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  On 12/21/2010 at 2:57 AM, Mister Jack said:

Oh sure, but that doesn't excuse the lack of shit to do out of the box (metaphorically speaking). I don't like to do any modding until after I've beaten the "vanilla" game at least once.


There's load's to do. It's just the start is empty. Particularly the trek from Goodsprings to Novac (With Nipton and Primm in between being about it)

Once you're in Novac you're sorted for things been a close hop to go adventuring. I think it was somewhat set as a tutorial/linear style thing. Make sure you did certain things before it dumped you in the world proper and forced you along a certain path.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 2:44 AM, Mister Jack said:

I kinda wish New Vegas' map had been shrunk a little bit. Too much goddamn empty space and invisible barriers.

Really? I thought everything was way too close together. Made the world seem really small. I do agree that the invisible walls were irritating though.


Overall New Vegas is definitely the better of the two, and I recommend it if you're trying to choose between them.

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But you really don't know the courier at ALL. You know this:


He got shot.

Getting shot apparently did not agree with him so he's looking for the guy who shot him.


And that's about it. Nothing about any past that I could ever find. It's pretty much a completely blank slate. And I know the idea is to make it whoever you want it to be, but it's good to have some kind of native environment to acclimate yourself to, like Vault 101 and your family. Vegas didn't have a BAD story, but it was pretty much "Here's the wasteland. Go do shit."

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Okay, when you said "story" I took it to mean "plot" rather than "backstory."


I think that whether you like the backstory in Fallout 3 or the lack thereof in New Vegas is just a personal preference thing, but that the plot to New Vegas is significantly better than the plot of Fallout 3.

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I mean the whole package. Without any identity to attach myself to, it was a little hard to get too attached to all these people in New Vegas ordering me around and making me do their errands. The Enclave/Brotherhood conflict was more engaging to me, but who are these people? You want a poker chip? Why should I give a crap what you want? I don't know any of you people. I could probably just keep on walking and my life would go on just fine without any of you Bossy Bettys. There's no personal stake in deciding what happens to New Vegas. You're not even FROM there.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 7:13 AM, Mister Jack said:

I mean the whole package. Without any identity to attach myself to, it was a little hard to get too attached to all these people in New Vegas ordering me around and making me do their errands.

That seems weird to me. In both games I basically created my own identity from scratch anyway, the backstory in Fallout 3 did nothing to increase my immersion.

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Well at least you brought it up cos I was about to say it seems you're wanting to play Mass Effect. (Which the backstory for those matter squat except for like 2 missions)

Which is all well and good, but if you had a backstory it would probably end up dictating your allegiances in some way.

All it needs to do is give you a reason to head out into the wastes. In 3 it's to find your father, in New Vegas it's to find your attempted killer. And in both along the way your original quest mutates into you kinda being the saviour of the wasteland. Your search for your dad getting you embroiled in Project Purity, in New Vegas it's with Mr House, NCR n Caesars legion.

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I'll put it like this, the new Vegas conflict didn't feel as important. Stopping the enclave is definitely something that had to be done, but deciding who rules New Vegas, a place that the courier has no personal ties to whatsoever, is kinda like being the judge of a game of "Who has the biggest cock?".


Again, I didn't hate the New Vegas story, I just thought that could have been handled a little better.



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  On 12/21/2010 at 5:51 PM, Mister Jack said:

I did not see what the big freaking deal is about FEAR. Except for the beginning and end, I found it really boring.


So did I.


But it's like $5 for the second one and I'm like...


Can't... resist...


But then I never finished the first so I'm wondering if it's worth it to buy the whole pack and play through the stories, because apparently they're linked and ARGH.


Can't decide.

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Yes! I've been waiting to nab the Witcher for AGES. At last.


Holy crap though, 16gigs and seven hours to download.


I was going to grab RE5 if it was $5 like the summer sale, but now I'm back to considering eventually getting it for the Move on PS3, if I ever do buy the move.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 6:14 PM, Mister Jack said:

I would buy Witcher, but I know I'm never gonna actually play it. TOO MANY GAMES, Y'ALL.

Tell me about it. I bought The Witcher way back from Dean's recommendation from the Summer sale. Unfortunately, I haven't put any time into playing it yet. The backlog gets too big and playing frontier again ate many hours and stole my free time for other games :( Today's deals seem pretty lackluster. I think I'll end up waiting for tomorrow's deals instead of always picking up something. I like the new site, I also need to hang out more in the chat room at some point...

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  On 12/21/2010 at 7:17 AM, Mister Jack said:

How about Mass Effect? You get to choose a background for Shepard in that game. Did you care about that one at all? Or is this just not something you're into?

I couldn't tell you what the backstory for a single one of my Shepard's was. I decide the Shepard I want to play, and then pick the backstory that I think fits that the best, I don't try to conform my play to my backstory at all.

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Have any of you guys played Spore and if so would you recommend it?

The base game and both expansions are all 75% off (bringing the complete pack from 80$ to a very reasonable 20$) but I'm really on the fence.


I feel like I'm long overdue to try it. I've only ever seen people playing it, and even then not for very long.

I never experienced the full game experience for myself and having recently gotten into Civilization, I feel like I might enjoy it (though I realize it's really nothing like Civ in terms of gameplay, but there are some basic similarities in general).

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