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Explain your Screen name


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My name is Ian, but a surprising amount of the time people think it's "Ethan". As a result my friends in highschool started just calling me Ethan. Then when I was making my XBL tag I combined Ethan with that song, "The Mighty Quinn" to get TheMightyEthan.


Prior to that I was often Enchilada! because that's what a cheat-code for Cel Damage renamed my old Xbox's network name to.


WTF... :s


This whole time I thought your RL name was Ethan. :lol:

lol, close enough. I answer to the name Ethan IRL.

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My name is Ian, but a surprising amount of the time people think it's "Ethan". As a result my friends in highschool started just calling me Ethan. Then when I was making my XBL tag I combined Ethan with that song, "The Mighty Quinn" to get TheMightyEthan.


Prior to that I was often Enchilada! because that's what a cheat-code for Cel Damage renamed my old Xbox's network name to.


WTF... :s


This whole time I thought your RL name was Ethan. :lol:


Ohh, me too. Haa. When I see a realistic sounding name on the internet, I just assume it's real.


Not sure why...


Shoot. What was I watching recently where they call the guy "E'tan" = Ethan, but with an accent.

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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I've used two nicknames. The current one is the name of one of the bad dudes from Legend of Zelda, one of the only non-boss characters who people generally know by name.


I also use MegaZeroX. I signed up for this Star Trek Game online, back when I was like 16 or something, and I wanted to use "MegaMan" or "Zero" or whatever MegaMan character, but they were all taken. MegaZeroX was not taken, I used that one on IRC and at websites until like '03. I've been using IronKnuckle since about '03.


Oh, the game was Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. It was great; it was an online game and it would take hours and hours and hours to play through. It hit single- and multi-player; the multi-player was online back when online games were mostly unheard of. I needed "MegaZeroX" to have a username on the web version.

Edited by IronKnuckle
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Finally remembered the whole story behind my user/screen name :P When I created my gamertag for xbxo live I tried different combinations involving my name but all of them were taken so I went with Metal for the genre of music I like, and Caveman thanks to the song "Caveman Rejoice" by The Bags (I think it was in the first Guitar Hero?), and then, MetalCaveman was born! :P

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It's "Mr." because all well-groomed gentleman are taught to lead with their sex and station, so as to avoid any social class confusion on the thoroughfare. "Mr." also indicates an expectation of civil distance, as opposed to the rough discourse between people who do not use honorifics.


"Goh" because it is short, simple and easy to remember. It also is homophonous with the well-known word "go," itself the quintessential action verb. It bespeaks movement, activity, and vigor. It is a powerful syllable.


It's capitalized because it is pronounced loudly, a bold declaration of a name!


The exclamation point is both to emphasize the suggested volume, but also to turn the quotidian "Goh" into the imperative "GOH!" It becomes a life-affirming command: "Go forth and be!" Which is darn good advice.



In the alternative, I was maybe just a little bit drunk out of my mind one night in 2004 and I needed a new name for Ramza in FFT and picked Mr. GOH! because it was "weird, man."

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I once saw a person's name on a plaque with the last name of "Falkenrath" or something. I then realized I could switch out Falken for something else so I replaced it with bacon for some reason.


It wasn't till later that I learned that there was a company known as Rath which I'm pretty sure made bacon.



om nom nom nom

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I used to be called elmo16 during my runescape and internet cafe days, but decided it wasn't cool. So I wanted to think of another name. Lexus car make became Nexus, and thus is was born.


Cinnanexus comes from the FF9 minor character. I don't even like him, but when I first started on the internet and on FF forums everyone was "Zidane" or "Steiner" or "Vivi", and I wanted to be different. So it stuck.

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my screen name is also my gaming name. "Chops" in this case means sideburns. I have very wild, Wolverine-esqe sideburns.


To be honest, I immediately regretted the name once I started using it. I thought it sounded really gay; not just lame, but actually gay.


But to my surprise, most people like it. Apparently it rolls off the tongue well.

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I once saw a person's name on a plague with the last name of "Falkenrath" or something. I then realized I could switch out Falken for something else so I replaced it with bacon for some reason.

I probably would have changed it to Falconwrath.

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Growing up I had a few different names. Chauncemyster was my earliest, I moved on to Zacken, then I was Gogeba for awhile. Eventually I hit Jalaman and it stuck. I think people find it fairly memorable, it's unique, and people tend to have fun with it (Jalalalalalalalaaaa)


It has a pretty random origin. I was making a new WoW character and couldn't think of a name. I had recently been playing a lot of Battlefield 2, on the map Jalalabad. I simply took the Jalala and replaced "bad" with the suffix "man". Eventually I shortened it from Jalalaman to just Jalaman and I've become pretty attached to the name, so I don't see it changing anytime soon :)

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My screen name is QueKara, which comes from the alias I used in a Star Wars role playing game board I used to be a part of. They knew me there as Mike Que-Kara. As for the origins of Mike Que-Kara, it actually came from Knights of the Old Republic. The name generator gave me "Michael Que-Sala", which I edited a bit more to my liking.

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It's the name of a character in a series of books by my current fave author. My PSN id is another character from those books. I hate having ID's / User names with random characters in the middle or numbers at the end, the majority of fictional characters that have appeared in games or on TV have already been taken, so I went with something that the majority of gaming plebians would not even have heard of. :D

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I'd often use dickless a lot for usernames and such, including on steam, but an admin on one of the UKCS TF2 servers asked me to change it since they have a no swearing policy. I changed it to the synonymous withoutphallus simply because it amused me at the time and I liked the way it sounded, then it just kinda stuck.


Why dickless? Well my real name is Richard Les.



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I almost hate to break the suspense- I've had quite a few people ask me what my name meant, and I kind of enjoy the mystery. Alas, like most mysteries, once explained it's really kind of lame.


In some work of fiction (honest to god, it was so long ago I don't even remember what, some webcomic or something), there is a man who is texting on his cell. In the middle of his texting, a vending machine falls on top of him. As he is crushed, his fingers accidentally mash and send the message "6264."


My friends and I thought it was hilarious, and it came a sort of inside joke with us, taking on a whole other meaning. "6264" meant being so confused that you couldn't even communicate properly. A sort of "what is this I don't even". Now, I just have so many good memories associated with the name that I've stuck with it. It's interesting and distinctive without being blatantly stupid.

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