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I'll probably receive my headset tomorrow so I don't have to type like a commoner anymore. I still have a question about headsets, though. Can anyone confirm/deny if it's possible to listen to game audio from my PS3 through the headset? My headset has two plugs, so I could always plug one of them into the TV, but it'd be nice if I could just use the USB adapter and listen to game audio straight from the PS3.


I tried googling it, but the only useful hit seems to be from 4chan of all places, which is blocked at work.


Can anyone tell me if there's anything useful here?


4chan BBS - Logitech G330 not working with PS3

My Logitech G330 headset isn't working with my PS3 because I can't hear any ingame sounds in CoD but I can hear other mics fine. ...



Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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Can anyone tell me if there's anything useful here?


I know why

Go to audio setting

Go to Manage blutooth devices

And set Outpoot to your logitech conection

It will work (:


Yes! Awesome, thank you!


I thought 4chan was supposed to be all about the CP and harassing people IRL.

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Yeah, /v/ and /tg/ are quite good boards. They're sfw as well.

/sp/'s pretty good for trolling during sports games. I'm not even gonna watch the NFL Playoffs but might be trolling a bit in the match threads, I dunno.


I'm gonna try MP again later on this evening before the usual time to see if it'll behave itself today.

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Some games seem to have issues with online while others don't. I remember having issues with Bad Company a long time back - had to go into my PS3 and change some of the internet settings to get stuff working properly, though I don't rememberer what those were. PPoE and NAT stuff or something.

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So, who has the Siege pack so far?


I don't want to exclude anyone from our regular games, but it would be cool to set up a game for siege owners only at some point, otherwise I feel like I'm never going to try out the new maps and new game mode :lol:


I know I have it, I think Smooves and Heartless as well? And Nexus got it yesterday.

And I think Dean was considering it too. Anyone else?

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Hmmm. Now I'm getting all tempted-like!


I'll check out the DLC on the marketplace at some point today and let you folks know if I decide to get it.




Looked at them - would I need to get both the map pack and siege, or just the siege DLC?

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