked the typography stuff, and I hope to see similar used some more. It was kinda similar to how Sherlock dealt with text messages and stuff. Which is a pretty big issued to tackle these days. Showing the screen of a phone is a bit not great.


It was a nice feel good film I guess. Lots of questions over how he was capable of going from his initial moments to being quite fine with fleeing sharks and volcanos and such. I like the..err Tom I think from eHarmony kind of breaking up the action a little bit and was nice towards the end when he showed up in person. It all kept up quite well with everything flowing quite smoothly from one scene to the next so you weren't left with too much time to go "oh wait..but!".


Probably my only major beef with it was me constantly going "how did they get young Karl Urban in this film with a beard?".

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Finally got into a theater and saw How To Train Your Dragon 2.


Put simply it's pretty dang wonderful. Definitely a worthy sequel to the first movie, if not having surpassed it in some regard. I was worried that too much was spoiled in trailers and in truth there were some good plot points spoiled. Still, it had enough to satisfy a viewing in theaters. Cool new looking dragons, great music, and some neat character development.


Only have two problems with the movie, one a plot point and the other about a character.


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I can look past those though and immensely enjoy the film multiple times.

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