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Post your Desktops


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Basically Ethan is so lazy he's not touched his desktop since he first got Win 7 :P

Actually no, it used to be much more cluttered then that, but I cleaned it up because the clutter bothered me. Everything I launch with any regularity is either pinned to the taskbar (Chrome and Thunderbird) or is on my commonly used programs on my start menu, or in the case of games I use Steam to launch them (even the non-Steam games). The desktop is the least efficient way for me to access programs because then I have to minimize things to get them out of the way. It's faster just to use the start menu/task bar.

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This is also my work computer, so I moved a whole bunch of folders/files with confidential project names, etc. Because I know you're all out to steal my secrets! Normally this would have even more Excel files open, but it's Sunday.


You need to host elsewhere. Apparently we don't have permission to access that file.


Basically Ethan is so lazy he's not touched his desktop since he first got Win 7 :P

Actually no, it used to be much more cluttered then that, but I cleaned it up because the clutter bothered me. Everything I launch with any regularity is either pinned to the taskbar (Chrome and Thunderbird) or is on my commonly used programs on my start menu, or in the case of games I use Steam to launch them (even the non-Steam games). The desktop is the least efficient way for me to access programs because then I have to minimize things to get them out of the way. It's faster just to use the start menu/task bar.


I was joking :P. Mostly at you using one of the default theme sets.

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Don't we have this exact same thread in Off-Topic?



yea, I juuuust noticed that.


I don't know how I managed to look right over Dean's thread... my bad.


and Dean, really I think they are the same thing, unless you really meant for your thread to just be sharing walls?


I figured we can post our desktops and if anyone asks for that specific wall just dropbox it or something.






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This is for my laptop's desktop (harahar).




And yeah... it's been like this for a year or so. In fact there's more icons on my desktop you just can't see because there's not enough room.


And no, I don't use them. I've just been too lazy to clean it up for that long.


I basically don't use my desktop except for random storage.


So bad.



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