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Press X or Die


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So I guess we may as well migrate this over.


http://www.destructo...-1-189972.phtml - We're the source bitch!


Also today/yesterday we finally surpassed 30,000. (Looking at todays stats already I think we'll hit another 1000 by the end of the day)

Also by this week we should have our overall GOTY up. Had two surprise personal GOTY's come out from left field. We may or may not wait on them.

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  • 4 months later...

wow, we were looking at only 30,000 overall last time I posted? Holy shit that's a leap since.


Anywho main reason I'm here:


As some of you may know, alongside this place I run a gaming blog Press X or Die

I've been kind of lax on it the past few months with uni work, as have a few others. I've mostly kept myself busy on the side with the TAY newsfeed.

I finish in less than 3 weeks. At that point I'm going to be looking into working on it a fair bit more.


I'm putting out an open invitation on folks who'd be up for signing up and writing with us.

It's all pretty laid back, as it stand no intention of becoming a full blown news site. Also means no income or stuff like that. It would be a "on the side" hobby kind of thing.

At the moment we've got a few guys on this forum already writing for the site in varying degrees. Dave is kind of on reviews duty to Hot heart with his monthly columns, and several guys in-between. (so any questions, they'd be worth asking)

We mostly cover the smaller news. Pretty much anyone can read the top 10 games blogs and they're all generally facsimiles of each other on info. There's not much point copying that. We do cover "big news" now n then. Occasionally we're even breaking it. But for the most part, it's indie games, lesser covered aspects of games industry, original writing, etc. Always looking to expand in new ways though.


Perks of writing on PXOD:

- Press privileges. For the most part that means we get press release n screenshots but also means

- Press access to events like PAX, E3, Gamescom, EG etc. Already got a couple guys signed up for Eurogamer. The time frame means pretty much everything but Gamescom this year is written off though. (normally need 6 months)

- Review codes for games. This isn't "woot free games", we'd expect you to actually do half decent reviews. And as we're small this is mostly indie titles or stuff for XBLA/PSN/DSware. Looking to expand this summer though.

- Potential opening on getting a job in games press if you're interested in going further with it.

- You get a cool @pressxordie.com email address and decrpyter ring. Well you get the email address at least.


So if you're at all interested shoot an email my way. I guess to keep it "professional" send em to deanbmmv@pressxordie.com

If you just want write a single article now or then, you can also toss them our way.


I'll try n get back ASAP, but for the most part not intending to start the ball rolling until about mid-may.

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Oops sorry. I clicked the link at the top. It took me to the black ops link from december. Yeah, im an idiot.


Anyways, id be interested in writing for the site. But i have no idea what id write about. Nowadays i play the ps3 exclusively.


I am full of nostalgia though. And i can not curse when i dont have to.

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Writing skills not really required. As long as it's comprehensible you're a-okay. Ability to commit: not much of an issue either( just ask Ethan :P)


Just so as to not put hopes up too high: Due to the time requirements on registration for things like PAX and E3 you're pretty much shit out of luck on this years stuff. For that I'm kinda sorry. Also as we generate no cash it would be on your own funds, all we can do in the deal is get you permission to poke developers n access non-public areas. Oh and I guess depending on what mood E3 is in that year: actually get you in in the first place.


Edit: SL just reminded me: We're looking into maybe heading into video pieces. Like video reviews. So if you've got a decent voice, the equipment and ability to cut up video we'd be looking for that too. But that's kind of a "not too soon" sort of thing. Still figuring the whole video thing out.

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Well, most people would be happy to be even have the ability to get into the press only events*. I heard that they can be pretty damn nice with some nice swag here and there. Though, those passes prices can be pretty damn steep.


Anyways, I have uni work coming up in the fall, so no go for me. If only I was only in community college. :P


*For example, the San Francisco thing I mentioned about. Press and gaming industry folks only. Plenty of indie folks if I recall.

Edited by MaliciousH
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  On 4/29/2011 at 11:07 PM, Deanb said:
Writing skills not really required. As long as it's comprehensible you're a-okay. Ability to commit: not much of an issue either( just ask Ethan :P)



Yeah, this whole "impending graduation" thing kind of has me distracted from writing for PXOD...

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  On 4/30/2011 at 12:56 AM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 4/29/2011 at 11:07 PM, Deanb said:
Writing skills not really required. As long as it's comprehensible you're a-okay. Ability to commit: not much of an issue either( just ask Ethan :P)



Yeah, this whole "impending graduation" thing kind of has me distracted from writing for PXOD...


Me too :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Righty-ho. It seems applications have stopped.


The new writers we have gained are:







Maybe Strangelove, but I didn't get a response back on that.

Also got a guest article due from "Jake Russel" and Rockyran.


Anyone of those I've just listed don't yet have a GDocs account give me a yell. Have a fish about.


I finish uni end of this week and will start hopefully churning stuff out this coming weekend, so keep your eyes peeled.

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  • 2 weeks later...


A few creases to iron out. Mainly that most posts lack images, the News Bites does wierd things to URL's n @names, we can't auto-tweet posts and the review system needs polishing. But other than that, watcha think?

Also anyone who has recently signed up, or has ever signed up, as a writer, would ya sign on Gdocs at some point. I'll be adding some how-tos soon since the new system has a slight tweak on how posting works.

edit: oh yeah, you also need to hit me up so I can assign you to your account. It only half transfers cos the passwords n shit. So email deanbmmv@pressxordie.com.
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  On 5/18/2011 at 6:25 PM, Nexus said:

Looks quite good. I am impressed.


I will start writing when I return from Spain, so start of June time. Thinking about a follow-up to the Top 53 games.


I think doing the Top 50 or whatever as a feature on PXOD would be great. We could take turns doing write-ups for each of the entries (the ones we voted for of course).

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  On 5/18/2011 at 6:27 PM, P4: Man of the Cloth said:

We just need to access/activate Google Docs on our accounts? Or do you need us to get on the PXOD docs somehow?


Also, regarding the site, I think the logo could be prettied up a bit with borders/gloss etc. I can mess around with it later if need be.


Nah, you should all be getting emails with a new temporary password for logging in to the site. If you don't can someone tell me please.


Gdocs is separate account. I'm just wanting folks to log on as I'm not sure many have. Still plenty folks to pick a colour (you'll end up with Pink, warning ya), and it seems no one has had any questions to ask.

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Put this in TAY on Kotaku to get some feedback about the design and hopefully some more hits...only one person responded but they had some constructive stuff to say at least.


Well most everything is in a good place, easy to navigate, etc. Maybe a little more could be done to differentiate between the page sections; header, nav bar, article slots, etc. If you get a lot of usage out of the search bar it will need to be highlighted or moved. It was the last thing I saw.
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