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Press X or Die


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I don't think it is the bar - that provides a nice break between the header(?) and the content, it's the actual box that doesn't stick out. Maybe you expect a text box to be white? I think that's wht it doesn't jump out at you as it;s the same colour as the bar.

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Just a minor PSA: Any new writers who don't have at least one article posted by end of June will be getting the kibosh.

(that is a month that includes E3, and we have plenty of content up for review if folks want stuff to do)


Anyone having difficulty logging in or such, not knowing where to start etc just hit me up with a message and I'll sort it ASAP.

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Technically it's Trjns 15 minutes. But still PXOD got a look in.

Please decipher this sentence.


To be entirely truthful, the image above is commenter Trjn Rabbit's claim to fame. However, by association or some other mention or what have you, the blog site Press X or Die is happy to bask in its brief reflected glory.

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I have something I've been writing without having any idea who I was writing it for. It's not exactly about games, but about the attention and support that the recent months of hacktivist showboating have yielded. If it sounds like the kind of thing that you'd be willing to review to potentially host on the site, I'd be more than happy to shoot a copy over when it's complete.

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