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Mads Mikkelsen


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Ugh. Fine. I'll think of something else. Like :tweeter: :piggie: :UFO: :heart: :heart: :cheese:


...that's really not that much better. Utmost respect and admiration? My prize-giving abilities are clearly being affected by my inability to function as a normal human being.

Edited by diedan
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"Here it says you're evil. It's rude to write that on a person's CV."



"Is this boring you, paul?" "it's locked for security reasons"



"It was an old cat. He just happened to fall down while we were shooting."


Bahahaha! Those were all great quotes. Overall a really enjoyable film. I really had no idea what to expect after you two had talked about it, but the beginning was soooooo quirky and hilarious. And then it just got weirder and weirder, but in the best way possible. Mostly, I am impressed with the range that MM has displayed in my viewings thus far. Seeing him be so badass in VR and then so skinny, eccentric, and talkative in this was really quite the trip.


I'll have to try to check out the others in the near future. Tonight, sadly, I'm going to have to actually go to sleep before 2am. I can't believe I'm still awake as it stands. :bun-sleep:

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seriously? i'd say his face is pretty recognizable, but then again i like it so meh. could be just me.


also, i think i'll forgive clash of the titans. i realized if someone offered me a job where i got to pretend to ride and kill a giant scorpion i'd probs do it even if the rest of the movie / actors were crappy at their jobs. i feel better now that i've completely forgiven this indiscretion.


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shame, if there was like a "favorite slithy people"s thread very near my new fav mm there would be zach galifianakis. and not to sound hipster but i've loved zg for like EVER, way before thine hangover. he's a funny and irreverent motherfucker and if you haven't seen out cold or zg stand-up DO IT.


so, the pusher. there is a significant lack of mm that is sorely felt, but it's a nice movie. kim bodnia does a marvelous job and for a drug movie in general i feel it's totes wonderful and captures the mid 90's drug scene kinda gangbusters. it also makes me wonder why everyone in denmark drinks chocolate milk. so when you watch it, look out for the chocolate milk. it's everywhere.

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