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Picked up Crusader Kings 2, Terraria, Portal, The Binding of Isaac and Sim City 4 last night for £17.82. Should have cost me £50 i reckon. Although the girlfriend doesn't see it that way. She doesn't know, bless.


I've noticed The Witcher is on there for less than £5 at the moment, so i'll probably pick that up before this ends. Had Saints Row the Third been £15 i probably would have got that too.

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Just bought Trine 2 and Section 8 Prejudice. Still waiting for any more crazy deals. Some of the featured deals aren't really that special. E.g Skyrim, Fall of Samurai and MW3.


edited: Add Empire: Total war and Left 4 Dead 2 to the list.


Not sure if I should add Rayman Origins and Alan Wake. They are a little pricey and didn't' really want to spent too much on games.

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Had Saints Row the Third been £15 i probably would have got that too.


Dude you just missed it by a few hours... It was 12 bux 2/3 hours ago...

The pack was like $25 or something too. Fuck me. I want SR3... Seriously, I am kind of pissed.


Then again, there is always next time during the winter sale.

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The Tribes Ascend Starter Pack is actually really good if you're in the game. I'm just not sure if I want to support a pay-to-win model.


Also I was like Dan. I was unaware of the 8 hour thing so the SR3 sale just pass me by without me even knowing about it.

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Picked up Crusader Kings 2, Terraria, Portal, The Binding of Isaac and Sim City 4 last night for £17.82. Should have cost me £50 i reckon. Although the girlfriend doesn't see it that way. She doesn't know, bless.


I've noticed The Witcher is on there for less than £5 at the moment, so i'll probably pick that up before this ends. Had Saints Row the Third been £15 i probably would have got that too.



Saints Row: The Third is £11.97 on Green Man Gaming.


It also says:

"Third party DRM: Steam

This game requires a free Steam account to play."


so I assume it links to your steam account.

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Picked up Deus Ex: Human Revolution finally! I recommend people pick up Space Marine if they don't have it already. At the price it is, it's a total steal. It's such a fun game to play.


I'm a bit peeved at the price of the Tribes Ascend starter pack. I bought it like a week ago, on sale, but it was double the price. Damn my impulses!


I don't know if I'll be getting much in this summer's sales. I'm hoping to maybe grab L.A Noire cheap, I didn't miss that already, did I? I wouldn't have minded Amnesia either, I have yet to get around to playing it but it sounds like it's right up my alley. Alas, I'm pretty cash-strapped at the minute so I've gotta watch the pennies.

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Picked up Deus Ex: Human Revolution finally! I recommend people pick up Space Marine if they don't have it already. At the price it is, it's a total steal. It's such a fun game to play.


I'm a bit peeved at the price of the Tribes Ascend starter pack. I bought it like a week ago, on sale, but it was double the price. Damn my impulses!


I don't know if I'll be getting much in this summer's sales. I'm hoping to maybe grab L.A Noire cheap, I didn't miss that already, did I? I wouldn't have minded Amnesia either, I have yet to get around to playing it but it sounds like it's right up my alley. Alas, I'm pretty cash-strapped at the minute so I've gotta watch the pennies.


I know they had Noire on sale 2 weeks ago for £5. Don't know if that will effect wether or not it goes on sale again.

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D'aaaaaaw thanks man, I voted for it too. I've already beaten the game but want to play co-op with my cousin on PC.


Also, it'd be nice if this thing accepted my money but it still isn't. I think the combinations of the servers with the slow internet in SA is no good. I highly doubt me using my credit card in US site while I'm away will make a difference since I still live in the US, and they would hopefully tell me "your card has been denied" instead of "we couldnt complete your transaction please try later"

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Ah is that your problem? Yeah your IP has to match the country you picked for the address on checkout. I've had the same issue when I was away for work. But if you change your country on the steam page then it wouldn't match your card?


I forgot how i fixed it. I think I used paypal, I can't remember. Or did I just change the country because they might not check the address on the card? Hmm...




The choices was Super meat boy, qube and plants vs zombies.

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