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Firefly Thread


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So who here's a fan of Firefly?

Any favourite moments?


I'm only a recent initiate of the cult, only watched it once upto now but found it highly enjoyable. And yeah I'm somewhat disappointed Fillion didn't get the part of Drake.


I'd say for me one of my favourite parts is where they start the bar fight (with the cool forcefield windows) then as they're about to go over the cliff Wash pulls up with Serenity n tells everyone to go inside :P

Lemme see if i can find it.


Nope. This'll have to do



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I love the series...one of the few sci-fi series I can stand, and the only really good thing to ever come out of Joss Whedon. At first I wrote it off as a live-action Cowboy Bebop wannabe, but it really does have it's own soul.


Have you guys seen the unaired episodes that were on the DVD/Blu-Ray release? I didn't even know they existed until I was in a store one day reading the case. I need to see them...

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Firefly was excellent. I remember seeing the preview for Serenity and thinking it looked like awful cheese, wondering what the big deal was. But then my mom visited for the holiday and I saw it in theaters (since she was a huge fan of the show) and was blown away.


Went back and watched the TV series and loved the hell out of it.


Such a wonderful, unfortunately handled series (Fox strikes again) - still amazed and happy they got their feature film though. That's more than a lot of great TV series can say.

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For me, Firefly is "the one that got away".


Whenever I'm reminded of it, I can't help but wonder what might have been :(


If only it had lasted a few more seasons... It died before it ever had a chance of reaching it's prime, and it was just so damn good. :'(




I may have had a small hand in the death of the series. I took one of those surveys at the mall where they ask you about the show and the commercials looked terrible and I gave it bad marks on the survey. Sorry.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?! :bun-shake:

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I already liked this series, but after seeing the movie I got a whole new appreciation for the narrative as a whole. It offers a satisfying conclusion, but doesn't tie things up so tightly that it can't ever be continued in any way (if only...). My only complaint with the film is...



Wash's death. It was so out of nowhere, which is fine, but almost no time was spent dwelling on it. I get that they were in a bad situation, but he died like a red shirt, and he deserved better.


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One thing that kinda confused me in Serenity...at the beginning they show the doc rescuing River from an Alliance facility. In the show's canon, she was delivered to him by some guys he paid to rescue her. Is it retcon, or is the escape sequence in the movie after the events of the series but before the movie? I saw it and automatically thought "oh this must be prior to the series" but I'm not sure now.

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Film discussion:


I liked Wash's death. It was meant to be shocking and create tension for the climax; keeping you worried that at any moment anyone else could die quite unceremoniously



Heartless, I believe the 'retcon' during the film was a sacrifice to new viewers. Setting up a quick load of background, while keeping it visually interesting. In the series pilot you get that (well-acted) bit of backstory told by Simon, which probably wouldn't thrill film audiences.


Also, look out for Zac Efron playing a young Simon Tam in the series. :P


I'd kinda guessed Book's 'mysterious' background but, apparently, there was a comic that explained it all (although reviews say it's bit rubbish; like the other comics).


It's probably clear I'm a total Firefly nerd (and I love my Blue Sun t-shirt), but I have a talent for remembering pointless shit.


Currently, writing an article about Firefly and Mass Effect 2. Not ashamed. ^_^

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I read the comic that came between Firefly and Serenity that finished the Blue Hands story. Yeah, I wasn't hugely impressed =/ I think there was a more recent series that did cover Book's back-story, though I haven't read those.


Has anyone else seen the video comparing Firefly and Uncharted?





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One thing that kinda confused me in Serenity...at the beginning they show the doc rescuing River from an Alliance facility. In the show's canon, she was delivered to him by some guys he paid to rescue her. Is it retcon, or is the escape sequence in the movie after the events of the series but before the movie? I saw it and automatically thought "oh this must be prior to the series" but I'm not sure now.


It is a sort of retcon but one that works.

Basically in the movie Joss Whedon wanted Simon rescuing River. The retcon is that in Serenity (The pilot episode) Simon, who at this point is still pretty distrustful of the crew, was lying to Mal. Which is something that he is pretty adept at.

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I read the comic that came between Firefly and Serenity that finished the Blue Hands story. Yeah, I wasn't hugely impressed =/ I think there was a more recent series that did cover Book's back-story, though I haven't read those.


Has anyone else seen the video comparing Firefly and Uncharted?







Sent from MY BLOWN MIND.


Except not completely blown.

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