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Damnit! Because of an unforeseen financial setback, I found myself unable to pre-order and I won't be able to get the damn game for at least a few weeks, maybe less if I'm lucky :(


That being said, I thought the latest PA was hilarious :lol:




I'm justifying that by telling myself a broken ribcage is better than them resurrecting as Necromorphs via those manta ray thingies. Seriously, it's not about the money!

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I know we got eleven months to go, but this is definitely a goty contender.

Case in point: Mass Effect 2


Just because a game comes out early in the year, doesn't mean you can ignore it in the runnings. :P

I think he was just acknowledging that since it's early in the year he can't yet compare it to the games that haven't released yet.

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Played some multiplayer rounds today, I found it really fun, though it basically boils down to:


Human team: Let's go running, get killed, respawn, run, get killed, respawn, take objective, get killed, respawn, run again, and that's it until you win the round :P


Necromorph team: Go, damage human, get killed, respawn, kill human, possibly kill another human, get killed, respawn, rinse and repeat until you win. :P


Even so, it's a fun mode :P


So yeah, now that I've finished the campaign, I'm up for some PS3 matches if anyone wants to play :P

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I'm mired in grad school homework, so I can't play anymore DS2 this weekend. :'(


But I can put on some Netflix streaming while I finish some menial work! I've chosen what I consider to be a fantastic companion piece: 2010: The Year We Make Contact




In case you've never seen it (or read it) there's some very creepy Dead Space-esqe moments.


I also just realized how fucked up it is that the movie takes place in the future (2010), and it's actually 2011 now. yeesh.

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Finished the game last night. Vast improvement over the first and I cannot believe that the main character is so likeable. HE HAS COMMON SENSE! I have not seen that in a very long time. And I liked the ending. I pretty much liked everything about the game except how objects I was carrying kept vanishing during zone transitions.


I finished the game with using almost only the plasma cutter and stasis. I think I used maybe a total of 12 detonator mines and 6 lines from the line gun. ThursdayNext's strategy still seems to work. You almost only get ammo for weapons you are carrying and there seems to be a very small chance for stuff you don't own. Sold linegun ammo during the whole game and upgraded the Rig, Stasis, Plasma Cutter and Detonator to the max.



And I loved the beginning of the final battle: "FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR MARKER"


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I liked the ending, though to be honest, I was expecting

Isaac to go crazy and kill Ellie (That's her name right?)... Or something like that :P

But I liked the way they handled it. What I really wasn't expecting was the dude at the end, you know the

necromorph that just won't die and just regenerates every time you blow him up :P

the path towards the last fight was really tense thanks to that guy.


Also, I'll say this, the Zealot gun you get with the special edition is awesome, but it fails at killing leapers. :P

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I liked the ending, though to be honest, I was expecting

Isaac to go crazy and kill Ellie (That's her name right?)... Or something like that :P

But I liked the way they handled it. What I really wasn't expecting was the dude at the end, you know the

necromorph that just won't die and just regenerates every time you blow him up :P

the path towards the last fight was really tense thanks to that guy.


Also, I'll say this, the Zealot gun you get with the special edition is awesome, but it fails at killing leapers. :P



minor Dead Space 1/2 spoiler


The un-killable necromorph was in the first Dead Space. You mostly just run away from him, but at one point you do fry him with the engine from the shuttle.



I enjoyed the intensity of the ending.

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Turns out you can kill the regenerator in ds2. Theres a fan or something you can throw him into.


Also, isaac was done so well as a character. Just a bunch of likable things: hes middleaged, not very attractive but not ugly either, he actually emotionally progresses as the game keeps going, he can be charming without being too cocky, and despite how bleak ds2 is, theres still a shred of humor in it as fighting necromorphs becomes the norm. Ds2 gets less scary as you go on because you keep fighting more and more necromorphs, but isaac also gets more confident in his ability to kill them and deal with shit.

In that way hes actually more relatable than when he didnt speak. You progress with him.

Edited by Strangelove
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Issac is not going to take any of your necromorph shit, you fucking marker! Don't you know that graffiti is bad!? It becomes far worst when you are a marker. Your necromorphic graffiti is really shitting up the neighborhood. How can I fix anything up when you breaks everything and corrupt the children?


But yeah, from watching streams of the game from Jalaman and others, that is how I picture DS2. It sort of change from you being Issac in DS1 to you witnessing his badassery in DS2.


And I still need to beat DS1. Him not talking adds a sort of uneasiness to the whole game.

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minor Dead Space 1/2 spoiler


The un-killable necromorph was in the first Dead Space. You mostly just run away from him, but at one point you do fry him with the engine from the shuttle.



I enjoyed the intensity of the ending.


Yeah I know, I just wasn't expecting that dude to return :P

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minor Dead Space 1/2 spoiler


The un-killable necromorph was in the first Dead Space. You mostly just run away from him, but at one point you do fry him with the engine from the shuttle.



I enjoyed the intensity of the ending.


Yeah I know, I just wasn't expecting that dude to return :P


I kind of forgot about him too. My thought process was a little funny:

"Fuck! He's reforming."

"Okay... this guy isn't going to die. Wasn't he in the first Dead Space?"

"... so how did I handle this the first time around...?"

"...uh, I think I ran away."

"Run away? So then I should-"



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Turns out you can kill the regenerator in ds2. Theres a fan or something you can throw him into.


Also, isaac was done so well as a character. Just a bunch of likable things: hes middleaged, not very attractive but not ugly either, he actually emotionally progresses as the game keeps going, he can be charming without being too cocky, and despite how bleak ds2 is, theres still a shred of humor in it as fighting necromorphs becomes the norm. Ds2 gets less scary as you go on because you keep fighting more and more necromorphs, but isaac also gets more confident in his ability to kill them and deal with shit.

In that way hes actually more relatable than when he didnt speak. You progress with him.

I dunno I liked him better as a soulless husk.

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Turns out you can kill the regenerator in ds2. Theres a fan or something you can throw him into.


Also, isaac was done so well as a character. Just a bunch of likable things: hes middleaged, not very attractive but not ugly either, he actually emotionally progresses as the game keeps going, he can be charming without being too cocky, and despite how bleak ds2 is, theres still a shred of humor in it as fighting necromorphs becomes the norm. Ds2 gets less scary as you go on because you keep fighting more and more necromorphs, but isaac also gets more confident in his ability to kill them and deal with shit.

In that way hes actually more relatable than when he didnt speak. You progress with him.

I dunno I liked him better as a soulless husk.


I generally prefer silent protagonists when the alternative is a dipshit-asshole. Fortunately, that's not the case with Dead Space 2.


I think Stranglove embellishes Isaac's character development a bit, but he definitely has personality and character. Generally, I just like that Isaac thinks and acts as I would in most of DS2's situations. For example, when he arrives at the Unitology church, his reaction is spot-on with my own.


"No Daina, this is NOT where we want to be."



BTW, I just found an article on Kotaku quoting DS2's creator as saying that the game is not a criticism of Scientology specifically. Being the atheist/humanist person that I am, I do believe that any criticism of a cult ultimately applies to any religion or superstition.


But come on. Unitology is soooo a criticism of Scientology: The name, the novelty of the religion that allows people to actually know factually who the church's founder was, the recruitment center in the mall, the posters along the walls, the documents lying around that show how the recruiters individually test and monitor their prospective members.

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BTW, I just found an article on Kotaku quoting DS2's creator as saying that the game is not a criticism of Scientology specifically. Being the atheist/humanist person that I am, I do believe that any criticism of a cult ultimately applies to any religion or superstition.


But come on. Unitology is soooo a criticism of Scientology: The name, the novelty of the religion that allows people to actually know factually who the church's founder was, the recruitment center in the mall, the posters along the walls, the documents lying around that show how the recruiters individually test and monitor their prospective members.

Cults are pretty different from religions.

Anyhow you've forgotten the fact that they pay money to raise in their rank as well.




Also Maritan what death animation is that?






Almost forgot...I finally put batteries into my plasma cutter and guess what? THE LED LIGHTS ARE FUCKING GREEN! WHAT THE FUCK?!

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I just started this today; and being brave my first playthrough is on Zealot.


I have to say, they made it much harder than the first. Even on hardcore, just make sure you hit the limbs, and you were fine. I am always out of ammo on the second, and the Two handed things that crawl? Those are the worst. They appear out of nowhere and you almost don't even have time to react.


I just stopped for the day around chapter 6 or 7. And, just to make sure I don't spoil them for anyone:



I have to say, regardless of how much I like the ending, or the game as a whole, the Raptor like enemies are by far some of the best I've seen in a long time. They are amazing. I love the way they peek around corners, and run around, making you nervous as hell.


I think they fell flat with the most of the new weapons though.

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