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  On 4/7/2011 at 10:39 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Because I like to have things sent to the recycle bin instead of deleting them outright because sometimes I accidentally delete the wrong thing, or decided I didn't want to delete it, but I also don't like things sitting in the recycle bin for extended periods of time, so I like it there so I can easily empty it.


tl;dr: OCD



Read Dean's last post. You can put it into your quick launch on the taskbar. It looks good with a large icon and hidden text

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You guys no Shift+delete = Do not pass go, do not collect £200. If you want something gone and know you won't want it later that's the method to use. Then no need to empty the recycle bin. If you're not even bothering to open it to check before emptying outright it's clear your'e confident you don't want anything you've deleted.

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  On 4/7/2011 at 10:39 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
Because I like to have things sent to the recycle bin instead of deleting them outright because sometimes I accidentally delete the wrong thing, or decided I didn't want to delete it,



I always know what's in the recycle bin so I don't need to open it to clear it, but sometimes I accidentally delete the wrong thing or I decide against it so I like having the recycle bin there as a second-chance. I can open it if I need to.

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I didn't even realize Windows 7 had a separate quicklaunch bar, since it's disabled by default and they largely replicated the functionality with the pin-to-taskbar function.


*Edit* - Okay well I did that and you're right the right-click -> empty thing works, but I didn't like the look of it because it put the recycle bin icon at a different height from the other icons. I'm just pinning it to the taskbar and when I want to empty it I'll open it, see how that works.

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I did as bit of rearranging of my fences. Also made proper use of Fences so that some of them are scrolley (there's many more icons in the Multiplayer n Games-To-Beat section. You can see it a bit in the Programs Fence). I've also set up a folder with some cool backgrounds in that I've got going on auto-rotate. I've also finally got around to installing ObjectDock again, but that's set to hide, so it's not shown here. I've yet to properly set it up too.



Oh and for anyone who isn't ThursdayNext:


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  On 4/15/2011 at 4:20 PM, Badmin said:
  On 4/15/2011 at 11:12 AM, Connorrrr said:



My wallpaper is of Excel because I'm gay for him.


Also, I'm aware all of those deadlines for my work have passed T-T


That wallpaper is awesome! I love the colors/texture. Do you have a link to the original still?


You can find the original here: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/097/0/7/Godot_by_L_ement.png


I love it too, I'm a huge fan of Godot <3

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