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Last Good Movie You Saw


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The Conjuring.


That high rating on Rotten Tomatoes isn't a fluke, it really is a very well done horror movie, It didn't break any established ideas, in fact it used some of the more popular horror movie themes and topics, but did it very effectively. The fact these people actually exist and have a history of cases makes it even more interesting as the director has expressed desire to make it into a franchise if done correctly.



Just like with Insidious there's a point in the movie it turns into one of those Ghostbusters shows on TV, but they do it very effectively where it still is quite creepy all around. The jump scares weren't over-utilized as a sense of creepiness and horror was used as the primary driving force. Very well done. By far one of the better horror movies I have seen since Sinister. And this is better than Sinister and Insidious combined.

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The World's End.


Did the 'Cornetto Trilogy' in an evening so saw a midnight screening of this. Can't say too much without spoiling it (and the trailers ruined a large part of it). Obviously, its style is similar to Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, except it's not as all-out funny as the former and never really as dark as the latter. If you're used to the films, you'll be able to spot the bits of foreshadowing (and the relevance of the pub names), though I don't think it was as subtle or prevalent as it was in the other two. It actually has some decent drama and Pegg does well as a bit of a dickhead while just about remaining sympathetic.


**Totally saw the spoiler after i quoted the above post - Fuck**


I'm in two minds about wether to see this or not. On the one hand, i've been looking forward to it a lot. On the other hand though, i wanna go see Pacific Rim again and by the looks of it, The Worlds End will be hanging around in theatres for longer. 

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The Conjuring.  Quite cliche, but really well done.


@Wally:  I thought Sinister was almost really good, but just had enough problems that the whole was less than the sum of its parts.  It was okay, but not near as good as it could have been.

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Sinister had the strength of the creepy motherfuckin' soundtrack which trumped just about anything negative 4/5ths of the move had. Then the children started to do the SHHHHHHHH face and you get a clear view of the main baddie and realize that he's a stand-in for Slipknot.

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The Worlds End.


Got out an hour ago. Its a fairly entertaining affair that doesn't quite hit the heights of Fuzz or Shaun. I think the plot was lacking a little to be honest, and it didn't have the same clever writing that Shaun of the Dead had, but then; maybe this film wasn't meant for me?


Its fine though, seriously. 3/5

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**Sorry for the tripple post**


Just caught UP for the third time. Once again, its incredible. The animation is as fantastic as ever and the characters ooze charm. It goes a little wayward towards the end (but i guess it had to at some point), but its still arguably one of the best films of the last decade. 


And thats before it turned me into a blubbering mess with one of the finest opening 25 minutes any film has ever had. A masterclass in keeping your audience emotionally involved from the very beginning, and a lesson in how to tell a story without the need for a voiceover. 

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Double Indemnity (yep, another one of the noirs. I told you!)


This is one of the famed classics with a lot of the familiar tropes (and co-scripted by Raymond Chandler). At first it seems like one of those simple 'two people plan a murder and you sort of hope they get away with it until things start to unravel' plots but it's much smarter than that. It's got a few surprises for the latter part of the story and a real emotional core to it as well. Good stuff.

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The Wolverine. Lots of nods to different Wolverine storylines, even a few to Old Man Logan (which I read for the first time a few days ago, so good) and the opening was fairly similar to Wolverine #1. Basically it was a samurai movies inside an X-men movie. There was a post credits scene, which I missed, but caught on YouTube, that basically sets up the next Xmen film.

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Last night, I made my friends suffer through two cinematic masterpieces. First, we watched Manborg. Words cannot do this one justice. I mean, just look at it!



It was very wise of whoever made it to keep it only an hour long, though, because it walked a fine line between unpleasant and hilarious.


It's possible that, after Manborg, our expectations were simply at an all-time low. But we watched Hobo With A Shotgun next and we all thought it was fucking amazing. Seriously, this one is legitimately good. Exploitation at its finest. Even after the credits rolled, it managed to give us one last laugh. Though I guess you would have to have been a fan of The Raccoons to get that one.


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I kinda want to see it, but I absolutely hated Juno so I've stayed away.


I say give it a go. I've not seen Juno, but i hear a lot of people got put off by the writing for that film. I don't think this film suffers from the same hang ups. I certainly don't think its hilarious, but its certainly interested and the cast all give great performances. The ending leaves you asking questions, and its got a really nice overall presentation.




Not Suitable for Children.


This is a film i truly knew nothing about, and once again it surprised me. I went in expecting another shitty comedy along the lines of 'Knocked up' (or 100 other Paul Rudd films) and i came away pleasantly surprised. 

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The Ghostbusters and The Producers (new), not much to say about them that I likely already haven't. They're fun films, Producers less so I guess. In fact I'd say while Ghostbusters isn't a great film, it is a perfect one. No wasted scenes, well cast actors, good jokes, simple enough storyline, effects that hole up well to day. Probably why it was a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa.


Pretty much everything you could want from a big screen version of Alan Partridge. Apparently, the original cut was approaching three hours long, but unlike Judd Apatow, they knew that this was far too long for a comedy, so it is a nice hour and a half (with hopefully a bunch of DVD/BD extras). Lots of comedic situations and great lines, and it manages to remain funny throughout. My only (very minor) criticisms would be a late plot convenience and that the character doesn't seem 'low' enough at the start; he's too comfortable. It does give him something to lose, but he still had a way towards a rock bottom like before.


If you've never heard of him (why?!), then it's a nice, silly little 'siege' film. It makes comedy out of the mundane and pedantic, so if that's your cup of tea, then this has it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The World's End.  It takes a little longer to get started than Shaun and Hot Fuzz did, but once it does, oh my god.  It is just so fucking great.  My favorite movie of the summer, hands down.  


There was hardly anyone in the theater I was at, though.  Aside from me and a friend there were maybe two other people.  I'm hoping this movie doesn't flop in the states because the general public isn't familiar with the talent.  It really deserves to be seen.

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