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Last Good Movie You Saw


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I was thinking of robots developing self-aware AI, but in the book it is clones with suppressed consciousness be re-awakened. Which I guess are similar ideas, at least in my mind.


Was it a massive statue of sonmi that people lived in and had moving parts and someone was being shot at while on it?


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No, it was inside a building. Sort of part-temple part-satellite relay. About 50 ft tall maybe. The temple moved of sorts, the motorized roof folding in on itself to form a satellite dish. There was a building with a similar architectural design where Somni and her rebels have their last stand though.


There's like 5 separate stories and I'm still processing them so getting to go through the ins and outs of each is maybe not a good idea. It has Tom Hanks in as a main character should be enough to know it.


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Despicable Me 2


Pretty much the above, but I think it goes about it a little more unique with its charm. There isn't as much a focus on the "villain" stuff because of the focus on spying since the movie doesn't directly specify who the villain is. That makes up part of the story, where the rest is about dating and love: parenthood, puppy love, and wishes.

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Despicable Me 2.  


Let's get this out of the way: no, it isn't as good as the original.  The minions get too much focus, and because of that Gru's kids feel almost unimportant with their reduced screen time and role in the story.  The story doesn't flow quite as well as the original, but that's to be expected with almost any sequel, really.  However, the reason I'm putting it here instead of the "okay" movie thread is because I did find it fairly funny.  More impressively, I actually liked the new love interest.  Usually I hate those characters who are just there to the "the love interest" but I found her funny and likable.  That might be thanks to Kristen Wiig.  I dunno what it is about her but she tends to be really charming when she plays the role of a dorky girl.

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Two of the three girls were present as I saw it. It was Edith, the blonde middle child, that was basically absent for any part of the plot other than serving as the tomboy. Margo had her little side story and Agnes reinforced the love story. I do think the Minion stuff was dragging on a bit, especially considering it was shown how...



One trap could capture a fair amount of Minions for the purpose of turning them into those purple mutants.



Though there could be a bit more of a focus on the Minions because of the apparent love story going to take place. The kids won't be bored by that because they'll have their dose of Minion antics. The first movie had a fair share for adults and kids because that by itself was the plot. Gru with his plan to steal the moon and the girls seeking adoption, but then living with Gru as his adoptive daughters.

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I thought it was great. I still find the minion antics highly amusing. The love story worked, chemistry was good. Nefario had a decent turn as well. Agnes was cute, Margo was serious and Edith was... Edith.


It was more of the same, but I liked the first one and I liked this one too.

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Pacific Rim. It pulls off exactly what it sets out to do, and is super fun to watch. It's the best summer blockbuster of the past decade. 


Edit: Yes, some of it is dumb as hell. But this is motherfucking movie about mecha fighting kaiju. If the premise itself doesn't turn you off, you should see it on the big screen.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Pacific Rim.


I went in with lowered expectations, or at least, simpler expectations and really enjoyed it. Its concept is B-movie but it doesn't really do anything 'less' than your average blockbuster. All told, it actually has a decent if largely predictable story and some good character moments (except for the clunkers that seem deliberately B-movie). The action is pretty outstanding, and I think seeing it in 3D may have helped with being able to tell what was going on at certain moments (the only time I will advocate 3D). Though, I think it may be more down to the fact that Del Toro just knows how to direct action with more clarity than Michael 'Camera-Fucking' Bay.


That said, a couple of sequences rely on withholding certain 'surprises', which would be fine if they didn't go against basic logic, and while I like Idris Elba, I think some of his line delivery was just kinda...crap, even for a B-movie aesthetic.

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Pacific Rim.


By far my favorite summer blockbuster this summer. I love Del Toro and his creature designs and all his team's creativity just shines like a motherfucker in this movie. Like others have mentioned, including my friends, the plot was nothing special. It wasn't bad, just a B-movie plot hidden in a very high budget film [like Michael Bay films] only Del Toro has a charm Bay doesn't.


If there is one movie I recommend watching in 3D bigscreen/Imax alongside a D-Box if your theater has any it is this. The shaking of the chairs and the bass adds so much to the experience.


What can I say about the action? Wow. It was amazing. Del Toro you dog you.


As to the casting, for me it was perfect. Idris Elba didn't do much for me but his character itself wasn't the most interesting part of the movie. Charlie Day and his scenes absolutely stole it for me. It was Charlie Day playing a smart guy so seeing his exact same voices from Phillie is hilarious  I love the guy.  Charlie Hunnam did his role as the movie's badass and I think his voice his like really smooth butter, so I'm hoping he gets puts in more movies as I love his acting. Asian chick was fantastic too and I'm sure feminists will be thrilled as Del Toro didn't make her into a princess needing to be rescued or a prize. Ron Perlman was also fantastic.


If you're gonna watch the movie don't watch it because you want an original plot. Go watch it because of the art/creature/costume design, the acting and cast, the cool battles and the experience.

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Pacific Rim, though I gotta disagree with WaS and say Charlie Hunnam's acting was just atrocious.  I think the movie took itself just slightly more seriously than it should have, so a lot of stuff was me cringing rather than laughing with the movie.  That seemed to get better the more into the movie we got though, so I'm not sure whether that's because something in the movie changed or if I just got acclimated to its style.  The first half especially though had most of the non-action scenes in this awkward middle ground where they were bad but not cheesy enough to be enjoyable.  I probably would have liked all of that stuff more if I'd known what I was going into, but I really didn't read anything about it except that the general reaction was "YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!"


All of that said, I really liked the move as a whole.  I wouldn't really call it "good", but it was definitely entertaining and enjoyable.  And the actual robot/monster fighting was fantastic.

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Pacific Rim (courtesy of my "boss").


Much like Superman it's a film with big mech suits fighting big godzilla things and that's what I went in expecting and that's what I got. Though I'll admit there was a slight bit of me expecting just a little something extra and special the way some folks had been hyping this up, and that was lacking. For the most part it was cliche and predictable.


Anywho, I had to google Charlie Hunnam (due to housemates recent sunny Netflix viewing I knew of the other Charlie, conveniently also called Charlie in real life) and turns out he's the main guy. He was a bit poop, but hooray for supporting cast. Though..owen harper man. What was that? At least he maintained that throughout the film.


The cinematography hower was fucking atrocious. Even more so given they had a reference point for how to shoot it. Not once did they think "hey, our film will have folks inside a robotic suit, can we think of any recent films with that we could maybe see how they managed to show both the interior and exterior action in a reasonable manner?". It was all over the place, cutting way too fast and zooming in too close or on random splashes to get any sense of what's going on and hey suddenly part of the suit is missing. For a film that primarily focused around the fights it was pretty badly handled.



I take issue with the ending though, if it required the kuji as a barcode to get past, how did main dudes escape pod pass back through the rift?


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I take issue with the ending though, if it required the kuji as a barcode to get past, how did main dudes escape pod pass back through the rift?




I had the same thought, but accepted it as a one-way kinda thing. They never expected anyone to be going back up through the breach.


Surprised that's the only plothole you picked up on, actually.


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