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Things you'd like to see or do in Mass Effect


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- female aliens. Aside from the all-female Asari, does anyone know what a Turian or Salarian female looks like? In ME2 we see the covered corpse of what's supposed to be a Krogen female, but we don't actually see her.


- likewise, I'd love to visit the homeworlds of the council races. I love the secondary codex's description of Turian society.


- a space battle -- not simply a cutscene like what's seen in ME1, but a relatively short segment where you actually pilot a space fighter.


What I don't want to see? Earth. The teaser trailer for ME3 was awesome, but ironically I'm really not interested in going to Earth. Since it appears we're going there, I hope they make it more interesting than Halo 2/ODST.

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Asari aren't all female, there just is no dominant gender. I think they're kind of like seahorses. I dunno, might be wrong.


- I'd love to pilot the Normandy. After playing through the space missions in Halo Reach, I think that something similar to that (only with the Normandy) would be incredible.

- Bring back looting

- Be able to land on every planet, even if there's "nothing" to do on it.

1) I think that being able to land on every planet would be a much better alternative to planet scanning for materials. Like, let us land and take the Hammerhead (or whatever that thing was called) and let us look for minerals ourselves. Give us some type of hot/cold radar system, plus some obstacles and things to shoot at to pass time. Bioware could also really reward players who do a lot of exploring with some awesome loot.

- I'd like to see Earth, but I know this is coming.

- The ability to land on planets within our solar system. Like, Jupiter, Saturn, etc.

- Less Vorcha, they are just dumb

- Less squad-building crap. I saved my entire squad in ME2, so I better not have to build a new squad for ME3.

- Continue the level building system established in ME2. The cap was 30, so the cap in ME3 with your same character better be 60.


That's about it for now.

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Asari aren't all female, there just is no dominant gender. I think they're kind of like seahorses. I dunno, might be wrong.


- I'd love to pilot the Normandy. After playing through the space missions in Halo Reach, I think that something similar to that (only with the Normandy) would be incredible.

- Bring back looting

- Be able to land on every planet, even if there's "nothing" to do on it.

1) I think that being able to land on every planet would be a much better alternative to planet scanning for materials. Like, let us land and take the Hammerhead (or whatever that thing was called) and let us look for minerals ourselves. Give us some type of hot/cold radar system, plus some obstacles and things to shoot at to pass time. Bioware could also really reward players who do a lot of exploring with some awesome loot.

- I'd like to see Earth, but I know this is coming.

- The ability to land on planets within our solar system. Like, Jupiter, Saturn, etc.

- Less Vorcha, they are just dumb

- Less squad-building crap. I saved my entire squad in ME2, so I better not have to build a new squad for ME3.

- Continue the level building system established in ME2. The cap was 30, so the cap in ME3 with your same character better be 60.


That's about it for now.


The Vorcha aren't as bad as the collectors, but I would prefer an enemy that's less... *sigh* how do I put this? Rabidly villainous?


I would totally be in favor of piloting the Normandy in a space battle or just in general.


And I don't think you could land on Jupiter or Saturn. :P Some of their moons would be another story. I loved being able to land on Earth's moon in ME1.

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Asari aren't all female, there just is no dominant gender. I think they're kind of like seahorses. I dunno, might be wrong.


- I'd love to pilot the Normandy. After playing through the space missions in Halo Reach, I think that something similar to that (only with the Normandy) would be incredible.

- Bring back looting

- Be able to land on every planet, even if there's "nothing" to do on it.

1) I think that being able to land on every planet would be a much better alternative to planet scanning for materials. Like, let us land and take the Hammerhead (or whatever that thing was called) and let us look for minerals ourselves. Give us some type of hot/cold radar system, plus some obstacles and things to shoot at to pass time. Bioware could also really reward players who do a lot of exploring with some awesome loot.

- I'd like to see Earth, but I know this is coming.

- The ability to land on planets within our solar system. Like, Jupiter, Saturn, etc.

- Less Vorcha, they are just dumb

- Less squad-building crap. I saved my entire squad in ME2, so I better not have to build a new squad for ME3.

- Continue the level building system established in ME2. The cap was 30, so the cap in ME3 with your same character better be 60.


That's about it for now.

Considering what they did with the hammerhead in the DLC, I think your idea of taking the hammerhead to look for minerals is almost assuredly what they're going to do--they alluded to mineral scanning, in its current state, not happening again I believe and plus why else would they test that out?


They're almost assuredly going to make you recruit some people but I sure hope it's not to the same extent: we already have a huge, great cast. Then again how do you accomodate to the people who won't have played 1 or 2? You KNOW they're going to try to accomodate them. The thought of having to do that again just okain irritates me in thought though, I don't want to feel like I'm starting over AGAIN. FUCK! And the other thing is, to what extent do they return characters from 2? Anybody could be dead. They can't write anyone especially in given this fact.


Basically I have not even the slightest idea, even in speculation, of how they might do it.


Given what Truffle posted in her presentation about hopes/goals for 3, and levelling and more RPG systems were definitely on their consideration set.

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I want to see the homeworld of the Elcor or the Hanar.



Even better, having a party member...that's Elcor, since the Hanar can't fight. That's what the Drell are for.

And the elcor better be an actor in Hamlet, and he'd better have convo with Mordin to bring you some seriously hilarious theatre scene. :flirty:

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I imagine the Elcor world looking something like Nebraska.


As someone who lives in Nebraska, I don't know whether I should be offended or insulted. The Elcor are awesome, so does that mean you think Nebraska is awesome?


Elcor: "Annoyed. The women doth protest too much?"


That is totes going to be my sig.

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I imagine the Elcor world looking something like Nebraska.


As someone who lives in Nebraska, I don't know whether I should be offended or insulted. The Elcor are awesome, so does that mean you think Nebraska is awesome?


Elcor: "Annoyed. The women doth protest too much?"


That is totes going to be my sig.


"As the homeworld of the elcor, Dekuuna is also known to have very few mountains; the high gravity inhibits the formation of mountains."


I imagine Dekuuna as a large flat land, like farm land.

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-Not human centric. Fuck that shit.

-Romance option for girls which aren't juuuuuust 'on the inside' dealio.

-Treading a little more into RPG-land now that they've got their core gunplay mechanics down, which is what they were focusing on nailing in 2

-Fleshed out consequences. I cannot for the life of me trust any developer to be able to deliver this, though. They have too many variables to work with, I just can't trust it'll be as good as it could be. I'd gladly eat my words, though.

-More conversations--I felt like my party members in Dragon Age offered a loooot more dialogue and they were much more nuanced characters than anything ME has offered--with the exception of maybe Liara and her transformation/what she's like in the DLC. Also nobody in ME seems like a perosn. Seems like they were written so you think they're ~so cool,~ but I have trouble seeing them as people.


-Shepard speaking less in questions and more in actual conversation

-Better paragon interrupt options

-Slightly larger inventory--weapons, armor, etc. At this point in 2's lifespan I am quite happy with my repertoire of choices for what to equip...but this was after purchasing all the DLC which came with extra weapons or armor. It's a real nice feeling to have to actually wonder what I should use at some point in time because I've got options

-Don't make the Illusive Man your standard evil dude. I really, really want him to have nuance in his character and I want people who think he'd just straight up go crazy with power to be proven wrong--he just knows what's at stake and needs to get things done. IMO he's Shepard with a ton of money. Plus it makes for a much more interesting character.

-No Garrus

-No Tali



I'm sure there are a million others. I'll post them as I think of 'em.

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Brida, you don't like Garrus OR Tali?!

Garrus played the same damn character he did in 1--the fact that I think he's boring nonwithstanding, this is too big an offense for me to forgive--and Tali is the total twilight factor for me, not to mention I feel like they destroyed her character in 2. In 1 I believed she was a strong, independent woman and some such, in 2 they demote her to being an insecure and weak little girl who seems like a little sister. I cringed when my first indication that she was going to be in the game was presented to me by listening to a recording of her saying she wished Shepard was there.


*embraces for the shit storm to come at my way*

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