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So Notch has laid down how the Modding stuff will work for minecraft.

To be frank it's a pretty shitty deal. They're charging developers for the ability to add content and extra value to the game. Then if Mojang decide that they want to implement your mod idea, they "retain the right" to do so. So you pay Mojang however much they decide on, work your ass off and make a mod. Then they just get to stick it right in the game natively as part of your agreement with them. They say they'll "license it" but on twitter Notch pretty much clarified it's a one time lump sum they'll pay. So not really "licensing" it. And if you refuse to their terms, what then? They'll just continue to make minecraft without that feature? (I've actually asked him that, so we'll see if we get a response)


Up to now his only justification for charging modders is cos they release the source code. Not really a justification since the whole point of an API/SDK is you don't need to release the source code, and there's many many mods already made without an API or the source code of Minecraft. So don't really see why they need to release the source.


Considering there's plenty of engines n games there are generally much higher profile than Minecraft give you a properly made SDK/API for free and in cases like UDK have pretty damn good licensing terms that can net you $50K catch free, I think Notch is maybe giving his game and following a bit too much credit.


Also what happens to guys that have made mods already? Will they now be required to cough up a fee? They don't need and haven't needed the source code.



Because of the feedback, we lowered the cost to "free". Sorry about that!


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As time goes on, Notch's amateur status is becoming more and more obvious, it's good that he's still willing to concede to in the face of overwhelmingly negative feedback from the Minecraft community though (then again the customers don't always necessarily know what's best for them).


It's only going to get more and more difficult to balance good business sense and fan service and I wonder how long Notch and Mojang will sustain their 'indie darling' status.

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That's a good point. I mean Notch is clearly raking in the dough and money can quickly go to someone's head. and Minecraft is so open ended, everybodies going to be wanting something or complaining about something. Scrolls is clearly going to be a different approach I think price and content wise. Or maybe I'm wrong. Minecraft clearly has been a run away success for him maybe he's going to try to replicate that with Scrolls and offer the alpha to buy and rise the price as it goes to beta.

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  On 4/26/2011 at 2:04 PM, Mr W Phallus said:

It's only going to get more and more difficult to balance good business sense and fan service and I wonder how long Notch and Mojang will sustain their 'indie darling' status.


Thing is the original concept for how the mod stuff would work was neither good fan service or wise business sense.

If you're a fledgling service you don't want to be putting people off developing for your platform by charging for it.

Where would Notch be if he had to pay a fee to use Eclipse? Part of the whole point of indie n mod development is that it's free to get started and put out your ideas. I can't wonder what kind of off day they had at Mojang where apparently none of them saw an issue in charging for the mod kit. Yeah charge a licensing fee if the modder wants to make cash off it. But if they're adding functionality to your game for free and their own labour you don't charge them for the privilege. Most of them are doing it for love of the game. If they wanted anything from doing mod/dev work they'd user UDK which actually has potential job prospects from it.

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He forgot how it to be poor. Heh.


Well yeah, Notch from the start comes off as a pretty weak business guy with pretty poor business sense. Hell, the dude he hired as CEO should be torched as well for someone in his position for even allowing such an idea to come out in the first place. Though, Notch should of caught it in the first place. :P

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I can understand the logic behind charging for mod licenses...at least in some way... but in practice, it would be an awful idea. I imagine the prospect of more money was tantalising to Notch but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that the idea wasn't spawned out of pure greed or maybe it was and he was trying to see how far the community was willing to let him go.


Regardless, I have a feeling that ideas like this won't be too uncommon with Mojang as they grow but I'm willing to overlook them so long as they remain just ideas.


P.S. Could I get whitelisted for the TAY server? Name is the same as here. I've been meaning to ask but I kept putting it off. I want to check out everyone's work.


P.P.S. People need to stop with this "would of, could of, should of" thing. It's would Have! G'damnit! *ahem* Sorry, just seeing it more and more lately and it's starting to annoy me. :)

Edited by MasterDex
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