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The way we do it Strangelove is that each writer picks their person GOTY to write about, and then we all vote. For a brief period of time it looked like no one was going to pick Skyrim; a lot of people had it in their top 2 or 3, but they were all picking different games for number 1.

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Finally Wayne Dawe puts things right. SONIC GENERATIONS WEEEEE

You guys unable to put names to faces? :D


How do you class the game as, "Game of the Year"? Is it by favourite or the ones that you simply think is the best?

Well the nominations are for personal reasons, We don't really have any strong definition of what makes a GOTY. For example for me DX:HR was a masterpiece on all platforms, a rare feat these days. For Hot Heart it was how well Arkham City made you feel like Batman. And so-on-so forth. Once our nominations are all up we convene and have a vote. Essentially our nominations are more to sway the other writers than our readers.

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Yeah, it'll vary due to personal taste and parameters. Rather than going with a game that was extremely polished and worked well on all platforms someone else might think a game that felt completely different, even if it was flawed, is more deserving of recognition, and others, still, might go for the game that had them most engrossed or one they still find themselves playing. It's actually why I'd be quite happy to see The Witcher 2 or Deus Ex: Human Revolution 'winning' instead of Arkham City; they have their flaws, but are also special in their own way.


Personally, as well as Arkham City really capturing that Batman vibe, I felt that the triumph of the mechanics over a flawed story stood out particularly. Especially since I'm usually quite big on RPGs and more open-ended games. I mean, I did all the Riddler content, and I still find myself playing the challenge maps, as well as working my way through New Game Plus.


Overall, though, I think GOTY will serve to give readers a better idea of what the writers are into. For example, I can imagine Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3 and MW3 appearing on other site's lists (maybe only Kotaku for that last one) but certainly not here.

Edited by Hot Heart
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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to publishing my article on the surge of indie development. I had originally hoped to get some quotes from some of the names I dropped but I'm no good at formal emails so things didn't go as I'd hoped. I'm still happy with the article itself however as I had planned from the start for this inevitability - would have been nice if David Perry, at least, got back to me though, he's the real success story of the Spectrum era of indie development.

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  • 1 month later...

So just a minor question:

Would folks be interested in a daily round-up of news articles from around the net?

Mainly a link to said article with some commentary. Maybe cycle between writers each day.


I can't promise much mind, especially as I don't post much as is, and that's while I'm not employed (something possibly changing soon). But I'm hoping a daily post would kick myself in gear to post other things more frequently too.

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