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Uncharted 2


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Oh, right. I forgot we had a separate board for this.


Anyway guys, what time are we supposed to be playing? I didn't really think of the timezones, so I'm not sure I'll be able to play with you, Heartless (I'm assuming you have either school or a job during the day). The weekend would probably be better. But not this weekend of course. Even if I could get away from my family, I won't be anywhere near my PS3. :/

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I'm not sure if we're playing tonight, actually. In any case, next weekend will be Christmas and the weekend after that NYE, so... I dunno. I think we'll have to postpone our session with Heartless for a while.


Maybe we can play next week with Dean, though.

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I'm free this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon (6pm EST). After that, I'm not free until next Wednesday night.


So let's do this: If you can get on tonight, even if you see me playing a different game, just send me a message and we'll party up. Same for tomorrow night. If nothing works out, we can give next week a shot. But it looks like the only safe bet is two weekends from now.


Sent from the Head of the Party Planning Committee.

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I'm down for a warm-up game tonight, and then maybe kick all of your asses tomorrow!


@rayne: We're at GMT+1. so GMT 21:00 would be 22:00 for us.


How about we start GMT 20:00 (21:00 for us), as usual?


I should really make that time zone thread...

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It's still at my brother's house, and I'm much too lazy to go pick it up (despite having a car).. That said, my bday's coming up, and if he swings by I'll ask him to return it to me



So if all goes well, I'll be joining in on ze fun january 2nd.

Edited by D-K
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