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Simple good PSP games?

Cyber Rat

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I borrowed my friend's PSP for a month or so and my older brother said he wants to play it. He's trying to play MGS Peacewalker at the moment and he's non-gamer fingers are making him rage (mostly because he's moving via analog instead of directional pad, but after a short look, PW has some pretty fucked up scheme even for me).


Are there any good games which aren't brutally hard that you guys can recommend? Is God of War playable for mere mortals? No puzzle or strategy game recommendations, as well as rage inducing sports games.

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I'm gonna assume from what I know of you your PSP is the same as mine.


Field Runners (mini) - It's technically strategy (It's Tower Defence) but it's fun, simple. Maybe a bit too simple tbh.

Tetris (mini) -

Gran Turismo PSP - It's a pretty good game. Shiny looking. Main reason my step-dad picked up a PSP

Riff Everyday shooter is a pretty good twin stick shooter that combines with music.


There's a fair few PS1 games that are always good.

Unfortunately most of my collection is JRPGs, which might not be suitable.

If he's into JRPGs, then I'd recommend Disgea. Very grindy, but fun and simple enough.

And most PS1 and remade PSP Final Fantasy games.

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I second Loco Roco - only uses the two shoulder buttons!


|God of War I only played the demo, but that wasn't difficult and trust me when I say I am AWFUL at videogames - you can just button mash if you don't want to employ tactics.



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God of War is handy enough to play. It can be challenging but it's not what I'd call a hard game. If you're looking for something much easier, I'd recommend Ratchet and Clank or Daxter, they're not great examples of their series but they're decent enough. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is pretty easy to play too, as is Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

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