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Licensed Games That Make No Damn Sense

Mister Jack

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Whenever a big movie comes out, studios scramble to make a game for it, knowing that it will probably sell pretty well. For some movies, whether the game is good or bad, it is as least conceptually sound. Aladdin is about magic and adventure, so that made a pretty decent game. Transformers was about giant fighting robots. That game was...less good, but at least it was appropriate.


But some movies just do not fit the game world at ALL. There is nothing in the film to make you think "this should be a game." There was no game-like action and/or the story or structure of the film itself was incompatible with that medium. Going from next-gen games all the way back to atari, some films simply should not have even been attempted as games, but that didn't stop people. What are some that you remember?


To start things off, I present you with Disney's Fantasia. Remember, this is not about BAD licensed games, it's about licensed games based on licenses that just plain aren't conducive to video games.


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and no, it's not a DDR clone, of all things. It consists of random mini games to earn money, ranging from "Where's Waldo"-like puzzles, to knock offs of Bejeweled. The only dancing aspect of the game is at the end, which is like an EBA knock off, only done worse in the fact there is no real music, the hit detection doesn't always work, and it doesn't even feature the major songs from Dirty Dancing.

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Ok maybe Dante's Inferno is cheating a bit since the work is in the public domain, but it was in the spirit of the thread so let's give him a little slack.


And for my next example...:



I find the opening scene about the "worst games countdown" to be enraging in its obliviousness to its own irony...

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Ok maybe Dante's Inferno is cheating a bit since the work is in the public domain, but it was in the spirit of the thread so let's give him a little slack.


And for my next example...:



I find the opening scene about the "worst games countdown" to be enraging in its obliviousness to its own irony...

Oh my God, this is fucking amaaaaaaazing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Level 2 is a donut shop and the boss is a giant donut. Level 3 is a bar and the boss is an Elvis impersonator. The last boss is some kind of...fucking....cube of jelly or somethi---WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH WAYNE'S WORLD?!


I think that was supposed to be Zantar the Gelatinous Cube from Noah's Arcade.


We don't need to dig too much to find the most absurd licensed games. What about Lego Rock Band? :s

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