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Web comics


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I was going through my photobucket earlier to see what I could delete. It was the first time I'd ever done some "cleaning" in there since I registered years ago and I found some little gems.


Those are from a comic called The Perry Bible Fellowship and I think they're just about the most hilarious comics I've ever seen.

They are pretty much all good, but I do have a soft spot for the ones that include dinosaurs :lol:












Some turn random stuff into humanoid beings and, well... see for yourselves...















Hmm, seems there's a limit to how many can be posted in a single post.

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Hate double posting, but I had more, so consider this to be post 1 part 2 :P



Others are just random and/or cruel











And since this is a gaming forum...






Sadly I think the guy who did these stopped making new ones a few years back :(


Those are all from the Perry Bible Fellowship, and more can be found here http://www.pbfcomics.com/

But feel free to use this thread to discuss/post any other web comics you like.

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Aside from Penny Arcade and xkcd, I also read these three:



Basically, it's about the staff of a Cinema, and their escapades. It combines current movie references and good character development to make an overall good comic:




After stuff goes wrong up in heaven, Ash Upton is transformed into a girl, and Emily McArthur loses the last 2 years of her life. While the angel who did this tries to fix it all, they have to go about their new lifes. Brilliant story and is rather boyish for being about a boy turning into a girl. Heck, it convinced me.



It's dark humour, and it's hilarious. Probably my favourite comic of the lot, and is highly recommended. See for yourself:


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Hmm, quite a few I've never heard of in there. I'll have to check those out.


These days I mostly read Penny-Arcade and ...ugh.. CAD.... It's not funny and I have no idea why I still read it but I just keep checking back every few weeks to catch up... It's like watching a car crash, I guess.. It horrifies you yet.. you just can't look away. <_<

It might also be because it's the first web comic I discovered. Been reading it for so long I just don't know how to stop :'(


Oh and Virtual Shackles isn't bad at all. I actually discovered that one through Kotaku's comic posts.



Other than that, I read and loved some PVP, Little Gamers and XKCD, but could never bring myself to read through their enormous archives, so I'm not up to date on them.

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These days I mostly read Penny-Arcade and ...ugh.. CAD.... It's not funny and I have no idea why I still read it but I just keep checking back every few weeks to catch up... It's like watching a car crash, I guess.. It horrifies you yet.. you just can't look away. <_<

It might also be because it's the first web comic I discovered. Been reading it for so long I just don't know how to stop :'(


Man, I feel you bro. I found it through an old clan forum, but it's just not good anymore.

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Oglaf. Just found this today. ^ Probably one of the few non-nsfw strips.


NOTE: Almost all the comics are EXTREMELY NSFW and I wouldn't really recommend them unless you don't mind some graphic gay material along with your graphic straight material.


Some of them are freaking hilarious though.

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