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Games You Bought: 2022 - A Hideo Kojima Thread (Director's Cut)


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The premium edition looks so cool, but their store doesn't ship to Mexico. :( The launch edition some regions have is also pretty cool, but that's also limited to specific stores/regions. :(


Edit because this ended up in a new page: Talking about Elden Ring. :P

Edited by MetalCaveman
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  • 4 weeks later...



I'm still completely lost in Elden Ring but surely I'll be done by this time next month when this comes out... Surely...


Also, I guess I never got around to posting it but it goes without saying that I bought this the second I could:




I still need to get around to playing FFV, though...

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The Touryst, the only native 8k game on PS5! (downsampled to 4k because the PS5 doesn't actually support 8k output yet)


That tech is cool, but that's not the only reason I got it, I've had my eye on it for a while cause it looks like a neat little puzzle game, and then it went on sale.

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Definitely don't need to be buying more games rn, especially not games that are still a bit pricey, but it's hit an all-time low (50% off) and I've been low-key looking for a decent deal for a few weeks because I'd like to play it in the near future, so to the top of the backlog it goes.


edit: Oh wait I also got this a few days ago cause it dropped to like 12 bucks.



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As a 10$ upgrade, it's a no-brainer. Although on PC it's a separate version with a different achievements list, so that means I have to start over from scratch. There might be a way to transfer my old save but I honestly welcome the excuse to do a full replay. It's just not going to happen anytime soon. Probably going to hold off until I get my GPU upgrade later this year, so I can have a smoother experience with it this time.

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The save transfer feature was built into the game on PlayStation, it gave you a mission where you had to physically carry your save data to the Capital Knot City to upload it into the chiral network. Because Kojima is a mad genius. Hopefully they did the same thing on PC.

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48 minutes ago, TheMightyEthan said:

The save transfer feature was built into the game on PlayStation, it gave you a mission where you had to physically carry your save data to the Capital Knot City to upload it into the chiral network. Because Kojima is a mad genius. Hopefully they did the same thing on PC.


That's... the most Kojima thing ever. I love this man lol.

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19 hours ago, danielpholt said:





Pro tip that took me forever to figure out and I think will especially benefit you with kids: you don't have to get to a site of grace to save and quit, you can do it anywhere as long as you're not in combat.

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On 4/17/2022 at 3:13 PM, TheMightyEthan said:


Pro tip that took me forever to figure out and I think will especially benefit you with kids: you don't have to get to a site of grace to save and quit, you can do it anywhere as long as you're not in combat.


I've just been turning the console off and hoping quick-resume does the job 😬😬😬😬😬

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Quick resume kept fucking up for me, it could never reconnect to the servers afterwards, even if I quit out to the menu first. I took to saving and quitting and then manually closing the game through the guide every time I finished playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grabbed a bunch of stuff on sale from various stores over the last couple weeks, most of it not really worth going to the trouble of uploading pics to post except for these:




I've had my eye on them for a few months and they don't seem to get discounted as often or as deeply anymore. So when they finally dropped back down to like 12-13 bucks each I just grabbed them all. Partially as an attempt to motivate myself to finish Yakuza 3 already. I started it back in October, ffs!


It's not even that I'm not enjoying it (except for boss fights! Pro-tip: don't play this fucking game on hard...). I'll just play it for an evening, clear a chapter or two and then promptly forget it exists for like a month. It's good but it never really got its hooks into me the way the others did. You played them all, right @Mister Jack? Is it just me or is Y3 harder to get through than the others?

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