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Silent Hill

Little Pirate

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First image of Heather from the new SH movie:






Cautiously optimistic about this film going ahead. The first one looked the part, but I hated the acting and dialog and how the story tried to 'make sense,' when the strength of the SH series is how it leaves you to interpret events, and that's where some of the true horror comes from.


I need to see more shots of this girl too, before I decide what I think of her.


The girl from the Signal would have been perfect for the role, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, but that was never going to happen.

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"The first image from Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is here"




3 FUCKING D!??!?!


Producers: Oh look, we'll shoot this scene from this viewpoint so that the people looking at this in theaters will be in awe of our 3D superior technology!

Petty Assistant: But sir, that scene will make no sense for millions of other viewers who will watch this at home.

Producers: Who gives a fuck, we must do this in 3D or we won't be successful compared to other 3D movies.



: /


But other than that.


Silent Hill 1: I fell in love with this game as a kid. It scared the shit out of me and I loved it for that. The music, the gameplay, the graphics (at the time), the atmosphere, the story......I simply loved every aspect of it! To this day, it still is one of my favorite (horror) game I've ever played.


Silent Hill 2: I played this at a slightly older age (I think around 15). I'll be honest, because of that game I've never looked at hospitals and petty hotels the same way. I enjoyed the game every single second of it. The music had a high impact on me and Akira Yamaoka became one of the few people in the entire planet that I would be proud to shake his hand.


Silent Hill 3: Loved the concept, loved the music, the gameplay was ok.....but something about the game as a whole...didn't appeal that much to me. I mean, I enjoyed it, but I don't know, it lacked something I think.


Silent Hill 4: The music = OMG!<3. The game = The fuck am I playing?! :s. Gameplay sucked balls. The scary factor came only later in the game (because I find asylums scary). And the story....wat. Not until later have I found out that SH4 wasn't even supposed to be a SH game in the first place. They were developing another game and in the middle of that process they decided to label it a SH game.


Silent Hill 5: I welcomed the game with great pessimism. What I got? A pretty decent game. At first I was skeptical about all the changes americans made. But after some time of getting used to, I enjoyed it. The thing I have to object about most in that game is loading times. OMG! When I see a door, I frown because I know it'll have to load 10+ seconds. The music was also a nice addition to my collection and I love it.


Silent Hill: Origins : Not much to say about this game. It was intended for PSP, but ps2 port came eventually and.....well, it was ok I guess. It's a great game to play on a lonely rainy summer night. The music? You guessed it, I love it.


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: Hmmmmmmmm. Doesn't REALLY feel like a SH game, but it was a good effort. I love the approach they made. I just think it needed more work. Oh oh, also, the flashlight movement and the door opening was very nicely made.



That would be it for now. I'm sorry if something I said made no sense. That's because I'm slightly drunk now.


Also, loving the whole CONCEPT of Silent Hill for years. I don't mind them making new game every year or so. As long as it has that former Silent Hill atmosphere, I'm game! <3 (Too bad that atmosphere is getting stale and they're focusing on making the game more "advanced")

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  • 11 months later...

Just played it a little.

Combat still sucks(after how many games?), UE implementation is pretty generic but the visuals are not repulsive. Oh, and there are frequent FPS drops.

Can't say anything else right now, but it doesn't look like a totally bad game.

I don't understand one thing: why did they make fixed camera angle in some instances.

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Nostalgia. Survival Horrors (early RE games and Silent Hill) had fixed cameras. Also, for theatrical reasons. You can frame a scene more cinematically with a fixed camera. If you want to people to discover the scary things in the right order you fix the camera. Finally, a fixed camera gives a sense of being watched, which is creepy.

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Arrrrrrgh, this combat system is horrible. You don't have "evade" button while enemies always evade your attacks. Mega frustrating. Also, only one weapon that you just pick from the ground... No HUD means that you don't know how much health do you have or how much damage your weapon does...

Nostalgia. Survival Horrors (early RE games and Silent Hill) had fixed cameras. Also, for theatrical reasons. You can frame a scene more cinematically with a fixed camera. If you want to people to discover the scary things in the right order you fix the camera. Finally, a fixed camera gives a sense of being watched, which is creepy.

Zero immersion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally finished SH2. I liked it...a lot. But Im not in love with it like a lot of people are. I dunno. Just to clear things up - games and movies dont scare me. That's just not going to happen. So thats not a point that I can subtract or add to it.

I didnt feel creeped out by it or anything like that, I guess a lot of it is just unsettling. Its just a game that you can never feel comfortable in.

I think it has art style, music, and story. Thats whats so good about it. Thats what I enjoyed anyways.

But honestly, Ive played SH1 and never finished it, Origins and never finished it, and Shattered Memories, which I loved and ONLY I loved. So maybe its just not for me.

BTW, I hated Origins. Solely because of the mirror thing. Ugh. These games are 95% backtracking, but Origins made it a point to make the backtracking as tedious and boring as possible.


Now Im going to give SH3 a try. Its a sequel to SH1, which I never finished, so it might be troublesome to get into it too much. Then theres supposedly a whole cult storyline that I never got to when I played SH1...and I think Origins mentioned it too, but fuck that game.

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SH2 / SH3 are probably my favorites from the series. 4 was actually not originally intended to be a SH game, but halfway through production they went ahead and slapped the Silent Hill on the title. It has great music and visuals, but I found the game itself frustrating. I didn't actually get all the way through Origins because I had gotten a used game that had corrupted data. Definitely give 3 a play if you have a copy.

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Silent Hill 2's story is stunning, and is a closed arc, which is lovely. I'm not a fan of Silent Hill's story or Silent Hill 3's story. I don't like the cult thing. I love how SH2 is cultless and has an incredible story. The characterisation is just so strong, and the multiple endings actually say something, too.


It's pretty scary I found, but fair enough if you didn't find it so Strange. Did you find Pyramid Head unsettling at least? I never considered him scary in himself, but I found how the game build up a sense of dread and 'he could be anywhere' thoughts around him that it was just, just sublime. His model could be replaced with a cartoon unicorn for all I care, and he would still be scary because of how well the game develops him in conjunction with James. I don't find any of the game particularly scary at all now, but Pyramid Head still invades my psyche.



I love that you only actually see him a handful of times throughout, but man does the dread build.


My formative moment was when you're near the last area, and you go to the museum to go down into the prison, I had literally forgotten all about Pyramid Head, and wasn't scared by the game at that point at all. I was just chillin, moving around, evading the bad guys. Then, in the museum, I examined that painting with Pyramid Head standing at the bottom of the lake with the cages and the bodies inside. Christ. And the caption: "It's him..." I literally started sweating, on my palms and forehead. I turned around, SO terrified, now expecting him anywhere. I hadn't seen the guy for what felt like half the game, and suddenly he popped up, threatening and intimidating the shit out of me.


The whole last segment underground is the best example of a 'descent into hell' I've ever seen in a game, and better than most I've seen in literature or film.



For non spoiler'd people, to reiterate: SH2 has, imho, the best example of a 'descent into hell' I've ever seen in a game, and better than most I've seen in literature or film. It's stunning in narrative, theme and execution.

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Anymore when I mention Pyramid Head to people they just think the Silent Hill movie, which honestly does no justice to the game-version. Like Kenshi kind of said, I liked him more as an unsettling character that just appears out of nowhere. SH2 did play a lot more on the town itself being the hellish entity, not the cult summoning demons and whatnot.


On a random note, has anyone played the Shattered Memories Silent Hill? Personally, I wasn't expecting it to be an exploration-type of game, so I was a bit disappointed by that. But the fact that the choices you make during the game effects the atmosphere was kind of a cool twist.

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Finished Downpour yesterday. Pretty good.

Liked side quests and exploration very much.

As stated above, the combat is horrible, but otherwise it was a very enjoyable and creepy experience.

Haven't finished a single SH game(not counting shattered memories, which I liked btw) before this, but played every one of them.

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