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Uncharted 2


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BTW, do you guys always use the same characters, or do you use the Random setting?


On the Heroes side, I'm always using denim Chloe. I used to play as red shirt Chloe, but that was just asking to be shot, especially in snow levels...


On the Villains side I'm always that guy with the gas mask.




Hahaha, those screenshots. I don't think shooting at Brain helped much. I really need my headset.

Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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I used to play as Sully for heroes and that guy with the balaclava (I think Sark) for the villains.


But ever since getting the Heroes skin pack, I've been trying them all and I'm starting to like playing as Sev from Killzone 2 for the heroes and either the Helghast or Chimera for the villains. Oh and the Cole from inFAMOUS skins aren't bad either. That being said, I don't think I'll ever use Zeke.


I hope he dies in inFAMOUS 2. Like, during the tutorial.

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I was laughing so hard once I realized I was going to wrong way with the treasure. I think I got it to their base by the time I realized and headed back around.


"La-de-da-got-da-treasure-... SHIT."


I've been playing as vanilla Elena for Heroes, and I think also the guy with the gasmask on Villains.


I really need to level up and unlock some new skins.

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Srs, Malish, I have more luck playing with people living half way round the world than you who live like ten miles away.


P.P.S., Get in TAY chat to coordinate whenever you want to play. That's where we usually are.

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BTW, do you guys always use the same characters, or do you use the Random setting?


On the Heroes side, I almost always use Elena. If it's a cold/snowy map, I'll choose Winter Elena (gotta be realistic!). Sometimes I'll switch to Chloe for Plunder because when you pick up the treasure as Elena and she yelled out "I got the treasure!" or something...she can be pretty damn shrill.


On Villains side, I play a Lazarevic (because I'm the boss, bithces) or Heist Flynn. I really want to play as a Helghast soldier but don't wanna spend money for one costume...

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OK, here we go again. From last night's online deathmatch against randoms.




From left to right: Brain, Raine, Hottie, Smooves, Jay




Jay, Brain and me.




Hottie and Jay taking down a baddie. Brain and Raine are also in this picture.




I don't know what Brain is planning here...




...Because the dude's already dead.




Oh, snap! Right in the nutsack!




I courageously shoot a guy in the back.




Oh man, how did that one get in there... :unsure:




Hottie, get ready for your close-up!

Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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Did you guys know when you talk into a mic, your character's mouth moves? It doesn't sync up, but it's kinda cool.


BTW, after you guys left me and a friend went up against some high-level guys...they slaughtered us. I'm talking, we had roughly 10 kills when they reached 50 in Deathmatch. Turns out one of the guys on that team was a top 10 player on the leaderboards. -_-"

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