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Last Good Movie You Saw


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Batman Begins gets better after each viewing, but I think TDK gets worst. Both movies are awesome, but I prefer how subdued BB can be compared to TDK. That films always seems to have something new I never noticed before.

It probably helps that I've sunk into more Batman lore as I went along. Thanks to Arkham Asylum, I recognized when Batman Begins trotted out Victor Zsasz.


Also, that kid they protect is Joffrey from Game of Thrones!

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Well, just came back from The Dark Knight Rises. It's very, very good but it has some plot issues that are hard to ignore. The plot itself isn't the problem. It feels like a cool mix of two of the comic's most famous arcs.

If you're curious, those would be Knightfall and No Man's Land. I haven't actually read NML so I don't know how much of it is actually in there but it was pretty hard not to think of it

It's kinda weird, really. The beginning is good but has a weird pace to it that kinda makes it feel rushed, like some chunks are missing. The middle is just incredible and is where the movie really shines but once everything is in place, the entire third act just feels underwhelming. I kept wanting to check my watch to see how much time was left, not because I was bored but because I kept thinking "This can't be the climax, there has to be something more".


Another thing that kinda bugged me is that most of the new characters have little to no development.


Oh and (not an actual plot spoiler but I'm tagging it anyway because I don't want to be that guy)


There is a moment in particular where an old character makes a bit of a cameo and the context of it was just begging for it to be the Joker. It would've been so perfect :(



It's not as good as The Dark Knight but that was to be expected. The problem I have isn't that it didn't top TDK because I honestly didn't expect that it would. What bothers me is that I think it might actually be the weakest of the three. Batman Begins has held up incredibly well to repeat viewings and having rewatched it recently I can't help but feel like it's superior to TDKR.

Edited by FLD
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Well, just came back from The Dark Knight Rises. It's very, very good but it has some plot issues that are hard to ignore. The plot itself isn't the problem. It feels like a cool mix of two of the comic's most famous arcs.

If you're curious, those would be Knightfall and No Man's Land. I haven't actually read NML so I don't know how much of it is actually in there but it was pretty hard not to think of it

It's kinda weird, really. The beginning is good but has a weird pace to it that kinda makes it feel rushed, like some chunks are missing. The middle is just incredible and is where the movie really shines but once everything is in place, the entire third act just feels underwhelming. I kept wanting to check my watch to see how much time was left, not because I was bored but because I kept thinking "This can't be the climax, there has to be something more".


Another thing that kinda bugged me is that most of the new characters have little to no development.


Oh and (not an actual plot spoiler but I'm tagging it anyway because I don't want to be that guy)


There is a moment in particular where an old character makes a bit of a cameo and the context of it was just begging for it to be the Joker. It would've been so perfect :(



It's not as good as The Dark Knight but that was to be expected. The problem I have isn't that it didn't top TDK because I honestly didn't expect that it would. What bothers me is that I think it might actually be the weakest of the three. Batman Begins has held up incredibly well to repeat viewings and having rewatched it recently I can't help but feel like it's superior to TDKR.


I think the problem is that Nolan tried to stuff too much content into one film. He also isn't great when it comes to the Third Arcs. Either he could have made it much longer or make it into two films in my opinion. I think the villains didn't matter too much because in the end, it's not about the villains because it's the last film but rather, it's about Bruce. In the end, Bane was only there to really finally push Bruce's development as a character. My most favoured scene is the prison scene mainly because it really ties in incredibly well with the first film and really shows that development.


I believe Bane and Catwoman were great. Underdeveloped maybe but their performance? Great. There was something about the atmosphere that really made Bane ferocious. I don't really care what the critics say but the expressions of Tom Hardy were incredible.

Especially in one of the last fight scenes where it looks like he's really out there to destroy batman and break his back again .



Also, I believe Batman Begins was a greater film than TDK.

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I believe Bane and Catwoman were great. Underdeveloped maybe but their performance? Great. There was something about the atmosphere that really made Bane ferocious. I don't really care what the critics say but the expressions of Tom Hardy were incredible.

Especially in one of the last fight scenes where it looks like he's really out there to destroy batman and break his back again .


I thought Anne Hathaway did a fine job playing her, but the character was so undeveloped it was ridiculous.



The biggest issue I had with Catwoman was that while her interactions with Batman were fun and actually an accurate portrayal of their relationship in the comics, the way this version of Bruce Wayne just trusts her instantly felt forced as all hell.


As for Bane, I was worried about how they would treat the character and I think he was handled very well for the most part. I love that they stuck with his actual origin (minus the venom) and for most of the movie he definitely feels like a force to be reckoned with. The shot when he slams Batman on his knee like in the comics made me gasp and go :o


But once Bruce returns to Gotham, Bane just kinda loses steam.



Overall, the film feels like they shot the first draft of the script. I'm still convinced that Nolan's original plan was to have the Joker be the focus of the last two films and Heath Ledger's death just threw a huge wrench in that plan so he had to come up with something else.

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Yeah, slightly underwhelmed is pretty much how I felt. But the more I think about it, while I stand by my complaints, I think I'll probably enjoy the movie a lot more on my second viewing. There's a LOT going on in it and at times it's a bit hard to take it all in. I don't plan on seeing it again in theaters, but I'm really looking forward to rewatching it once it comes out on bluray.

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The Dark Knight Rises.


I liked it a lot. More than TDK, but not nearly as much as BB. Im not going to get too into it because everyone else has pretty much said a lot of my thoughts, but I will say that even 15 extra minutes would have done wonders for the film. There's a lot of stuff in the movie that needed a few minutes here and there. I'm not saying its flawed too badly by it, but a little extra time would have made it even better. Nolan doesn't do it, but if he wants to do an extended cut, this would be a perfect time for it.

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Saw Ted! Very enjoyable film. Genuinely funny and even a bit heartwarming. Also jokes in the trailer have different punchlines in the film, that was a great touch, to not have some jokes ruined. Some great laughs. And the CG on Ted was fantastic. You don't even think its CG. Not once.

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I had big problems with In Bruges, but I would never call it bad. The second half saved it for me. Really clever.


TDKR definitely wasn't as good as TDK or BB. BB is my favourite, but honestly, seeing BB and TDK back-to-back in a cinema like I did... There's no other way to see them afterwards. I would never subject someone to one of those films by itself now. It has to be both in a row. Just stunning how powerful they are when combined. They're greater than the sum of their parts.


TDKR doesn't fit with those two though, it doesn't feel like part of the trilogy in terms of quality. The impeccable plotting of TDK and the impeccable thematic development of BB just isn't there. It's messy and the each individual plotline, while strong, doesn't fit or mesh with the rest of the film. I still really liked it though. The final montage thing I felt was really powerful, if a bit obvious and hamfisted.


My analysis of the trilogy:


Batman Begins: Batman being Batman.

The Dark Knight: Joker being Joker

The Dark Knight Rises: Batman... Walking around and... There's Bane being kinda good... But in the end... And... Stuff... It's a mess.


Last good actual movie... Can't remember. Gotta watch Bladerunner soon for class. I have to watch Bladerunner, The Truman Show, Brazil, and the Stepford Wives (early version) for a class on Utopias. Gonna be fucking amazing.

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I had big problems with In Bruges, but I would never call it bad. The second half saved it for me. Really clever.


TDKR definitely wasn't as good as TDK or BB. BB is my favourite, but honestly, seeing BB and TDK back-to-back in a cinema like I did... There's no other way to see them afterwards. I would never subject someone to one of those films by itself now. It has to be both in a row. Just stunning how powerful they are when combined. They're greater than the sum of their parts.


TDKR doesn't fit with those two though, it doesn't feel like part of the trilogy in terms of quality. The impeccable plotting of TDK and the impeccable thematic development of BB just isn't there. It's messy and the each individual plotline, while strong, doesn't fit or mesh with the rest of the film. I still really liked it though. The final montage thing I felt was really powerful, if a bit obvious and hamfisted.


My analysis of the trilogy:


Batman Begins: Batman being Batman.

The Dark Knight: Joker being Joker

The Dark Knight Rises: Batman... Walking around and... There's Bane being kinda good... But in the end... And... Stuff... It's a mess.


Last good actual movie... Can't remember. Gotta watch Bladerunner soon for class. I have to watch Bladerunner, The Truman Show, Brazil, and the Stepford Wives (early version) for a class on Utopias. Gonna be fucking amazing.


I've had Brazil on my DVR for going on 3 months now. Whenever i go to watch it i get distracted and end up watching something else.


As for In Bruges. It's one of my favourite comedy's of all time. I much prefer it to The Guard.

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Brazil is a crazy one. It's ingenious because it's dystopian to watch as well as dystopian in theme. Hence why it's hard to watch. Really confrontational. I love the twisted humour in it. Like a comic/ satirical sci-fi version of 1984.


I find Kafka really difficult, too, for the same reason. But I usually don't find novels as gripping as films so I can't stick with them.


Huge PKD fan, so very looking forward to Bladerunner. Would like to read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? just to get the original story. Which is probably very different.


Nice avatar big dan!

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I had big problems with In Bruges, but I would never call it bad. The second half saved it for me. Really clever.



I have to agree with you on the second half of the movie saving it, but I think it helps that the film built itself up to that. It has a rather slow start, and those who stick to the 10 minute rule would probably hit the eject button.

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I just turn a film off as soon as I realise it's irredeemably bad. Which is pretty easy to judge in most cases. You can tell if a movie's going to be "oh this is messy but not actually bad, has integrity' or 'this is just hamfisted. The whole film is going to be poor'.


If I'm confused by it and can't tell if it's bad or not, even if it's just not to my taste, I'll stick with it: that almost always works out well.






Dad got if for me for my birthday: just watched it. So, so awesome. Perfect blend of 'really enjoyable thriller' and 'art-housey shit'.


A bit off-topic:



This film leads me back onto my age-old conundrum. For years I've wanted to change this bloody screen name. 'Kenshi Ryden' holds connotations that I'd rather avoid. Don't feel it represents me. Made it when I was a kid, tired of it now. In this film is a guy called 'Mr. Gorodish' who is totally awesome. I'd like that name. I feel it's more appropriate than KR. BUT changing it would mean an infinitum of awkward changes, on gaming sites, buying sites, forums, general usernames, people not know who I am. Should I change? Might make an actual off-topic thread about this, need some support BROS


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