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games that have made you cry.


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I have a strong weakness for a group of people ganging up on one single person in a way that makes it impossible for them to live.


So rdr and crisis core both made my eyes water at the end.


Actually, any time a group gangs up on one person it always makes me aangry and sentimental. In both fiction and real life.

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not video game, but still:



Haaa. Weird.


I JUST finished FMA: Brotherhood (after having the last six episodes to watch while it was still airing, then getting sidetracked) today, and was thinking about posting in this thread similarly.


Teared up quite a few times at the end!

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I'm a complete crybaby at films - really[/i} bad but I just don't get emotional over games. Maybe it's because you only play the game in bursts I don't get into it so much? I don't know, but it's certainly not because I'm not in touch with my emotions! :'(



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not video game, but still:



I hate you for posting that... :P



As for games, not really "cried" but teary eyed:






Valkyria Chronicles


Lots of emotional moments in those games, specially on VC.

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End of FFX, end of Crisis Core is it to my memory. Both fantastic games. Not sure I was really crying at either but I certainly got a little misty eyed.

the amount that i cried at the end of crisis core, even to i "knew" what was going to happen at the end i swear someone should have won something. esp because the gameplay was bad....

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This might sound weird, but I kinda wanted to cry at the end of Dead Space 2: Severed. If it had been a full story, rather than a teaser for the plot of Dead Space 3, I might have shed one.



Lexine, being immune to the Marker, has obviously been a point of interest. She was a part of a project to, what I've thought about with those immune, to either control or manipulate the powers of the Marker. Not her, but her offspring. So Gabe Weller "served" his part as the scientists said, and she was to be taken away. Gabe doesn't take this well, and goes after his wife. In the end, he must sacrifice himself to allow his love and their child to survive.


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The ending of most FF games make me well up a bit. Especially IX

Vivi :(

, X and X-2, surprised no one else has (seriously) said FFXIII actually, I found the end of that quite emotionally charged. I think part of it is because you invest so much time (comparatively) getting to the end of RPG's so you feel the more emotionally invested.


Also, plus one me for Crisis Core and MGS4.



when sniper wolf dies



EDIT: On the subject of SotC, I felt a little sad inside every time I dropped a colossus. The music did a great job of making you feel like you'd just done something really rather bad.


When you think about it, the colossi are really innocent in all this, they haven't sacked any towns or razed any villages, they're just hanging around in their part of the world till you rock up and bleed the life out of them.


^I don't think that's a spoiler.^ Feel free to mod it if you wish.

Edited by Thursday Next
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EDIT: On the subject of SotC, I felt a little sad inside every time I dropped a colossus. The music did a great job of making you feel like you'd just done something really rather bad.


When you think about it, the colossi are really innocent in all this, they haven't sacked any towns or razed any villages, they're just hanging around in their part of the world till you rock up and bleed the life out of them.

Oh yeah, I agree, I've always felt like it's at least arguable that Wander is the bad guy, or not really "bad", but doing arguably bad things because he's desperate. The colossi are just victims of his desperation.

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Actually, and this is a bit of a leap, it makes me think of "Shades of Grey" - Set in a future distopia where one of the must see attractions is "The Last Rabbit". To see something that is the last of its kind (which is how I thought of each colossi) and then to destroy it... that game made me feel all kinds of conflicted.


I mean, at first there's the apprehension as you enter the beast's lair, then once you've disturbed it there's the thrill of the battle, then once you've slain your foe there's this sense of, loss, sort of. Especially in a land where there are only what 20? creatures bigger than a dog, it seems such a pity to make a desolate landscape even more barren. :'(

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I've not played it (yet) so I may be wrong, but I never thought it was arguable. Sounds like, if you pay a little attention, you'd realise that the Colossi go about their business peacefully and it's you that disturbs them.

I meant arguable that Wander is bad. The colossi are obviously the victims no matter what.

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I dunno, it's not so much that he's tricked as that he's desperate, and willing to do whatever is necessary to save the woman he loves. That, combined with the fact that at first glance the colossi are just giant monsters (and who, especially a gamer, would object to someone killing giant monsters?), leads to this situation.

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