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Explain your Screen name


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Ok... SkyGriever. I remember the Sky was part of an old screen name of mine Skyline, like the car. And the Griever is from FFVIII, the lion on Squall's collar and ring and also part of the final battle when Ultimecia creates a manifestation of the GF to battle the party. That's all... Maybe I should get a new one, what do you guys think?

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Ok... SkyGriever. I remember the Sky was part of an old screen name of mine Skyline, like the car. And the Griever is from FFVIII, the lion on Squall's collar and ring and also part of the final battle when Ultimecia creates a manifestation of the GF to battle the party. That's all... Maybe I should get a new one, what do you guys think?


Man, the Skyline is one of my favorite cars of all time lol. Can't say much about FF, though. :P


As for my name, I got it from Oblivion. No joke.

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Mine is from an awesome cutscene from Tenchu. I was watching my cousin play and the first cutscene I see has the most ridiculous voice acting. There doesn't seem to be a clip on youtube of it, but it goes something like this:


"What is this Bizenya? There is more here than usual."

"It is merely a token of our appreciation."


After referencing that line religiously, my friends started calling me Bizenya, or Bizzy for short. The extra 'Z' was added because the name Bizenya is sometimes taken and I like to use the one alias to keep things simple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the same user name for every thing I join, whether MMO, forum, or online gaming.


Vicarious means in a nutshell, the same as. (ex.: As a awesome ghost, I was living vicariously through the eyes of some guy I possessed.)


Also, Shaner is a nickname.


Thus, VicariousShaner was born.

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I use the same user name for every thing I join, whether MMO, forum, or online gaming.


Vicarious means in a nutshell, the same as. (ex.: As a awesome ghost, I was living vicariously through the eyes of some guy I possessed.)


Also, Shaner is a nickname.


Thus, VicariousShaner was born.

Man, there is no gentle way to say this, but.


Your definition of Vicarious is a bit off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a year without gaming and active online (my PS2 got stolen and my PC is kinda wonky) I finally able to buy PSP, NDS and a PS3, start posting in Kotaku (and finally here, TAY.G) so... yeah


My name? I love to create names, I have tons of active emails and a couple of forums memberships, mostly with different names, I usually ended up with gibberish names and weird meaningless words for the passwords (I have tons of passwords too, sometimes my brain filing cabinet can get messy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Neku Sakuraba. So, I choose NekuSakurba as my screen name. It wasn't taken.



No, but kidding aside, I've been lucky that it hasn't been taken

(I made it in time before someone took it on Kotaku too)

He's my favorite character and I felt a lot like him when I was younger so I made that 'connection' and...yeah. I also used to be in a TWEWY RP as Neku.

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  • 3 months later...

Named after Revan of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic.


Star Wars Wiki says it best:


"Once reunited with his disciples, Revan's campaign for Jedi intervention in the war against the Mandalorians continued, albeit somewhat differently than before. Whereas his efforts had previously been considered a curiosity at best, in the context of a larger Mandalorian War he suddenly found himself a celebrity. As the Revanchist movement behind him grew, the Republic media cast Revan in the role of crusading savior, wrongfully ignored by the aloof High Council. Though first referred to as "the Revanchist Leader" in reports, it was not long before the young Jedi Knight was given a new, "snappier" moniker: the Revanchist."


Revanchism - definition: (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a foreign policy aimed at revenge or the regaining of lost territories


Hence, the character from my favorite game was named Revan.


On a related note, BioWare was hacked today/last night. Now I need to change another password.

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Saturnine Tenshi originated as kuraitenshi sometime back in '98 or '99. I used to be a heavy RP'er, and one of the folk I met through that allowed me to imbibe her Japanese tongue and... wait. That sounds much more appealing than what actually happened. I changed the kurai to saturnine because I'm a saturnine motherfucker. |:

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Well, before this one, the name i was using is... better forgotten. So when i wanted to change, i was like, eh, let's go with Kovach, everyone calls me that anyways. But it was taken on this forum that i was going to regularly, and a friend was like "Just add something random to it lol". So yeah, underscore, cause it looked cool.

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