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Explain your Screen name


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Most of the time it seemed like xsbs was literally going out of his way to have the worst taste in video games. I can't remember very many specific instances (I'll chalk it up to repressed memories) but the one that really stood out for me was when he called The Last Guardian incredibly boring with bad graphics and the generic "brown-n-grey" color scheme. Basically, he was the proverbial Armond White of Kotaku. If there was a great trailer or a preview of a game that looked good, you can bet your ass he would say something terrible about it.


He didn't come across as a troll, just as one of those poor people with unfortunately terrible taste in games. In many ways I find that far more pitiful than a guy spending all day trolling for no reason.

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Most of the time it seemed like xsbs was literally going out of his way to have the worst taste in video games. I can't remember very many specific instances (I'll chalk it up to repressed memories) but the one that really stood out for me was when he called The Last Guardian incredibly boring with bad graphics and the generic "brown-n-grey" color scheme. Basically, he was the proverbial Armond White of Kotaku. If there was a great trailer or a preview of a game that looked good, you can bet your ass he would say something terrible about it.


He didn't come across as a troll, just as one of those poor people with unfortunately terrible taste in games. In many ways I find that far more pitiful than a guy spending all day trolling for no reason.

I saw him argue with a guy and spout some things like "stupid" and other terms that don't make for a good argument. The fact he was warned each time, banned numberous times, and still came back for more really made me wonder what went through his mind that made him want to be heard again. I picture the stereotypical guy behind a computer who has no friends, as no one can stand him, but still was lonely in his arrogant state.


We all make our own fates when it comes to making friends. He just seems to have a self-destructive personality, IMO.

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Most of the time it seemed like xsbs was literally going out of his way to have the worst taste in video games. I can't remember very many specific instances (I'll chalk it up to repressed memories) but the one that really stood out for me was when he called The Last Guardian incredibly boring with bad graphics and the generic "brown-n-grey" color scheme. Basically, he was the proverbial Armond White of Kotaku. If there was a great trailer or a preview of a game that looked good, you can bet your ass he would say something terrible about it.


He didn't come across as a troll, just as one of those poor people with unfortunately terrible taste in games. In many ways I find that far more pitiful than a guy spending all day trolling for no reason.

I saw him argue with a guy and spout some things like "stupid" and other terms that don't make for a good argument. The fact he was warned each time, banned numberous times, and still came back for more really made me wonder what went through his mind that made him want to be heard again. I picture the stereotypical guy behind a computer who has no friends, as no one can stand him, but still was lonely in his arrogant state.


We all make our own fates when it comes to making friends. He just seems to have a self-destructive personality, IMO.


yeah, I remember getting into a few "debates" with him about stuff like that. The one that I remember most, was him knocking the controls in Infamous. I nearly shat a brick.

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Because Slagathore was taken.


And Slag is the molten metal run off when welding two pieces of metal together. I think it sounds cool.


I always think of it as: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slag_(slang)



"to describe an individual who engages in casual sex and promiscuous behaviour."


Yikes! Yeah, that's definitely not me. Happily married now, it'll be 4 years this July. Funny how the same word can mean completely different things in different cultures.

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When I swapped from my original Xbox to the 360, I had to create a new account because I forgot whatever info I signed up with my original Xbox Live name...so I sat at the "Microsoft Suggests" or whatever screen and was just typing in stuff to see what variants Microsoft would come up with. I forgot exactly what I put in there...could have been my last name, Bacon Bits, Brofist, or whatever. I don't remember...but anyone who is familiar with Microsoft suggesting gamertags is that they're all extremely....weird...they seem to just be a random animal and a verb. JumpElephat, CuddleKat, Giraffedropkick, etc etc. Somewhere in all of that I saw "Sublethalend" and thought it was too sweet of a name to pass up....and I've been using it for just about everything since then.

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For the most part it's just a silly combination of 2 names I go by other places. PotatoSpork + Luftwaffles = Sporkwaffles somehow. I'm not sure how much I like it or if it even makes sense, but enough people know me by it that I've just stuck with it.


As far as steam goes, same premise, but even though there's about 30something Luftwaffles's on steam I'm too lazy to change it and fairly apathetic about tons of people with the same handle as myself. Luftwaffles certainly appeals to the pun loving side of me as well, so that's another reason I kept it.

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I got banned from Kotaku under TheCheese33, so I quickly thought of a new name to start posting under. All I could think of is "LordOfPwn", but I figured that was way too "bro-y", so I decided to class it up a bit and call myself "DukeOfPwn". If I had actually put any time into it, I'd be called something entirely different.

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It's a combination of Sko and Shuke. Now, go look those up on urban dictionary.


... my most sincere apologies to those who looked.


In truth, it was made in an attempt to think of a cool name for my group in a quiz. It was the product of combining the three things my fifteen years young self thought to be 'the most awesome things EVER!' (Skins, Smosh and Sasuke) Since then, that phase has passed, and I tend to just make up a combination to shrug the question off (as seen above)

However, the word itself was so odd and unique I decided to use it as my alias, and like a bastard son, disregarded its roots.

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The "Ark" part of my name comes from a character I developed years ago, which coincidentally resembled my generated name on one of my first MMOs. I use it pretty often for online screen names. Not quite sure where the "Unstable" comes from, might be related to my brother's XBL gamer tag. I also swap in some other stock character names I've come up with over the years in case Ark is taken, or if a game has no default character name in place.

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Fuchikomas are versatile little tanks with AI from the Ghost in the Shell manga. They weren't in the movie or TV series, so the name's usually not taken. I always liked them because while they're effective combat machines on the job, out of use, they're silly and childlike and sometimes ramble on philosophically from a uniquely synthetic POV... I never capitalize it if it's not at the start of a sentence because as far as I know it's just a noun - like hammer, table, etc. There's a bunch of them and they're all called "fuchikoma" (and sync up to pool their experiences regularly so they're all the same one really.)


They WERE also featured in the Ghost in the Shell PSX game, which I had a ton of fun with back when I was in high school - I picked the name then.



My other one for PSN, XBL, Raptr, OpenFeint, Game Center, etc is "DojoMojoMofo." It was originally a battle acolyte I was making in Ragnarok Online, but I liked the name - it suggests a guy who's into... I don't know... The sort of style and feeling you'd find in a dojo? Maybe even someone who can use martial arts magic? I also really like it because I'm a language geek, and it has a bunch of weird rules to it - every other letter is 'o', it's 3 sections of 4 letters, and each section only changes one letter from the last. Yeah, I'm a nerd... :bun-dunno:

Edited by fuchikoma
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