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Silent Hill

Little Pirate

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Silent Hill 1: when compared with Resident Evil 1, I always liked RE more than SH1. It was scarier and seemed harder IMO. The dialog and story were awful in both, but the puzzles in SH were more challenging. I'll be honest, I played the game pretty late, but my impression after finishing SH1 was "meh".


Silent Hill 2: this one is a masterpiece. I loved every moment of it and it's one of the rare games that made me play through it multiple times to get all the endings (the only other game I think being Chrono Trigger). I loved the story, the atmosphere and I even liked the voice acting (I always thought James was voiced properly since I did imagine him as someone with the social intelligence of a lime). I'd even go so far as calling this one of the best games of all time (or at least put it in the top 10).


Silent Hill 3: step back from SH2 and I'm sad that they didn't do another independent story, but rather a sequel to SH1. It was also a downer for having only 2 endings (not counting the joke one), but I liked Heather being genre savvy as well as having the biggest oh shit moment in the series.


Silent Hill 4: I hated this one so bloody much. It's the only Silent Hill I didn't bother finishing. I don't care that the story is "deep", the player character was so boring and seemed like he didn't have a reason to live. The combat was ugh and the gameplay in general was like playing curling on asphalt after 20 shots of Jäger. (And the ghosts weren't scary, they were annoying.)


Silent Hill - Homecoming: boo-hoo, the Americans took my Japanese horror atmosphere. This one, honestly, wasn't bad. I think I had around the same amount of fun as with Silent Hill 3, but maybe I'd rank up SH3 a bit higher. My only beef with it was that the combat was kinda broken (sometimes the nurses don't hit you, and sometimes they mutilate you for no apparent reason), that it took its twist from SH2 and that Pyramid Head was such fan wank in it. Didn't bother getting all the endings though, just got the happy joyous one and looked up the other ones on Youtube.


Silent Hill Shattered Memories: ...eh. It wasn't one bit scary, the "puzzles" were easier than the ones in Resident Evil 2 and it seemed like a very long "interactive storytelling experience" that should have been posted on Newgrounds. I'm really indifferent towards it. Might be an ok game, but as a Silent Hill, it pretty much fails.


Haven't played Origins or Arcade, but I'm interested in what the new SH will do.


Oh, and does ANYONE know what the "There was a hole here, but it's gone now" means?

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To be honest I've only ever played Silent Hill: Homecoming. Needless to say that wasn't a very good first impression of the series. The controls and gameplay were probably the scariest thing about that game. I never finished the game, couldn't be bothered. I did look up the last few bits on Youtube and I'm glad I haven't put my time into playing it myself. *shrug*

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Oh, and does ANYONE know what the "There was a hole here, but it's gone now" means?


No, but this will always be one of my favorite quotes.


Silent Hill 2 will always hold a very special place in my heart, as will Three.


It's hard to explain this while sounding sane, but I was very, very into Silent Hill when deciding what college to go to, and with all the fog in the series, San Francisco was a very eligible fellow.


I was maybe a junior in high school when I played SH2 and as I played through the game, I listened to a lot of dredg's second and first album - a lot. So, the symbol song (linked

) and the others between the two albums, will always have a profound connection to me.


Heather >>>>>>>> Harry


Heather is a god I could worship all day long.


As shameful as it is to admit, I had a whopper sized crush on Heather. She was strong, gorgeous and absolutely damaged. I couldn't help but fall for her - so much, I never finished the game. I couldn't.


It's exciting to hear the newly invigorated SH movie is based on 3, but this was always my pick for Heather, and I can't really see anyone else doing it, as the female protagonist here:



Note at fifty seconds and a few other moments - very much Heather. Regardless, an excellent, if somewhat frustrating film. Far superior to the incredible-potential disappointment bit that the actual SH film was.

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Shattered Memories was more about Harry wandering around the town. It focuses a lot on 'ghosts' or 'ghostly images'. The only monsters in the game are in a 'running' sequence and you NEVER get to fight anything. Just run for your damn life in a maze of ice.

Pretty much you start out in a therapy session. The game will make changes based on the choices you make during these 'sessions' and Harry himself changes, too. You're still looking for Cheryl, and you run into some other characters, too. There's still puzzles and stuff. But other than that--there's no combat.

The atmosphere of the game was intriguing, and the fact your 'menu' was your cellphone was kind of a neat twist. You'll get calls from your daughter, some of the characters. And spooky people oooohhh.

But it's just not Silent Hill to me.
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Well, there's a new Silent Hill coming up..



Ooooooh. I didn't know we had gameplay from this already.


Also, I have a Wii, I don't know why I haven't bought Shattered Memories yet.


Maybe because I still haven't finished (have hardly touched) SH5.

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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Yeah, I really want to see actual combat and more gameplay though.

Also, seeing the scene in the house made me wonder if the developers are going to enable Move.. For example: you could use the Move to move around the flaslight.


I've been looking around for more info on the game and I only got this: The protagonists' name is Murphy Pendleton. Hmm hmm. :tophat:

Edited by rtemplar
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Heather is still my favorite Silent Hill character. That game kind of freaked me out in the opening, though.

Same name. So when the game went 'Heeeeaaaaatherrrr' I had to shut it off for a moment and gather myself after being rightfully freaked out.



I also love Silent Hill 2 in particular just because you can really feel for the characters. The mannequin was also the first Silent Hill monster to make me jump when I saw it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More info on the new Silent Hill. It's officially called Silent Hill: Downpour.


-demo takes place in the outskirts of SH

-the town is so large that you can use a subway system to travel between focal points


-avoid fights when possible, better to deliver incapacitating blows and run away (so good!)

-boss fights with quicktime events (not so good)

-water plays a huge part in the game, bizarre water effects like what looks like an upside down river flowing across a ceiling is described

-prominent locations in the older installments like schools and hospitals will not return

-the southeastern part of Silent Hill that you see on the maps in the older games but never go to is the area that will be explored in Downpour

-no weapon inventory, weapons weaken and break

-there will be puzzle difficulty options

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Avoiding fights, yes, but avoiding danger altogether like in Shattered Memories? Please no... Also, with the exception of the bloke from Homecoming, isn't combat supposed to suck? You play as a writer, store clerk, tomboy chick and soulless husk in the first four games. None of them seemed that capable with anything other than a 2x4 or lead pipe. Also, they were undergoing severe psychological trauma by encountering denizens of the dark. I couldn't swing myself in the direction of a dark corner, let alone swing a melee weapon at something.

Edited by Cyber Rat
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I've found a few more details..




.Obvious and subtle gameplay choices affect the story.


.The game has fixed camera angles like the original Silent Hill titles.


.Enemy chase scenes similar to Silent Hill: Shattered Memories return.


.The ability to look over your shoulder and knock down objects to slow enemies returns from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.


.Real time level changes.


.Clothing changes.


.Combat is similar to the classic titles, but with an Origins-like limited weapon durability.


.Weapons range from everyday items to small arms.


.Damage is indicated by bloody clothes.


.Two enemies revealed: The Creeper (I think that's the one in the screenshot above) and The Screamer.


.Weapon specific paths return from Silent Hill: Homecoming.


.About 10 hour campaign.


.Time of day shifts (Real time not confirmed)

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