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Last Good Movie You Saw


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Another one of those little weirdo-becomes-vigilante films (Special, Super). Some good performances all-round (and Casey Jones from the first TMNT film as a cop, hehe), particularly from Woody Harrelson. The story is fairly predictable but there's some decent humour in there and some nice shots, too.

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The Crash Reel


Documentary that follows the story of Kevin Pierce, a Snowboarder who suffers a life threatening injury in the run up to the Vancouver Olympics. It charts his rise in the sport, and the aftermath of the accident that nearly took his life. It also touches on his rivalry with friend Shaun White, as well as other tragic accidents from the world of extreme sports.


Inspiring, touching, beautifully shot. It might be one of my top films of the year. I went in expecting a documetary about cool snowboarders, I left having watched something that truly left a mark. 

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Desolation of Smaug


I'm actually somewhere in-between on whether this is "Great" or "OK." What it does, it does very well; it's what it does is what slightly bothers me. I'm not very fond of the prospect of this trilogy revolving on a potential war, which is in all truth merely filler. I wouldn't have minded if The Hobbit was a two-part movie, but that's rarely heard of and so we have a trilogy. I'm not fond of what was done with Bard's character, but Smaug I am very happy with. Just, anyone who has read the excellent and easy read that is "The Hobbit," you know Bilbo & Co. are not going to finish him Smaug. Just the nature of this film is a trilogy, so what good would it be to kill off our big, bad dragon? Sauron isn't going to fill that spot: That's The Lord of the Rings.


Though, nearly half the theater groaned when Samug didn't die. Was really tempted to yell out, "You know this is a trilogy, right?"

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I think my biggest fault with The World's End is that they changed the dynamic they had established for two movies of Simon Pegg being the serious one and Frost being the lovable goof. Also throughout the majority of the movie he's insufferable. I still enjoyed it but I'd rather watch Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead if given the option to rewatch.

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I think it was good..?


I'll probably go back and re-watch it at some point in order to make sense of the plot (also, Rosario Dawson in the nuddy). In all honesty though, the film felt like it was trying to keep the truth from me for as long as possible, and whilst that's okay in some films, it didn't work here as I found the big reveal to be a little tame. 


Rosario though. Daaang girl!

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Anchorman 2. I don't know, it was between OK and Good to me. It was longer than it should've been, the plot was well developed but the humor was more random than the first one. The only reason I put it here instead of OK is because of how much I laughed. I laughed so much at the film. Its funny, but its not as good as the first.

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Watchmen: Directors Cut


So I had a hankering to watch Watchmen but I'd lent my copy out so ended up watching Directors Cut. Mostly the same, though some extra elements added with the main change being more Hollis Mason stuff (including death), though it's not the Black Freighter cut. Largely it's just extending some of the scenes that for the most part don't add much like the Hollis Mason stuff does.  Was nice to watch it again and always nice to see where changes are made.

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The Hollis Mason death scene is probably my favorite scene in that movie, it's so goddamn good. They shouldnt have taken it out of the regular cut.


Anyways, I saw The Wolf of Wall Street. It was really good, though at times it felt like I was watching Goodfellas/Casino. Thats not a bad problem to have though. It was fantastic. To be honest, Im a really big fan of the Scorsese/DiCaprio films. I think my generation is supposed to hate DiCaprio, but I think he's a fantastic actor. I can always put on The Aviator or Gangs of New York and not be bored.

Ive never seen Shutter Island though. Not sure why.


I also saw all 3 Daniel Craig Bond films for the first time. I only intended to watch CR, but I got hooked and marathoned the whole thing. Didnt go to sleep til after 5am. Loved them. I hope theres a 4th Daniel Craig Bond in the works. Ive never liked any of the other Bond films very much.

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Yeah it was really well done, was worth watching the Director's Cut just for that scene. I think the theatrical release was already running over by a lot even with them slashing out Black Freighter, and I think the Hollis Mason story arc was the biggest one they could remove without crippling the film as a whole. Then just the little slashes on scenes here and there to trim down a few lines over the whole film. Fuck it would have been a bastard to edit.

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