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  • 2 weeks later...

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them


Solid enterance to the HP franchie. It sets up a start with a Daily Pophet style opening to cover bits about Grindlewald so he's obvioulsy the "Voldermort" of this run of films. You can see where the film is going for the most part, but HP films have generally been quite formulaic, though I guess no end of the year to have the climax at here :P

It was a treat to see the magical world again, though they've definelty a bigger budget n advancement of VFX in the years since the battles n such are much more intense n destructive than you'd see in HP films.

Jacob, the muggle (hate the "no-maj" term :P), was great. Obviously here as the viewer surrogate but a big highlight of the film. Quite interesting to see the cultural differece presented though i think part of it was from being older people involved. So like Newt is sort of the whimsical magician, sorta like Mr Weasley is with his muggle artefacts, whereas many of the american wizards are quite formal. There's touches of politics, such as the US Ministry of Magic (USMA I think?) having a big clock in central foyer that's like the Weasly clock but with the red/orange/yellow terror alert type things.


On a professional note some of the compositing was terrible, walking along wet streets without leaving a mark, n a lot of the actor interaction with the fantastic beasts were really poor n really stood out as artificial creations. Also some weird editing near the start that throws the pace a bit, but it needs to set up a few sory threads for the finale payoff I guess.


Credence annoyed me cos I couldn't place him n was like "what have I seen him in, surely something within the last year". Got out, got on IMDB. Flash in the Justice League trailer.


Though i think everyone knows this now given the casting info, even my parents knew Graves was Grindlewald but if not will put in spoiler.

Anywho given what we know of Dumbledore n Grindlewalds interactions in youth n such being a bit closer than friends, I've a feeling similar between Credence n Grindlewald here, given some of the interactions n dialogue felt that it's Rowling doing that thing of putting things in to confirm on twitter down the line


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The Tale of the Princess Kaguya


Absolutely pretty film with a great score. Simple yet very effective facial expressions. It really surprised me how well they done that.

EDIT: I also got to mention the running scene. You want to display emotion through simple moving lines and shapes? That is how you do it.


I'm just not sure if Sutemaru (the peasant boy), as presented, needed to be there. That storyline would've worked better if he didn't have a family or if his part was spread out to all of Kaguya's childhood friends. Yes, he's her love but it's presented in such an odd way. Perhaps this storyline would fit better in the eyes of feudal/ancient Japan.

The rest of the story, however, is solid. It is one of the oldest Japanese folktales.


Anyhow, best supporting character right here:


Edited by Mal
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  • 3 weeks later...

Star Wars: Rogue One


Firstly, you can see the love and attention that's gone into recreating the look and feel of those earlier Star Wars films. It's got all the little details.




the CGI humans are creepy. Sometimes, Tarkin just about works. Most times, not. Leia looked dreadful to me, but at least it was only short.


On the topic of deference to the old films, the first Vader scene was terrible since it was mostly pointless and the bright lighting made Vader look cheap and he didn't seem to "move" like Vader and it ends with a corny "don't choke on your aspirations" line. The last Vader scene was amazing, though.



It takes a little while to get going but it's never exactly boring. The way the earlier stuff is pieced together just leaves a little to be desired. That said, however, once the gang are together it's rather well-constructed. There's a sequence at the mid-point that gives you everything: the character conflict, suspense, drama and then you get to the big finale that manages to combine multiple fronts almost effortlessly.


Some of the cast get a little short-changed (and they're great, too!) and I can't help but feel the two "leads", while good, are lacking charm.


Overall though, really good.


If I'm not overly positive about it, it's probably because you know what's coming so it's hard to get too excited.


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TFA is more light hearted and fun. Plus there was more excitement leading up to it, characters we haven't seen in 35 years, the first good SW film in decades. But I think Rogue One is an objectively a better film.

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I don't know. The flaws in R1 are more obvious, particularly regarding weak storytelling and creating characters with whom the audience builds an emotional connection. TFA's weaknesses have to do mostly with convenient storytelling and handwave-y and vaguely unearned development of Rey's Force powers. I like Rey, but her use of Force powers without training makes it seem like she's even more of a Chosen One than Luke. Otherwise, TFA tells a consistent story with good emotional throughlines; I just did not find it as exciting or interesting as R1. But I am a total nerd and I love fun stories that also do a lot of worldbuilding, and TFA has very weak worldbuilding.


That said, I think R! was technically superior in many aspects, including the clarity and excitement of the final battle. Not since Endor has a Star Wars battle both made (in-universe) sense and been exciting. Hell, it may be one of the best battle sequences from any movie in decades.

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Rogue One: A Star War
(I really should have taken a picture, it was too good on the little LED screen above our...screen)


Anywho it pretty much ticked every box it needed to tick and yeah it's a pretty solid entry into the Star Wars canon and great debut of the "A Star Wars Story" non-Episode stuff. Along with the casting n crewing of Han Solo flick, this defo helped perk up my hype meter. Probably the first non-kid friendly Star Wars I'd say, and I think to a degree they should maybe communicate that more. Listening to the spoiler podcast with Gareth Edwards n he's saying he honestly expected a memo from on high at Disney to be like "hey could you maybe do some alternate shots for bits" but never came.


I'd say the easter eggs are tastefully done in it, and I think there's gonna be tons to tear apart in it.


I'm gonna dump most of my thoughts in the Star Wars thread, but one thing I will say is that their use of CGI in this, while not wholly convincing tbh (for one where the hell are his pink bunny slippers*), is definitely unprecedented in scope and while I understand why it was done (though I feel storywise they could have reduced it) it will certainly have long lasting impact within the industry and sure to be sparking a lot of calls from actors to agents to maybe make sure to stop it down the line.



The Battle of Endor is amazing. 

Say what?




Defo nostalgia speaking.


she's even more of a Chosen One than Luke. 

(Anakin. Come on Obi Wan even screams it at him)



*for those not in the know Cushing found his supplied costume boots uncomfortable, so in shots where he's not having to show his boots he's wearing slippers.

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  • 2 weeks later...


My dad was flicking throuugh channels and this was on EE4, missed a bit of the start but I'd seen the opening montage. I guess kinda funny to a degree and well told though knowing the Bill Murray stuff I guess kinda sucked some of the fun out the middle section. Emma Stone has many moments in this where she does not look like Emma Stone.

Viisually fun thoug, especially with the end in the theme park. I guess I assumed that bit would last longer than it did, or at least take a bit longer to resolve.

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Watched a couple of things with the family over Christmas.


The Way Way Back


One of those indie coming-of-age films, this being by Jim Rash (Dean from Community) and Nat Faxon who previously adapted/wrote The Descendants. I actually bought this for my sister since she loves that sort of thing (we watched her requested copy of Kings of Summer last year).


It's got a good cast with Steve Carrell playing a horrible passive-aggressive step-dad and Sam Rockwell playing a sort of charming underachiever alongside Toni Colette, Maya Rudolph and Allison Janney.


Some of the characters feel a little thin but it's amusing enough.


West Side Story


My oldest sister is a massive musical nut so she was determined to watch this. Admittedly, I don't think I'll ever be able to get in the right frame of mind for most musicals. You've got these street gangs prancing around, letting out their aggression by twirling about and then chasing each other and dancing at each other. It's all well choreographed of course but it LOOKS RIDICULOUS.


Anyway, it's an adaptation of Romeo & Juliet but also given a political stance with regards to immigration and integration. It has some catchy tunes and is obviously a lavish production all in all. There are some really smart lyrics in there and everyone knows "I want to live in America!"


One of those films that I appreciate more than I enjoy, I guess.

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Saw three films while family was in town; all good films. Quick summaries:




Much better than you might expect. It never lost my interest and there were legitimately good songs throughout the film. It's a good film for the whole family as it doesn't talk down to you and brings in some heavy issues that will speak to youth and adults.




Late to this one, but it's another high quality CG animated Disney film. I had a few nitpicks with it, but if you enjoy films like the Renaissance Disney films (specifically Mulan and Pocahontas), this one will be familiar and excellent. Like, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson does an excellent job and I found his song to be my favorite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79DijItQXMM


Rogue One


I will go into much more detail in the Star Wars thread. Really enjoyed it, but it was rough in the beginning. K2SO was the best, hands down. How a droid has the best character is both amazing but kinda sad. Like, I didn't start caring about Jyn until she actually shows she's human from seeing her father's message. Cassian also didn't have a great first impression, but Chirrut and Baze were pretty cool throughout the whole movie. Felt Bodhi (the pilot) was underappreciated and it probably didn't help that he was basically a plot asset in the beginning of the film.


Also the CGI faces were rather jarring.  :|

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  • 2 weeks later...



I thought this was fairly decent, it does score some points for opening with a 4 minute long one-shot (obviously a fair bit of trickery in there, I picked up on three of the cuts). Ralph Fiennes got a bit more action. I think casting Moriarty was a bit of stupid choice since it paints a giant target on his head of "this guy is bad". I loved how just "tacked on" the gadgets in the DB10 were as well. Some questions on how everyone is globe trotting so quickly, especially Blofeld since he assumedly had some major hospital works in the meanwhile and still got to London in time to set up pictures n stuff around MI5.

Overall a solid ending to the Daniel Craig era of bond I think. (which it clearly is given Craigs brilliant remarks in interviews following this film...heck might be the end of Bond following his remarks, as M says to Brosnan "I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur").


Much belated edit:
Part of me posting this was gonna add in the actual one shot for you to go over

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Mean Girls


The first film in my "cycle while watching a movie that's on my 'I have yet to watch this' list". Pretty good. Poor Lindsey Lohan, she crashed hard. Slightly pulls out a bit with "hey that's the janitor". But yeah a decent film, and does the whole "wildlife analogy" thing much better than Lucy did. I guess people worked out it was Reginas book and not Lohans, or I'm sure they'd be kinda pissed off with Lohan still.


I feel the school bus was probably breaking a lot of laws though (usually over here most school areas are low speed areas and usually a ton of speed bumps around too).


(p.s I amended the above post a little, even if no interest in watching Spectre at least check out that opening)

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople


I was recently asked what my "favourite film of 2016" was; I know a few people had cited this and, had I seen it last year, I'd be inclined to agree.


I was actually keen to see it after I knew it was by Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows, Eagle vs. Shark) but couldn't convince friends nor was it shown in many places nearby. Fortunately, it's up on Netflix and I would declare it a "must see". It is hilarious, moving and, at times, beautiful (it's got the New Zealand "bush" as most of its scenery). It's got all the ridiculousness of characters and perfectly absurd exchanges you might expect, having seen What We Do in the Shadows, but also tells a moving story of a foster kid and his grumpy "uncle".


How could you not love exchanges like:

"I'll never stop running!"

"Yeah, and I'll never stop chasing you. I'm relentless. I'm like the Terminator."

"I'm more like the Terminator than you!"

"I said it first. You're more like Sarah Connor, and in the first movie too, before she could do chin-ups."


Also, Rhys Darby makes another brief but brilliant appearance.

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Oh this is on my list, seen the trailer n it looks pretty great, and Helen O'Hara of Empire bangs on about it a fair bit too, and yeah Taika Waititi (which is making me quite excited for Thor 3 too).


Sam Neill has been a bit off the radar of late as well (though IMDB says a fair bit of TV stuff), though hey two Taika Waititi movies in two years (he's gonna be in Thor 3 it seems, would be great if he's alongside Jeff Goldblum).


Thing that sold me on the film was in the trailer with the wanted poster
"'Faulkner is cauc-asian' - well, they got that wrong because you're obviously white."


You know what, I think I'll make it todays film.

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