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Ender's Game


the visuals were great, the zero g battles were awesome and surprisingly a more than decent adaptation. Any complaint I might have, besides not splitting it into two films and not exploring Ender's compassionate side more, are more the fault of a film restriction than THE film's fault

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Wait, doesn't not exploring his compassionate side completely undermine his character, and the entire plot?


They show glimpses of it from the more obvious shit that he did, but all the inner turmoil and the more intricate indications of the book were too much imho for a movie to adapt. We didn't need 20 minutes of Ender in a cabin crying.

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Thor 2. I don't know if it was better than the first one but it was still pretty great.

My thoughts: Kat Dennings needs to go away. Also we need to see more of the Lady Sif (and the Warriors Three). Most of the movie was spent outside of Earth and it was kind of interesting to see more of Asgard. Idris Elba got a lot more camera time this time around, which was a delight. I was worried Loki's presence would feel forced but it didn't. 

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Thor 2. I don't know if it was better than the first one but it was still pretty great.

My thoughts: Kat Dennings needs to go away. Also we need to see more of the Lady Sif (and the Warriors Three). Most of the movie was spent outside of Earth and it was kind of interesting to see more of Asgard. Idris Elba got a lot more camera time this time around, which was a delight. I was worried Loki's presence would feel forced but it didn't. 


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Based on the previews I'm not a fan of the art style.  I thought Tangled looked better.


At first I thought the art direction of Tangled was better too, but once the movie started to go with the lighting effects, the special effects, and the fabric effects I was blown away.


There is a scene in the movie that, mixed with the song, just had my jaw drop to the floor. Its a shame, because the movie isn't getting a huge amount of advertising right now. Although it will do alright, because most Disney animated movies do well, I don't think its the game changer that the directors and producers were calling it at the event.


The movie on its own is good enough, but the advertising is just non-existent. I asked my girlfriend why, she said that they don't want to scare away the young male audience by calling it a "princess story" or a "sister movie" or a "musical." Problem is, those three words describe the movie exactly what it is.

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The Wolverine. Way better than I expected. it was pretty refreshing to see a superhero movie that didnt try to be the biggest spectacle since the previous super hero movies. Thats summer blockbusters for you.

It also didnt try to be as serious as the batman movies(or as convoluted with twists, it was just really one). Its just a movie. Not for people with ADD and not trying to teach you a lesson or relay a message.
It was also way gorier than pretty much any marvel and dc film...ever. Its not quite as graphic as a Wolverine movie Id love to see, but close enough.


oh, and fuck the comic book fans. Aside from Zack Snyder, no one wants to make a shot for shot, word for word adaptation of a comic book. Just stick to the fucking book and never mind the movies.

Edited by Strangelove
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If they're adapting a specific book/comic/whatever then I would prefer they stay as true as possible (making allowances for the limitations of various media), but if it's just a vague adaptation like "We're going to make a Wolverine movie" then yeah they can interpret stuff however they want.

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Aside from taking place at a very different time, there's a character in it that is....pretty different than the comic. Really different. It worked for the movie though.

I think what they did with The Wolverine was great. They took definite influences from various comic story lines, including that original Wolverine run, mixed in a little bit of Old Man Logan, and did their own thing as well. It worked great. As a comic fan, like you said, I'll never go in wanting a 100% adaption of the comics, nods to the books here and there are great, but somethings work in the books that wouldn't really work on screen (like Wolverine's costumes).


The backlash against Iron Man 3's Mandarin is a good example. What they did was a ballsy fucking move, that NO ONE saw coming. How often do you get a genuine plot twist like that in films? But all the comic fanboys rioted and complained and now apparently they're shooting a Marvel One Shot that's "correcting" the Mandarin. 

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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Thor 2: The Dark World




Once upon a time, ten thousand years ago a Dark Elf from the North of the pre-universe is planning to use the Harmonic Convergence, an event where the nine realms align, and bond with Vaatu/Aethr to turn the universe to darkness for 10,000 years. He's stopped by Hannibal's dad but escapes to fight another day.

Cut to present day where Roy goes on a date with Padme. It's kinda clear she's distracted. Oh and here's a friend to take her away. Poor Roy.

They visit an abandoned factory from Animatrix.

And then beyond continuing the aforementioned comparison with Korra it's mostly it's own thing.



And yeah I'd say it's much better than the previous Thor. Good action, good jokes. Much larger and grander too, and nice to see more of Asgard.



Also any idea why they went with ITV instead of BBC? BBC is world known and tends to seem quite happy to throw it's news service into most shows, though I guess come to think of it that's mostly BBC commissioned shows.

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Quantum of Solace.


Definitely not as bad as I'd heard, but nowhere near as good as Casino Royale (how could it be?). Functions well as a sort of 'Casino Royale: Act 3' (yes, CR has two acts). I think its main problem is that it moves so fast at the start that you kind of just have to go with it, and that most of the action scenes are a bit of a mess. However, the character work is still there and it pays to pay attention to the finer points in order to get the most out of it. The story-telling is 'efficient' as you see this Bond replace his emptiness with a sense of duty and professionalism, while he lives vicariously through Camille's unrestrained quest for revenge (note: Vesper dies in water, while he saves Camille from fire).


Overall though, it's a smarter breed of action film...that sort of screws up the action part.

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It's good. Like, REALLY good. You might begin thinking it's going to follow a cliche Disney plot, but it doesn't. Just that alone feels like a spoiler, but it's definitely a Blu-ray buy for me. I could go on, but the main point I would like to make is that it's original, fun, endearing, and honest. Even the sidekicks were wonderful, which is rare if you ask me. The visuals, and music. GOD THE MUSIC! Ergh, I would see this multiple times.


It's like Tangled for me all over again!

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