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Uncharted 2


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My next big multiplayer fix will be Killzone 3, but I've yet to really stop playing Uncharted 2 since it came out. When I do, it's because my usuals have stopped playing, so as long as you guys keep playing I will.


Some screens from today...


Hotty jumps past Dean's gunfire in an Elimination game. Balls of steel!



The view from Dean's perspective.



Raine bravely facing off against three opponents in Plunder.



...didn't really impress them, though.



Smooves and I (Elena) stopped real quick to pray for victory (it looks like we were staging this screen but we were actually playing, lmbo).



Shortly after, we proceeded to rape and pillage.



Dean (Tenzin) leading the charge with Smooves as backup. Nexus is back there, but I don't even think he realizes there's a firefight going on 10 ft. behind him...or he just doesn't care.


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You could always do a Gamefly subscription instead, but I guess it depends on how long you want to play it.


The ladyfriend gets back in a week, so I probably won't be playing much of anything once that happens for quite a while, unfortunately.


[EDIT] How do you guys get Uncharted screens?

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How do you guys get Uncharted screens?

In the Cinema playlist, it keeps record of up to twenty recently played matches or matches you want to hold on to. There's an option while playing the videos to take a screenshot. It gets saved to your XMB.

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Hahahahaha the screenies of raine's grenade suicide are simply perfect :lol:


I am not disappointed!


edit: ha, I probably wouldn't be any good right now Brain. I've been up for about 18 hours now and this pepsi I'm drinking is really not doing much to keep me awake :lol:

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Sure I'm down man. Are you on my friends list?


Yeah, you just added me back - I'll send a game request. If you want/can communicate through skype I can do that, but no mic for PS3, as I mentioned earlier.


Hahahahaha the screenies of raine's grenade suicide are simply perfect :lol:


I am not disappointed!


edit: ha, I probably wouldn't be any good right now Brain. I've been up for about 18 hours now and this pepsi I'm drinking is really not doing much to keep me awake :lol:


18 hours! Holy crap!

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Here are some screens from tonight's session with FLD and Brain...the second one is the one I mentioned in my last post.


Brain made a beeline for the grenade launcher. Rushing for the power weapons? Taking a page out of the Heartless Handbook I see. :tophat:



And here is Brain blowing people the fuck up.



Here's FLD standing over the corpse of fallen resistance. Chimera4lyfe.



And here's FLD hunting down the most irritating thing about inFamous...Zeke.



Here's Brain chasing my ass down (I'm playing as Elena). I was having a rough match and he was not making it easier. So I thought I'd wait for him around a corner...



...but he still killed me seconds later.


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I had to look for it as well. Here's what you do: Go to your profile page, then on the top right there's an icon that says "Award User" or something. Then award yourself the item you bought.


(I know it's weird, but that's probably because it's a custom mod Tali had to cobble together from other mods.)


I will also be on tonight. I want to try and make some more screenshots beforehand, though.




That's what I get for forgetting to submit my message. Sniped by Tali!

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