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  On 12/18/2010 at 3:55 PM, brida said:
  On 12/18/2010 at 2:18 PM, D-K said:

The change in combat allows me to purchase this game as well. I skipped the first one because I like to actually control my character and stab shit, not clicking stuff to death. I now finally have my RPG-heavy action RPG. Huzzah!


With this and ME2 in januari, I'm probably good on story for a while. I'm not much for shooters, but I'm willing to make an exception for MEII having seen everybody hype it 7 ways from sunday.

If you're not much for shooters then i would think that ME1 would be a better fit for you. The story takes a backseat in 2 for the most part in comparison, too.


I don't own an Xbox and I don't want to play it on my laptop, I am thus limited to the sequel.

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  On 12/18/2010 at 3:55 PM, brida said:
  On 12/18/2010 at 2:18 PM, D-K said:

The change in combat allows me to purchase this game as well. I skipped the first one because I like to actually control my character and stab shit, not clicking stuff to death. I now finally have my RPG-heavy action RPG. Huzzah!


With this and ME2 in januari, I'm probably good on story for a while. I'm not much for shooters, but I'm willing to make an exception for MEII having seen everybody hype it 7 ways from sunday.

If you're not much for shooters then i would think that ME1 would be a better fit for you. The story takes a backseat in 2 for the most part in comparison, too.


  On 12/18/2010 at 2:07 PM, Mr. GOH! said:

DA1 is too easy even on Nightmare. Except the goddamn spider boss in the dwarven tunnels. That things is the hardest enemy in the game and I'm not ashamed to admit that I lower the difficulty level for that boss alone.

Questions: what platform, who was in your party, and what did you spec for? These things can change your difficulty dramatically--PC is 'harder' but the interface was made for it, there are definitely way better team members than others, and definitely some better classes than others and only a handful of USEFUL specs.




PC. Two-Handed warrior; dual rogue; curse and cold mage. The easiest was the dual rogue, oddly; mages are obviously overpowered. But my little elf rogue could sidle around behind most enemies and just cold murder them. I micromanaged her quite a bit and left my mages and warriors to tactics.

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So yeah, I started today. I'm liking it but it took a bit to get used to the gameplay since I don't recall playing these sort of RPGs much. So far my merry band of a dwarf, a human, a witch and a dog is going pretty well. I'm sure I could do better but yeah, learning as I go. That one orge took me a few tries to take down but with some adjustments, it went down pretty easily.


So yeah, Scoria and Tuff AWAY!

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  • 9 months later...

I have the Ultimate Edition, but I havent played any of the dlc stuff. Any of it worth it?

It also seems to be that most if not all dlc missions dont carry over to the main game. Theyre not all connected like Mass Effect 2. But at the end you get stuff for the main game. So should all the dlc be done before they main game so you have all that stuff? Or afterwards? I just hate having to start a new game just for dlc each time. Unless Im getting it wrong.

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  • 5 months later...

Alright fellas, I purchased DA:O 360 when it came out (actually, might have got it for Christmas...)... was sort of enjoying it, but I got to a point where there's a tower and I was a mouse or something, got fed up and quit. But lately, my experience with RPG's has increased, and I think I might actually really like it now. So should I pick up the "Ultimate" version on PS3? (Basically I'm looking to be talked into this, so tell me what you liked about it).

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The problem with Awakening for me is that it gave me the impression the story of DAO dealing with Morrigan and the mom wouldn't be tossed aside by the next title. Then DA2 came out and it was all


DAO spoilers below



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I mean what was the fucking point of telling me this whole story with Morrigan if we were gonna toss it aside afterwards in favor of Hawke?


I hope DA3 at least attempts to tie in Dragon Age Origins with DA2.

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  • 2 months later...

DA2. So I've been up for 24 hours now playing this game. Well... playing and trying some mods to improve some things here and there. And breaks, eating and watching TV, of course...


I was a fan of Neverwinter Nights. However, I found the system for DAO, while similar to NWN, was too much work for me. I did play this but not to completion.


Anyway, I got DA2 from the Amazon store, and I've been having a lot of fun with this game. The "dumbed down" aspect kinda appeals to me, and I like the feel of combat. Not saying it's right to dumb down DA when everyone else was expecting another DAO but that's beside the point.


I guess it does look like a "Step back" from DAO. I remember DAO's environments being more lively. This game's outside world and towns and dungeons are a little flat. The one thing I am really enjoying though is Hawke. My Rogue Female Hawke likes to makes jokes and is sarcastic. Conversations are never dull.


Just some screenshots...


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I'm thinking of getting some of the DLC now, but dammit they're more expensive than the game itself. I got the game for $5 and the Exiled Prince is I think $6.99. Oh well, we will see... Gotta get some sleep now...

Edited by eleven
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oh boy, i just started this game. i've got several other games going, but i'd bought this Ultimate Edition a couple weeks back and hadn't really given it a chance.


i'm about 4 or 5 hours in, with an elven lady mage (i usually make sneaky rogues but i thought i'd branch out for this game) and having a ton of fun. i'd popped the disc in back when i first bought it, but something about the combat system totally didn't click for me so i put it away til now. honestly, just learning that you can pause the game via the radial menu and set up attacks that way was a revelation, and something the game should probably have tried to teach me about.


anyways, needless to say this time it clicked and i'm already having a ball. i think i'm gonna toss Morrigan out of my party, even though i've heard great things about her character. there's only room for one sexy lady mage and it's ME.

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honestly, just learning that you can pause the game via the radial menu and set up attacks that way was a revelation, and something the game should probably have tried to teach me about.


Wait... they don't teach you that? I don't recall ever having any problems with it.


In terms of mages: You could have two. One for healing and one for attacking. The attacker can even be a backup healer when shit hits the fan.

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