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UK Politics Thread


EU Referndum  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should UK leave the EU

    • From UK: Should Stay
    • From UK: Should Leave
    • Outside of UK: Should Stay
    • Outside of UK: Should Leave
    • Outside of UK: None of my beeswax
    • Left Leg In UK, Left Leg Out UK: Do the Okie-Kokie (that's what it's all about)

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Reminds me of the first (and only) time we ever had parental filter on our net. Couldn't do homework about Romans, and couldn't get directions to scunthorpe.


Just his whole thing of "put the big brains to it" on how to actually solve the problem of specifically filtering these things from the web just reminds me of..well this bit of IT Crowd:



Also it means there's going to a pretty big list somewhere with everyone in the UK who has opted in to watch porn, which is why the whole opt-in is what ISPs wanted, then it's only a list of who don't want porn is leaked. And I've a feeling a FOI request won't reveal which companies are supplying the filtering list, or which sites are being filtered (kinda like the torrent blocks too). UK Politics for you eh? Put Tim Berners-Lee in the olympic ceremony, and then go and lop bits of the web off.


Ah well, if you're not allowed to look at tits and cunts anymore it's going to be hard to look at Tory MP webpages.  :P

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I've been checking the news every day to see the progression.  Having a baby is exciting news.  And, this being the royal family makes it much more interesting.


Plus, I have some damn fixation about the history of royals.  The whole ordeal of re-burying Richard III has had me all worked up.  So, some good royal news is always fun to hear.

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I've been checking the news every day to see the progression.  Having a baby is exciting news.  And, this being the royal family makes it much more interesting.


Plus, I have some damn fixation about the history of royals.  The whole ordeal of re-burying Richard III has had me all worked up.  So, some good royal news is always fun to hear.


I don't mean to boast (......) but i can walk to his recently found burial site in about an hour. Go me!

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You and Revan managed to get blind spot to different sides of my above post.


As time passes it's looking less likely this porn block is going to go through, especially when the MP sponsoring the change has shown herself to be pretty inept at how the interwebs works. Also Cameron's double sided stance that tits on the web is bad, but tits on page three of his BFF4EVAs newspaper is perfectly fine is making him look like a bit of a hypocrite too. Unfortunately Freedom of Information act doesn't apply to the PM's private flat so we'd never find out if he'd disabled it should it be fully implemented. Many folks are also pointing out it won't stop CP and there's plenty of fine ways to block kids from accessing porn, and it turns out 60% of parents already have some kind of web filter in place anyway.

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On the other topic, the songs were much more sung in the spirit of detest of King George.  Fun stuff when looking back at the American social perspective.  But, wouldn't be right to share with you ladies and gents.  I'm not even sure they would allow such songs in the modern elementary school system, as people are way more sensitive these days.

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UKIP councillor says recent spate of flooding in UK is the biblical punishment of the passing of our same sex marriage laws. He'd apparently already warned CAmeron what would happen. UKIP originally defended his "opinion"/"religious views", but have since suspended him. I guess they realised that while they are courting the disenfranchised tory voters and members (many of which did vote against the same-sex marriage laws, including this councillor) they would still need other folks to vote for them to stand a bit of a chance.


It has resulted in this


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Yeah it's pretty fucking retarded, thing is unless I'm missing a gap in my memory this went from "this we might do" suggestion to suddenly being a thing that's being implemented. I can only think of it being there to score points in the Tory camp to gain the back benchers they pissed off by proposing same-sex marriage law. Hopefully it gets scrapped soon, it's terribly implemented idea. But hey, it's the Tories.

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So this throws a big spanner in Independent Scotland. Kinda need money to run a country. It's shit on both sides mind, Independent Scotland should never have assumed they'd get to use the Pound and Osborne is just been a nob and playing politics in saying it'd be an instant no on our front.

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