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Maybe you could do something like 4colorrebellion does (the newsfeed below their own articles). I'm guessing if you contacted a few smaller websites you could have an arrangement where you each link to each others articles, so you'd hopefully have viewers coming in as well as going out.

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I can maybe bring the game feed thing back. Though it would mean pushing up my RSS feed consumption to old levels, and I'm not entirely keen on that. Also we don't have the Portal any more so adding the RSS feed like yore will be a mite harder (though I guess it could be added below the current PXOD feed on the front page, and in a similar fashion).


As far as something like the Newsfeed thing goes, I guess a nice implementation, but it'd mean a chunk of work on the site. And while one day in the future(hopefully within the next half year) I'd like to have a bit of a revamp to the site, that's not going to be for a while.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

So end of last year I embarked on a rebuild of the main blog site. With the major handy cap of knowing fuck all about making websites. Rather than let my efforts go to waste here's the site as it is today:




and here's where I got with re-building the site in WAMP




Homepage n such looks okay, but there's a huge issue when you get into some of the articles, especially the review ones. So yeah it's only about 80% done. It's also mainly changing the CSS of the current site, some of the extra code put into the theme we use is gibberish to me so I've no way of changing it. I could potentially put a chunk of what I have up to now into the live site though and provide some kind of change, but I'd rather have a full refresh and just blast it up in the site in one fell swoop. I've a new mate who I think does WP so I might hit him up some point (just the whole "new" part means various boundaries for asking favours)


edit: now I see one of the issues. Yeah if you look it's in the "Review" part of the site, but "Home" is the section highlighted. I don't understand WP enough to know what code I'm meant to be putting in to make the top-level nav change.

Edited by Deanb
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