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  • 2 weeks later...

So just curious is there anything you guys would particularly like on the site? Like Cybers Champions Online "Experince Points", reviews on certain games (if their is a game you're interested in we can always make an attempt to ask for review code), etc.


Also as always remember if you'd like to see your work up on the site we welcome guest submissions.


Oh and we'll have Dave at the EG Expo late September. If there's anything you'd like looking at there pipe up. I may be going too but that's totally up in the air at the moment.



edit: btw what are peoples thoughts on the current advertising?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see more Experience Points for other MMO's. I know Cyber has played Champions before writing the articles on it, but I think it could be a fun series for MMORPG's in general. If money is a problem you could stick to free to plays.


Really enjoyed the Champion article, even though I am not a fan of the game itself.

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The Experience Points articles were cool, but let's not forget that Cyber has written those upon just under two thousand hours of experience. So while more experience points articles would be neat, it'll be hard to have quite as much to say, I imagine, if the writer were to go into an MMO with the soul purpose of documenting it in such a fashion.

Edited by Connorrrr
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Yeah a big part of Experience Points is it's a game or series we have a fair bit of experience with. Though if anyone here with time spent on an MMO in the 3 or 4 digits wants to do anything like Cybers war n peace then they can feel free.


On another note it's fun to have access to your own game site and see how people work. Of the 700 people who have currently read the article on TinyBuild uploading their game to TPB, only 4 people have clicked the source and only 2 have hit the "buy" link.

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The Experience Points articles were cool, but let's not forget that Cyber has written those upon just under two thousand hours of experience. So while more experience points articles would be neat, it'll be hard to have quite as much to say, I imagine, if the writer were to go into an MMO with the soul purpose of documenting it in such a fashion.


Doing an article on a MMO is fairly difficult. Obviously, as a RPG, it will take a fair amount of time just to even get to the end game content, and that's excluding PvP, any sort of crafting system, etc.


However, I think as Cyber did... interviews with more experienced players will cover a fair amount of some content missed. I think the problem lies mostly in contact these players, but there are always a few open to talk. I'm starting to miss playing Champions Online, even. :P


I will probably get GW2, and if I think I can I might do a first impressions EP article on it, along with any PXOD writers who want to take a hack at it.

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However, I think as Cyber did... interviews with more experienced players will cover a fair amount of some content missed. I think the problem lies mostly in contact these players, but there are always a few open to talk. I'm starting to miss playing Champions Online, even. :P


I got responses from 3 out of 4 people I contacted, one of them not wanting to do the interview since they haven't been in-game in quite a while. However, the most notable players of CO are very helpful people so I didn't have the trouble I assume I might have had in some other games.


Oh, and Champions gets a new Comic Series in November. I think after you've played the big releases you intend to, checking out CO again might keep you busy for a while.

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