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I think the only real question is what happened to Nate. Like, was he really that Necromorph, or in the three years after Extraction, did he go somewhere else?


Lexine and Gabe, well, we can assume a standard relationship flow. They arrived on the Sprawl, wherein Gabe became employed in Security, whereas Lexine could have done something too. With their prior experiences, they formed a connection. So, going on dates, some more intimate moments, eventually Gabe popped the question and Lexine accepted.


A little intercourse later and the bun is in the oven. With a little more time, Necromorphs are on the loose! Truth be told, if you wanted to know more of the outbreak, EA put that stuff in the Dead Space mobile game.

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Since all of these are extraction spoilers:


Actually the view was from Gabe's eyes since that's the last person we played. Plus well Gabe pretty much did infer that Nate and Lexine were young and possibly attracted to each other. The fact that it's unlikely for Nate to be a Necromorph since he wasn't dead or technically infected (unless they retcon it).


Most of the outbreak was actually covered in the 6 issue mini series comics. From how they discovered the marker to the protests, to what went on in P-Sec before it all collapsed.


The thing is you can't just say Lexine and Gabe just partnered together. There's a lot of factors. I mean that's assuming Nate died, he went elsewhere. But a natural progression of the game's story doesn't lend to belief that someone who developed a familial relationship of father-child in one game despite being 3 years apart suddenly becomes spousal. It's not improbable but it's not the most likeliest of outcomes. Not to mention they're over 20 years apart. Post-crisis relationships don't work out entirely that way except well in something like Robotech.


To me it most likely seems that the story was written because they couldn't get the actor who played Nate to reprise his role which suddenly switched the plotline from Nate to Gabe.


The whole timeline of the first outbreak was covered in the comic, who Nolan Stross was covered in the film Aftermath, the outbreak on the sprawl was covered in the iPhone game but none of that explains what went on in the three years they were together. Obviously certain characters are missing but it's most likely for DS3.



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You may have played as Gabe last, but the scene was after the credits. As Lexine was in sight, it was either Gabe, Nate, or possibly a Necromorph that got aboard the shuttle. Of course, how the heck does a Necromorph stay hidden for so long...


Otherwise, you could chalk it up as a hallucination. It's what became of the Dead Space [1] ending when Dead Space 2 begins.


Nate is relatively the same age as Gabe, as both fought in the Resource Wars. Either male Lexine could have hooked up with was going to be older than her by many years. Perhaps they couldn't get the actor for Nate, or maybe Lexine will meet up with Nate somewhere else. The point of Severed was to further the ability Lexine possesses, and how there is something larger than Unitology and EarthGov trying to use the Marker.


Of course, if you've read Martyr, you're already aware of the connections between organizations hundreds of years in advance. Even Aftermath reveals a bit much, though unrefined, as far as the Overseer and shady nature surrounding many branches of government in the Dead Space universe.

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I agree that while it seems impossible for a Necromorph to stay hidden for so long it could be a hallucination, one of them or even possibly the same thing as witnessed by Isaac at the end of DS1.


As for Nate being the same age due to fighting in the same war, that while plausible is a bit less so. I mean they were comrades at arms, could mean that they were several years apart as you don't need to be the same age to serve in a war. Not to mention Gabe refers to Nate as kid a few times instead of a callsign or something else which shows that he had some seniority in rank or age to Nate. He's definitely older, not to mention the character model also looked older.


Either male would have been older, but the plausibility of Nate ending up with Lexine was greater than that of Gabe ending up with Lexine given the circumstances of the two stories.


Severed was like you said to extend the story. it was exposition really for DS3 rather than something else. P.S. a little off-topic but there's making of videos and other assets on the disc of DS2.


As it stands, there was very little interaction between the two characters within the expansion, no interaction on a romantic level the previous time we come across them. As a standalone it's alright, but as a continuation of the story of those two characters it isn't quite plausible.


Though if Nate does return with a bionic arm we'll obviously have a bionic commando pun - it doesn't seem like the DS team would waste a pun like that.

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  • 1 year later...

I knew we had a Dead Space thread somewhere!



Kinda a big development given that all we've done in the series is use nodes to upgrade stats. What little we see though looks like a third-person dual wielding solution. At one point it almost looks like Issac is holding a Line Gun and Ripper combination. I'm sure there will be opportunities to mess with the stats of your creation, but still seems like they're giving the less popular weapons a function.


Seriously, the flamethrower has rarely ever been good.


EDIT: Oh, and I guess we could call this the "Dead Space" thread. ^_^

Edited by Atomsk88
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  • 5 months later...



Dead Space 3 will be Free-2-play and be powered using micro-transactions. Oh wait no, it's still a $60/£40 game, will still have microtransactions though.


PAR goes a bit more in-depth on it all:


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Personally, I'm not too worried about the game "breaking it's logic," and this is about on par with ME3's multiplayer packs that you could either earn credits in-game, or just buy with real money.


There's a market out there, and while I'll never throw money at it, people who blow their wallets on virtual items won't hesitate. Now, if there happens to be ridiculous upgrades that seem to only be viable if you were to purchase these components, then I'd be pissed. Think something like Kingdom Hearts' Ultima Sword where one item was from a certain enemy from a certain world has a drop rate of 10%.


Don't want to do that? Drop five bucks.

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I was just about to type 'Why not just shoe-horn this into the multiplayer modes'. Then I realised, Dead Space 3 has no competitive multiplayer modes.


It won't stop me buying the game eventually, and when I do buy the game, I never will use this but...this is just terrible. If the game were free or at a reduced price, it would be acceptable. Can we at least have an option that appears when you start a game saying 'I don't want to be offered micro transactions in this game run' or whatever.

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Demo is out on PS3 tonight, so I'm downloading all 2GB of it with my crap Internet connection.


As far as not being offered microtransactions, just don't push said button at work benches. Unless they're going to bombard us with microtransactions elsewhere, it doesn't seem that intrusive. Having watched (and loved) the Game Grumps episode of the demo, in their 35 minutes, they came across two work benches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly there's no need for buying materials, but I'm starting to suspect that RIG stations were put far and few so anyone who wants to upgrade, but previously spent materials on crafting items and is running a little low, will be tempted to buy to make an upgrade or two.


Right now, I passed a RIG station two chapters ago and barely had materials to make even the first health upgrade because I used them for some ammo clips and small health packs.


EDIT: But as a heads up, you will come along moments like in the video. Don't forget, like in the last two games, to stomp an item out of a dead necromorph! If you leave rooms, those corpses will probably disappear when you enter again.

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I believe the intention was respawning materials, but the hindsight is that a few areas can be farmed with little effort. The game is designed around checkpoints, so "save and quit" and you'll go back to the last checkpoint, but have all the materials you collected from last time because your inventory is saved.


Honestly, I'm not making a lot of weapons. Even when you get the weapons everyone gets (because it's still the limited edition), they're slightly better variants of the standard models. I made an entirely different weapon with a limited edition part, but everything else is the standard weapon parts you can craft. Considering I'm a Dead Space veteran, I've been able to find almost all the upgrade chips so far. My secondary melee weapon is a beast, even on Hard difficulty.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Supposedly Dead Space 4 has been canceled in pre-production because DS3 didn't make its sales target.  Cue debate about whether it was because it moved away from its horror roots.


*Edit* - A commenter on the RPS article suggested that the fact that it's not on Steam could have contributed at least to lower PC sales.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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