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Dragon Age


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I. frigging. love. Dragon Age. It's seriously amazing.

Seriously.... It's almost my GOTY this year... And it was released last year.

My most anticipated title for 2011 is, you guessed it, Dragon Age 2.

My original play-through was as a City Elf. I'm currently playing as a Dalish, and will definitely be going through the other origins, too.

This thread is for all things Dragon Age.

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I loved this game so much, played through it like 3 times back to back immediately after it came out, but I've never been able to get back into it. I even bought Awakening but haven't even taken the plastic wrap off yet.

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  On 12/12/2010 at 4:47 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

I loved this game so much, played through it like 3 times back to back immediately after it came out, but I've never been able to get back into it. I even bought Awakening but haven't even taken the plastic wrap off yet.


Send it my way. I'll play it for you. That's just the kinda guy I am. Boundless generosity.

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If you get it for PS3, make sure you patch it (most people do, but I know a few people who usually don't). There are some issues with the game out-of-the-box, but patches fix em. But yeah, fantastic game, and it still plays great on the PS3. DLC wise, make sure you get Stone Prisoner (it comes free with new copies), because it adds Shale, maybe the best character in the game... well, ONE of the best, Alistair is pretty amazing. I would also get Leliana's Song and the Darkspawn Chronicles, which are separate campaigns, but very interesting. Witch Hunt, Warden's Keep, and Return to Ostagar you should only get if you're really in love with the game, because they're not great DLC, honestly- not terrible, but too short and disappointing. Haven't played the Golems of Amgarrak.


Great, great game. Liked it better than ME1, but not ME2, methinks. Got Dragon Age 2 preordered, though- can't wait to play as Hawke!

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I had a problem arise with my save files in trying to figure out which was what and they were all deleted.


Now I need to literally go through everything again to get to where I was with Awakening.


Though I'm personally not too enthused about Dragon Age 2, as it seems like they're turning it into Fable.


Fable is great, but Dragon Age was the only type of game it was on the current gen consoles. Keep it that way.

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Question: I have the Digital Deluxe edition via steam, and no dlc.



Does the Ultimate edition come with (in game) stuff from the Deluxe?


Thinking of buying Ultimate and importing my save game from the DD, but don't want to deal with a bunch of invalid problems.

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  On 12/13/2010 at 6:53 AM, staySICK said:

Question: I have the Digital Deluxe edition via steam, and no dlc.



Does the Ultimate edition come with (in game) stuff from the Deluxe?


Thinking of buying Ultimate and importing my save game from the DD, but don't want to deal with a bunch of invalid problems.



As far as I know, the Ultimate Edition is *everything* Dragon Age. Your save should be compatible.

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  On 12/12/2010 at 7:00 AM, Strangelove said:

I stopped playing it after about 15 hours. Its amazing. I dont know why i stopped and Im not sure if I can even pick it back up again. I seriously dont remember what the last thing I did was.


I had the same issue. Once I got to Denerim, I just got overwhelmed by the mass of quests and places to go and stopped. I tend to do that lately with open-world RPGs, etc - get overwhelmed and stopped.


It took me till a few months ago, a full year later, for me to start playing it again.


And I quickly fell right back in love - boy, was that game amazing.


The ending truly felt epic - and not in the overused sense of the word, but in that you really feel like you made an impact on the world.


It was great.


I didn't finish Awakenings though - hardly played it. For some reason, I just couldn't get into it.


Despite all the loathing people have for DA2, due to how it's changing, I really don't mind. I loved the first one, I'm sure I'll love this one too.


And change can be a good thing in sequels. I mean, Awakenings was basically DA, but more of it, and that didn't really do it for me - so I'm optimistic about the change.

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I'm in the position of seeing Dragon Age as a chore. I beat it once on the ps3 and enjoyed it very much. Then I got a new pc with waaay better specs and picked up the PC version. But then other games started coming out and I got distracted. Now I have to force myself to finish the PC version so I can import my save into DA2 on the PC.

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  On 12/14/2010 at 2:51 AM, TheForgetfulBrain said:
  On 12/12/2010 at 7:00 AM, Strangelove said:

I stopped playing it after about 15 hours. Its amazing. I dont know why i stopped and Im not sure if I can even pick it back up again. I seriously dont remember what the last thing I did was.


I had the same issue. Once I got to Denerim, I just got overwhelmed by the mass of quests and places to go and stopped. I tend to do that lately with open-world RPGs, etc - get overwhelmed and stopped.


It took me till a few months ago, a full year later, for me to start playing it again.


And I quickly fell right back in love - boy, was that game amazing.


The ending truly felt epic - and not in the overused sense of the word, but in that you really feel like you made an impact on the world.


It was great.


I didn't finish Awakenings though - hardly played it. For some reason, I just couldn't get into it.


Despite all the loathing people have for DA2, due to how it's changing, I really don't mind. I loved the first one, I'm sure I'll love this one too.


And change can be a good thing in sequels. I mean, Awakenings was basically DA, but more of it, and that didn't really do it for me - so I'm optimistic about the change.


The game is so awesome that i wouldnt mind starting over again to finish it. Hmmm.

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So this is the PC combat video that Bioware put up yesterday. It's mostly showing the same things it had last time.
I'm kinda disappointed that they removed the tactical view (Which is going to make planning out the pause-tactical type play a bit fiddlier than it needed to be.)
Especially as part of the excuse was it'd allow for nicer things on the ceiling, then the video they show off PC combat it's got no ceiling. I wouldn't mind seeing how claustrophobic it gets inside buildings.

Action bar looks nice, but I prefer the oldey worldey fantasy bar tbh.
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The change in combat allows me to purchase this game as well. I skipped the first one because I like to actually control my character and stab shit, not clicking stuff to death. I now finally have my RPG-heavy action RPG. Huzzah!


With this and ME2 in januari, I'm probably good on story for a while. I'm not much for shooters, but I'm willing to make an exception for MEII having seen everybody hype it 7 ways from sunday.

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  On 12/18/2010 at 2:18 PM, D-K said:

The change in combat allows me to purchase this game as well. I skipped the first one because I like to actually control my character and stab shit, not clicking stuff to death. I now finally have my RPG-heavy action RPG. Huzzah!


With this and ME2 in januari, I'm probably good on story for a while. I'm not much for shooters, but I'm willing to make an exception for MEII having seen everybody hype it 7 ways from sunday.

If you're not much for shooters then i would think that ME1 would be a better fit for you. The story takes a backseat in 2 for the most part in comparison, too.


  On 12/18/2010 at 2:07 PM, Mr. GOH! said:

DA1 is too easy even on Nightmare. Except the goddamn spider boss in the dwarven tunnels. That things is the hardest enemy in the game and I'm not ashamed to admit that I lower the difficulty level for that boss alone.

Questions: what platform, who was in your party, and what did you spec for? These things can change your difficulty dramatically--PC is 'harder' but the interface was made for it, there are definitely way better team members than others, and definitely some better classes than others and only a handful of USEFUL specs.

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