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What Do You Look Like


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I have an airsoft gun in my apartment that looks real for maximum pant-shitting should whoever choose to break into my apartment try and confront me.


But I do shoot whenever I get the chance out at my mom's since she lives in the boonies. That poor, poor Anakin Skywalker cut out...

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Nah, you can hit on her. I know she's hot. What amazes is me is that no one has told her that I'm an ogre. I mean, she's gotta figure it out eventually, right? Once she does though, I'll be a sad panda.


But are you like an onion? Do you have, you know, layers?

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Nah, you can hit on her. I know she's hot. What amazes is me is that no one has told her that I'm an ogre. I mean, she's gotta figure it out eventually, right? Once she does though, I'll be a sad panda.


But are you like an onion? Do you have, you know, layers?


More like a cake.

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Updated pic! Because I kind of look ridiculous in the last one and everyone always looks much better wearing beads. ALWAYS! This from the giant NYE paaaarty! And somehow I still look moderately sober. Although no one can figure out why my eyes look they way they do. They're normally BLUE!


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Hmmm...it's either a Furthermore Oscura, an Odell IPA, or a Two Brothers Cain & Abel. Not sure what time of the night this was taken. I think it's likely the Oscura. Either it's one of those or I took a random beer by the end of the night. Soooooo...WHO KNOWS!?


EDIT: I have confirmed it based on the tiny amount of label I can see! It's the Odell IPA, which means it's probably like 2 am at this point, as my evening went Oscura, Cain and Abel, Jack Daniels, Champagne, Espresso Vodka, Odell IPA, Odell IPA, Odell IPA, repeat, repeat, who knows?, Espresso Vodka, death, or something like that. The details are all fuzzy like.

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Updated pic! Because I kind of look ridiculous in the last one and everyone always looks much better wearing beads. ALWAYS! This from the giant NYE paaaarty! And somehow I still look moderately sober. Although no one can figure out why my eyes look they way they do. They're normally BLUE!



Mardis Gras Beads!?




You had to show your boobies for those, didn't you, you tramp, you!

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