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UK Politics Thread


EU Referndum  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should UK leave the EU

    • From UK: Should Stay
    • From UK: Should Leave
    • Outside of UK: Should Stay
    • Outside of UK: Should Leave
    • Outside of UK: None of my beeswax
    • Left Leg In UK, Left Leg Out UK: Do the Okie-Kokie (that's what it's all about)

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  On 4/9/2015 at 5:49 PM, Mr. GOH! said:

I'd be livid if I voted for a leftist candidate who turned around and decided to caucus with the Republicans.


Our left and right are a *lot* closer to the middle than your left and right. Even so, I think that is what irked a lot of people.

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My understanding is American Left is still to our right.


And yeah, Lib Dems did surprisingly well last time around, essentially pulling votes from Labour so they're likely to return to their old obscurity after thier "betrayal". I'd say I'd be pissed but I was in a Labour area so not like my vote meant much (and likely won't this time either given still got FTPT cos people are fucktards n "don't want more coalition governments" cos that's totally a problem that's going away anytime soon). As Hottie has noted it seems Greens have replaced Lib Dems as the alt-Labour/left vote (with UKIP now joining in to be the alt-Tory/Right vote). I don't see too much difference between Labour n Tories in many respects. On one hand Tories are much more effective (though they're effective at being dicks), and Labour kinda bit useless n limp. Kinda bummed we ended up with Ed instead of David. Probably gonna be the big issue there (since many vote on the potential PM rather than thier local party). I like that where I live I've only gotten Lib Dem n Labour leaflets in so far *touch wood*. I guess the tories figure not much point, and UKIP probably don't want to waste leaflets on the folks they want out.


I wonder how well Nate Silver would do with the UK political landscape.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 11:21 AM, deanb said:



UKIP have sunk to new lows. Not even Steak Bakes on offer.


I'm pretty sure the "Treating" element here comes in the form of playing a game or two of pool with Jimmy White (under the entertainment category) rather than a sausage roll or two.


"A person is guilty of treating if... they directly or indirectly give or provide any food, drink, entertainment or provision to corruptly influence any voter to vote or refrain from voting."
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Good grief. I can't say I like ukip but this is ridiculous. Jimmy white and sausage rolls is hardly. £10K in a brown envelope under the table. In fact if anything it's going to help ukip as this will really resonate with the PC-gone-mad brigade which are very much the ukip demographic.

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Treating isn't about buying politicians with big sums of money. It's about incentivising people to vote for you by giving them stuff. It doesn't matter how small the incentive is, the point is that elections should be voted on based on the policies of the party / candidate, not on a free lunch.


Of course this will be spun as picking on the little guy and all that jazz, but the rule is you can't buy votes, it doesn't matter what price the vote is bought for. It's a matter of principle, not of scale.


Finally, it's being investigated. Because if you break a law (even as a matter of technicality), and it is reported to the police, they technically have to investigate it, then make a decision, along with the CPS based on amount of evidence, likelihood of conviction and public policy whether or not to follow through with it.


In all likelihood, there will be no charges because it is de minimis and there was no corrupt intent.

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The USA's left party, the Democrats, are more similar to the Tories than they they are to Labour, although local parties and a very small number of individual nationally-elected politicians are closer to Labour or, in some cases, the Lib Dems. The Republicans range from the most right-wing of tories to the BNP.


I bet the Tories will win the plurality in your election. Do you guys think they'd try to form a minority government?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Figure if you americans haven't had a play with this before now. Though obviously your opinions on Trident n EU n such will likely be a bit different if your'e actually in UK.


Oh n current polling via YouGov



My local area is, surprise surprise, currently polling towards Labour.

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Shows what a farce voting is, for all except one of the policy areas voters in my constituency are more right wing leaning yet it's a guaranteed labour seat. Forget two term presidents I don't think you should be allowed to vote for the same party more than two elections on a row. And yes I know that's not really a good idea but it's so frustrating people vote without any consideration.

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Scotland has a Proportional Representation system. For local council elections it even uses Single Transferable Vote, Officially the Most Proportional of all Representation Systems.


And things are good.


Except for Westminster's fiendish meddling.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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