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Huh it really has been up for a year. Time flies and all that.


Early Access is probably going to crumble under it's own weight. Been a lot of shady stuff pushed through on it (including a fair few "F2P" games). In general what Steam really needs is a massive re-think of how they want to sort and present the games (and programs) on the stores.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Ars have done a big huge breakdown of Steam games on hours played, amount of games played/unplayed, and so on so forth. It does have a few bits of flaws in the data (the biggy being that it's using the hours played stat which only came into action 5 years ago, pretty much skewing the stats heavily for any games older than that), but it gives a pretty decent overview.


Also Beyond Earth really comes across as a no brainer with those stats.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

They changed it over a while ago (though come to think of it I use their beta clients so might be recent for stable users). It's apparently to protect folks from phishing and what not, but after the whole issue with VAC/CSGO scouring through browser history to check you've not been on sites supplying cheats I reckon they've ulterior motives behind it all. It's a bit like Facebook/Twitter passing all your links through their services first, means they get a good list to be able to go "huh, well a lot of our guys are all checking links on G2a/GOG/GMG etc, maybe that's a concern" "Well lot of folks are reading up on [insert game here] maybe we should give it a featured spotlight" and what not. Knowledge is power and all that.


Oh yeah, what was fun is when it first launched it didn't work, you'd just have the steam client load up with something like "steamcommunity.com/?link=www.imgur.com" or whatever. Other week a few of us had issues with links in group chat linking to that users profile instead of the link. Was a bit weird.

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  • 3 months later...



Pretty handy tool, clears out unneeded distribution diles: The DX, .NEt, GFWL ones etc etc. Can clear a fair few gigs of space.

As it warns though, if your game wants to update, or you "verify cache" it will grab those files again. But I guess alright for non-actively developed games.

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  • 3 months later...

Of all of the steam machines, Steam Link makes the most sense to me. If its relatively in-expensive then it should be the option most existing PC users look at.


Until Steam OS really takes off, I don't see the point of having a steam machine AND a PC at the prices they are asking for most of those machines.


I do want steam os to work out though, I love the idea of modding games but having a console like experience :).

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Big Picture would be the "console-like experience", which is on every version of Steam regardless of OS (with the bonus of 360 pad support out the box for Windows, same with DS4 I'm to understand).


I take issue with the fact that the Steam Machines pitch does not make it absolutely and utterly clear that they will not run the majority of games available on Steam without picking up a copy of Windows to slap on the device too (or buying another PC with Windows on to use the streaming stuff). The Alienware one, which seems to be Valves personal choice, even states "MORE GAMES" which is complete opposite of what it has :P

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I take issue with the fact that the Steam Machines pitch does not make it absolutely and utterly clear that they will not run the majority of games available on Steam without picking up a copy of Windows to slap on the device too (or buying another PC with Windows on to use the streaming stuff). The Alienware one, which seems to be Valves personal choice, even states "MORE GAMES" which is complete opposite of what it has :P



Yep. Will be interesting to see what options are available when these things go retail. Totally expecting an option to spend an extra $100 to actually play more than indie games.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So Steam now has a refund policy that allows you to get a refund within 14 days of purchase for any game that you've played for less than 2 hours.  Sounds pretty great to me.


Of course, because it's the internet, some are already bitching about it being unfair to indie devs who make games shorter than 2 hours...

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Like I said in my status...they better pump up their support team(Gabe said they plan to in his AMA thread on reddit...but I'm pretty sure he has said that in the past before...). 

They also said they don't consider getting a refund and immediately buying the game again because it's on sale [as abuse]. 

Edited by Vecha
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  On 6/3/2015 at 1:34 AM, Vecha said:

They also said they don't consider getting a refund and immediately buying the game again because it's on sale.

Did you leave out a word here? According to Eurogamer Valve said getting a refund and then buying it again because it went on sale would not be considered abuse of the refund system.

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  On 6/3/2015 at 1:54 AM, TheMightyEthan said:


  On 6/3/2015 at 1:34 AM, Vecha said:

They also said they don't consider getting a refund and immediately buying the game again because it's on sale.

Did you leave out a word here? According to Eurogamer Valve said getting a refund and then buying it again because it went on sale would not be considered abuse of the refund system.




Yeah, my bad.

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