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Are there any suits after the advanced? Or should I blow all my credits on power cores?


There are "Elite" variations of each suit after completing the game. At least, I think each suit has an elite version. They all have the same armor and inventory slots, the difference being the bonuses they give. :P


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Well I finished the game about an hour ago. Absolutely loved it.

I agree with what Strangelove said about them taking a few pages out of Uncharted 2's book.

Some parts just felt very similar. Like



when you slide down the train and end up hanging upside down and have necromorphs coming at you. Very intense cinematic moment, yet you remain in control.



Stalkers are fucking assholes, though. And



that regenerating necromorph was getting on my nerves after a while! At first, I shot him and saw that he grew new limbs, so I thought "Oh, hey it's that guy again. Cool!" Then I stasis'd him and moved on, figuring he'd show up again soon enough. But during that stretch when you're running for the marker, I was getting so sick of running into him! At some point I just started stasis'ing him and moving on without shooting at him.


Also, I absolutely loved returning on the Ishimura, and when I entered the room where he originally broke out of the glass tank, I immediately thought of him and started being a bit nervous about running into something similar. But then nothing happened and I just figured he would not return...



I pretty much used only the plasma cutter all the way through. I grabbed the Pulse Rifle but only used it when I ran out of ammo for the plasma cutter. I just didn't feel the need to get the other weapons. I beat the original DS on Hardcore using only the plasma cutter last summer... Plus, on my first run of the original, I had a pre-order code to unlock the Scorpion Suit, so I never had to purchase the advanced models, which meant I had more than enough cash to buy every single weapon pretty quickly, and ended up not having a single fully upgraded gun by the end of the game. The cash I saved on not buying weapons allowed me to get every suit almost as soon as I found the schematics.



Overall it seemed shorter than the first one. :(

Took me a bit under 8 hours to finish it, and I'm pretty sure the original took me a solid 10.

Was also a bit disappointed by

how there were no proper boss fights except for the last one,

but that's a very minor complaint.

Edited by FLD
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For me, the Ripper is, by far, the most useful weapon in the game.



So far, all the weapons I'm using are the old ones from the first game (Refurbished Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, Pulse Rifle, and Ripper). The only difference is I'm using the Line Gun instead of the Force Gun this time around. However, I did get that one rifle weapon, the one where you zoom in for more power. It has its moments where it's truly effective, like the Brute fight.

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If I had to pick a least useful weapon, it would probably be the flamethrower or the mine launcher. Flamethrower would be good but it goes through ammo like a son of a bitch to kill even one slasher. The mine gun...well, the things take a couple seconds to deploy, and that doesn't help you when something is charging down a hallway at you at full speed.

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If I had to pick a least useful weapon, it would probably be the flamethrower or the mine launcher. Flamethrower would be good but it goes through ammo like a son of a bitch to kill even one slasher. The mine gun...well, the things take a couple seconds to deploy, and that doesn't help you when something is charging down a hallway at you at full speed.

It's why I stuck with the Line Gun. If I need a mine, I'll stasis the enemy and set out a timed mine. Still, that's rarely a strategy I use. I'll only use the Flamethrower when I go for the "Kill an enemy with all weapons" trophy.

Edited by Atomsk88
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I dunno, but I'm missing that "Elevator Action" trophy. I'm assuming you have to kill all the Tormentors before the elevator stops? I dunno, I wasn't able to look it up, but that seems the only logical reason why I would be missing that hidden story trophy.


Yep, you have to kill them all.


I haven't used the ripper yet, but again, the pulse rifle was one of my favorite weapons. :P

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If I had to pick a least useful weapon, it would probably be the flamethrower or the mine launcher. Flamethrower would be good but it goes through ammo like a son of a bitch to kill even one slasher. The mine gun...well, the things take a couple seconds to deploy, and that doesn't help you when something is charging down a hallway at you at full speed.


Though I don't use the Flamethrower either, I consider it and the Pulse Rifle to be crowd control weapons. The only time they're really handy is for dealing with the young necromorphs and the floppy goo-like things that come out of the fatties, otherwise I have no use for them. Personally, I use the Force Gun to deal with those enemies since it is just as useful against larger ones.


As for the the Mine Gun, while it does seem made for one enemy, I can see it being used defensively. If you really want to take the time you can set them up near air vents behind you as you press forward, but then you'd have to diffuse them all if nothing happens.


On an unrelated note, I know I'm being nit-picky here, but is anyone else bothered by questionable light sources? I can't help but passively scan every light source as I play and I notice a number of them aren't coming from anywhere that make sense. I know its for the horror aspect of the game, but a number of these light sources are solely for the purpose of being dramatic. Some are too strong for being a reflective light, and others, while direct, provide almost no ambient lighting whatsoever.

Edited by SanaEquiesterer
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The Force Gun is the best crowd control weapon, period! If I hadn't already bought five weapons, I would have went with it. While the Line Gun can have great width, you have to angle it right to get the most use when taking on multiple enemies. The Force Gun on the other hand has great radius and pushes enemies back.


Now, is it just because I'm playing on Survivalist, or are some of the older enemies tougher now in Dead Space 2. Like say those Crawlers (two arms, a tail) for example. They use to be pretty easy pickings back in Dead Space, but now they're fast!

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Alright, I finished the game just now! I have to say, the final battle can be tough if you almost exhausted your supplies fending off the elite necromorphs and the ubermorph/regenerator. It's good I didn't use the last save, so I went through those necromorphs twice and made sure to save some health items.


Even then, my strategy was to run around the "arena" until all those shadow things popped up and mow them down, gaining more ammo. It did take a few tries, what with...



Nicole popping up in front of me sometimes.



I'm definitely getting the Force Gun in New Game+... Oh, and I remembered someone saying you could kill the Ubermorph, but there was no option in the game really. I looked it up, and are people saying the giant fan is the proper way? Heck, that last minute before the final battle was kinda confusing. Like, yeah there's a giant fan, but there was also a door that lead to a ledge.

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I'm not even going to attempt Hardcore. I mean, I'm going through Zealot now in New Game+, but the whole "Only 3 Saves" would offer unto me so much rage. Like, your first save couldn't be until about Chapter 6 or Chapter 7. If you screw up once, all the way back to the beginning, and I'm someone who absolutely hates redundancy.

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I just finished chapter 11 and I came across an issue with the PC version.



When Stross catches Isaac by surprise and tries to stab him in the eye,

no matter how fast I mashed the E key, it would not register.


I look up the issue, and it has happened to other players, though it isn't that common. It happens because the FPS are faster than the refresh rate of the screen, so if I want E to register I would have to be pressing it at an inhuman speed. To fix it I had to force v-sync and triple buffering with Catalyst Control Center and disable v-sync in game.


Really, Visceral? Really? Didn't you learn from this mistake with the first Dead Space? The exact same fix had to be used in DS1 to get the mouse lag to become less than noticeable.


Not having a very modern-gaming friendly PC for a decade has really kept me in the dark about how shafted PC gamers are getting in some cases.

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While on my 2nd round (Zealot), I'm also trying to get some trophies. Man, at a higher difficulty, some of these trophies become more of a pain. I got the Line Gun Alt trophy by Stasis of The Pack, but I'm trying my best to maintain The Nanny. I don't have the Force Gun, so this is a bit tougher. It would have helped if I realized Crawlers were the babies, not those other exploding Necromorphs. Probably would have received the trophy since last game I would have more.


You think I can get 12 Crawlers after the school area. I know they appear later still, but it can't be many more, and in the heat of battle I could be stupid. -_-

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