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Last Good Movie You Saw


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@Strangelove and FDS: As amusing as my lack of encyclopaedic knowledge of the (entirely fictional) life and times of the comic book Steve Rogers is, I have yet to see anything approaching a counterpoint to all the reasonable deductions from the available trailers of the upcoming *movie* depiction of him.


Maybe if you took a break from your snide elitism and spent a minute to actually tell me how I am wrong in my assessment of the movie trailer you'd actually add something beyond pointless snickering to the thread?


Maybe if you first pointed out how you jumped to such insane conclusions I'd be more willing to be something other than snarky. I mean honestly, just re-read what you wrote in your post with the trailer. I don't know how you're not trolling. You're taking everything to the most extreme possible conclusion you can think of. There's a recent Steve Rogers quote from Secret Avengers that's along the lines of "If anyone found out about this, it would be treason." The guy isn't a herp derp blind patriot in the slightest. I thought Steve Rogers was going to be like what you said before I actually started reading anything with him in it.

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Maybe if you first pointed out how you jumped to such insane conclusions I'd be more willing to be something other than snarky. I mean honestly, just re-read what you wrote in your post with the trailer. I don't know how you're not trolling. You're taking everything to the most extreme possible conclusion you can think of. There's a recent Steve Rogers quote from Secret Avengers that's along the lines of "If anyone found out about this, it would be treason." The guy isn't a herp derp blind patriot in the slightest. I thought Steve Rogers was going to be like what you said before I actually started reading anything with him in it.

Then wouldn't it have been better to say 'I thought Steve Rogers was going to be like what you said too before I actually started reading anything with him in it' in the first place, rather than just leaving an unexplained insult?


But just because the man commits treason (I'm betting it was still for the good of America/mankind/universe) doesn't change the fact that the guy is a walking, talking propaganda poster. Besides, your insistent use of the name Steve Rogers suggests that you find something embarrassing about the whole idea of a 'Captain America' yourself. And for all that you push his human side, you just highlight the redundancy of his alter ego. Quite frankly he could be Captain Whatever and it would make very little difference to his character, especially if, as you say, they've dropped the blind patriotism (although patriotism has nothing to do with treason; treason is against the government, not necessarily the country). Whilst most superpowers or superhero identities inform or are informed by the superhero's character, Cap'n America was created simply to big up America. Any characterisation that exists now has been tacked on now that readers expect a bit more than pro-American propaganda and a bit of action from their comics.


Now maybe, just maybe, the recent comics depict a character torn between his reliance on the government for funding etc. to do actual good in the world and the fact he is the poster child for a political regime he doesn't believe in. Maybe Steve Rogers reads Marx and Engels in his downtime and he doesn't even like apple pie. But even if there is some interesting characterisation happening in the comics, the likelihood of that actually getting filtered down to the film is even smaller. So really I don't see what was wrong with Thursday expressing distaste for a character that probably wouldn't even exist if it weren't for name recognition.

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Might want to re-read this whole thing. There's no insult. I don't see how Steve Rogers is a walking talking propaganda poster when his actions can often at times be against the very country that he's supposed to want you to be patriotic towards. Steve Rogers is not a black and white character. I say Steve Rogers because there's more than one Captain America. Which shows how little you know about the character as well. Captain America was created to be one thing but ultimately ended up being another. Not to mention the era that he was created in was one where it actually makes sense to have a hero like that. In terms of "tacking on" things you could ignorantly make that same argument for any character that has changed over the years... which is all of them.


But even if there is some interesting characterisation happening in the comics, the likelihood of that actually getting filtered down to the film is even smaller. So really I don't see what was wrong with Thursday expressing distaste for a character that probably wouldn't even exist if it weren't for name recognition.


Except the Marvel films as of late are all based off/inspired by recent versions of these characters and not gold and silver age versions of them. The movies are modernized. So are the characters.

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I call Iron Man by his name, Tony Stark. I don't see a point in debating the importance of calling the character Captain America or Steve Rogers as some revelation of intent. :|


I'll sit this one out, believe you me, but I wanted to make that clear because this is going to become ridiculous if one begins to state assumptions about the others' use of names and terms.



Give Captain America a chance. If "America" is the issue, think perhaps that the character stands for the liberties of America rather than being a nation's poster child. Still, if this discussion warrants baseless assumptions of either argument, don't mind me.

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I will point out this is the wrong thread.

And also that Thursday is basing his opinions from the scraps of information that the trailer gives off(which it would be a bad film if it assumes you've been an avid follower of the comics to be able to watch it).

Brits aren't as heavy into their comic book lore as Americans, and captain america isn't exactly a character with strong marketing chances abroad. It'd be like being aghast that someone doesn't know about Dr Who beyond what a couple of the latest trailers tell them.

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Recorded Mission to Mars on Sky+ yesterday and watched it this morning. A little slow but thoroughly enjoyable. Spent ages trying to figure out where I've seen the actress that played Terri Fisher before; apparently she was a guest Detective on Law & Order: SVU a while back.

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I will point out this is the wrong thread.

And also that Thursday is basing his opinions from the scraps of information that the trailer gives off(which it would be a bad film if it assumes you've been an avid follower of the comics to be able to watch it).

Brits aren't as heavy into their comic book lore as Americans, and captain america isn't exactly a character with strong marketing chances abroad. It'd be like being aghast that someone doesn't know about Dr Who beyond what a couple of the latest trailers tell them.


This about sums it up. The trailer did not appeal to me. It makes the film look like Team America played straight. Being not an American and unfamiliar with the comic I have no interest in seeing Captain America.


Apologies for the wholly unintentional de-railing, I'll get back on track with an opinion on X-Men First Class tomorrow. :)

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X-Men First Class was pretty damn awesome. Well paced throughout, Charles and Eric's relationship was well played out. A few things didn't make sense, presumably due to a lack of knowledge of the appropriate lore.



For example, new recruit "Angel" turning traitor on a whim, ok, I get that she's siding with the winning team, fairly sensible, but in no time at all she's actually trying to flat out kill her erstwhile friends and allies. Most of the time the two mutant sides are trying to stop each other, not kill each other. Oh, and the hovering SR-71... >:| Stupid.



Other than that, they did lamp-shade a lot of fan references, I lost count of the number of times they referenced Charles losing his hair which I found a little tedious. Also, I find superhero names in general a bit... cringe-worthy. I think it's just something I've grown out of. Much prefer Charles addressing them by their actual names. :)


One final point, people were queueing out the door to see the Hangover 2. What gives? I saw the first one, thought it was okay in a, "Isn't this just 'Dude, where's my car?' without aliens?" sort of way, but people seem to be going nuts over the sequel. Feel like I'm in some kind of bodysnatchers film where I'm one of the few people who can't be turned.

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Oh, one minor thing that annoyed me about X-Men First Class.



When Beast is talking to Mystique about a cure for how they look, he says something along the lines of "It behooves me to say this but [we will never be accepted as we are]." (square bracketed bit could be misquoted, but the nature of the comment was such. It seems to me that whoever wrote that line thinks that "behoove" means to cause emotional difficulty, I heard the quote as being "I don't want to upset you but..." when "behoove" actually means "befitting" or "obligated" why would you say "I'm duty bound to tell you this but we will never be accepted as we are."? Either the "but" is superfluous or the writer needs to read up on what "behoove" means rather than just sticking in archaic words that sound like something Beast might say.




Still love the film though. It behooves you all to go see it.

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Watched it last night. (well watched 98% of it. Fucking Tom turned up late so we/I missed the start.

came in at the bit with Magneto going into the bank with the gold bar


Some pretty good casting, some of the dialogue was a bit...forced. Like it was stuff they're meant to say but it just didn't seem to fit too well naturally. like


the bit with the hooves, but like he just like pisses her off just because it's needed for the ending to have her joining the brotherhood.


Apart from that everything fit pretty well, was a decent origin story with some historical elements fitted in well enough. Oh and it had Michael Ironside in as Michael Ironside.


I'm looking forward to a second, if they consider it.




Oh when using he was using cerebro I spotted Storm, but that was about it that was easily recognisable (not many african girls with white hair). Anyone spot any others?

Oh and going full old style comics with the horned Magneto mask. Very brave move. I think even the comics have dropped that feature a while ago.

Also this is the "proper" Charles too. The first movies presented him as almost a perfect good two shoes. But in the comics he could be a very manipulative bastard. For the greater good of course, but he would go n scramble with your brain if it suited his aims. Such as wiping your memory cos he doesn't trust you. Reading your mind when he feels like it, making you "serene" etc.


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I don't think that really needs spoiler tags, T-Next. Stop being so behooven.



I didn't want to get behooved for revealing any plot details. I wasn't sure if that conversation should be considered behooven like Citizen Kane's Rosebud, as while the story may be old, the film itself is new.







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Motherfucking First Class.

I walked out of the cinema with my heart racing. What the fuck was that shit?! Did I die and go to fucking heaven? Horns on the mask?! Deflecting bullets?! "This was your fault!"? Fuck to the motherfucking yes!

First Class topped every single other superhero movie I've ever seen, and, optimistic as I was, I think it'll even top Green Lantern.

I thought Thor was good, then I saw X-Men. Funny without being ridiculous, serious without getting up-its-own-ass, plenty of references for fans, cool cameo, excellent fucking casting, great chemistry between the two leads, excellent writing, brilliant characterization (something Thor lacked sorely), slick camerawork, an excellent opening sequence (sorry, Dean), and a fucking exhilarating speech towards the end.




This fucking movie... is better than the Dark Knight.

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I just saw and thoroughly enjoyed X-Men: First Class. Meanwhile, my brother called it the worst superhero movie he's ever seen and mocked me for being stupid enough to enjoy it. Personally, I don't think he has great tastes; he hated There Will Be Blood (one of the best movies ever made).

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I just saw and thoroughly enjoyed X-Men: First Class. Meanwhile, my brother called it the worst superhero movie he's ever seen and mocked me for being stupid enough to enjoy it. Personally, I don't think he has great tastes; he hated There Will Be Blood (one of the best movies ever made).

Your brother is a retard. Both X-Men and There Will Be Blood are excellent films, and if someone calls X-Men the WORST superhero movie they've ever seen, they are fucking WRONG.

First Class surpassed the Dark Knight, to me. It's incredible.

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Depending on which X-Men we talk of, either party could be the retard.


Except when discussing The Dark Knight. It would be like dividing by zero because even if you prove that The Dark Knight is inferior, the universe will cease to exist. :blink:

We're talking about X-Men: First Class. Read Duke's comment, he states it clearly. The Dark Knight is excellent, but very overrated, and I think First Class easily tops it in almost every way.

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Depending on which X-Men we talk of, either party could be the retard.


Except when discussing The Dark Knight. It would be like dividing by zero because even if you prove that The Dark Knight is inferior, the universe will cease to exist. :blink:

We're talking about X-Men: First Class. Read Duke's comment, he states it clearly.

I know, I know. <_<


Just joking with, that is to say, if you were to just say "X-Men," you could be implying "Fantastic" to "My vomit entertains me more."

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