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Games that need people.


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So the purpose of this Topic is to reach out and find some peeps to play games with, games, that you don't know anyone who owns it. So, I'll get the ball rolling.



Game: Greed Corp

Price: $10($9 atm on Steam)

Genre: Strategy

Overview: This is a cute little strategy game with a grid-like map you play on, It's a really simple strategy game, take over the map or kill the enemy to win.

Multiplayer Amount: The game supports up to 4 player MP battles.

Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/48950/

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Sins is a great game. I just never could find anyone to play against






Wait MNC is on Steam now?

*points to the sub-forum you're in* :P



DOH! :bun-wah:


Well Steam needs it!


And I guess this thread would be more fitting in general gaming chat. Or the title needs "Steam" in it =p

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Sins is a great game. I just never could find anyone to play against






Wait MNC is on Steam now?

*points to the sub-forum you're in* :P



DOH! :bun-wah:


Well Steam needs it!


And I guess this thread would be more fitting in general gaming chat. Or the title needs "Steam" in it =p


Nah there's plenty of PC titles with small user bases (and steam conveniently has a list of the top 100). If you feel 360 needs a thread like this, then go ahead. But the way console MP games go most users tend to migrate to the newest yearly release, whereas you still have a fair userbase on CS1.6 on PC, yet new releases like Lead and Gold will have pretty small amount of players.

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