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I used to have short hair that I dyed like three different shades so it looked tiger-ish. I have no pictures, though.


As far as height I'm aaaaaveeeerrrraaaaage. Kinda between 5'5"-5'6".

I probably need a trim again. Bangs are gettin' unruly.

Since you guys have been fantabulous, I feel comfortable enough sharing more face-pics. Taken last night before the big drink fest by my fiance. I would show the 'after drinking' picture but I look like a drunken goblin... :bun-wah:


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I've always wanted to try a sniper rifle, myself! Lucky duck.

It's an AK-47, and the ones sitting on the table are Mosin Nagant.

:0 I am aware--but I would like to try a sniper rifle. I have never shot off a gun before. Save for one of those that shoot off those pellets but I don't think that counts.

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I was shooting at giant plastic spiders. My friend and I built a little haunted house thingy in his garage and once Halloween was over he let me borrow his pellet-handgun to take down the spiders that were too high to reach without a ladder.


And no worries, Tiff! I am super super jealous of your access to arms, though. It's gotta feel so cool to fire those things.

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