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So who's down for today?








Hot Heart still needs to confirm he's up for it, D-K needs to let us know if he has his game back yet and where the HELL is rtemplar? I haven't seen her in days!

Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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Wooh. pretty good session.

For those watching at home FLD bumped up about 14 levels, we mostly hunted noobs, but had a good match with some high level angry french people. Also when starting up me heartless n smooves played survival and kind of sucked :P

I think folks are joining back up later but us Euros are eating for now (and in my case working)

Oh n I'm up for making this a weekly thing btw.

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Hmmm. Totally missed this. Currently about to eat while GT5 plays itself some B-Spec and gets me monies.


I wouldn't mind joining up for a few rounds at all. Should be around all night from ~20 mins time onwards.


PSN's jaychendy, some of you have me added already, but nudge when it's happening on psn/twitter/whatever and I'll hop on.

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Well, some of us were talking about playing again later today. I have absolutely nothing else planned, so whenever you guys want we can start another game.


Jay, I saw you online. If I'd known you were up for a game of UC2, I would've sent you an invite after Malicious left.


SupaKero, what's your PSN ID?

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