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Playstation Move

Mister Jack


30 members have voted

  1. 1. Got a Move?

    • I have it and like it.
    • I have it but was disappointed.
    • I don't have it, but I'd like one.
    • I don't plan to buy it; they're too expensive.
    • I don't want one, I'm against motion gaming in principle.

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Yeah, I think The Fight uses two, but that game just looks awful. :lol:


Plus, another 50 bucks is a bit steep after spending 100$ on the whole bundle + 30$ on the Navi, which I think I'll be ordering from Amazon tonight (along with RDR, I think!).


I was mostly asking for future reference.

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  On 2/10/2011 at 11:54 PM, Deanb said:

It' s capable of 6 if they really want to push it (It'd be Move only though, upto a max of 3 with Navcons)

I think most will hover around the 2 spot though, just out of space and H&S issues.


Well couldn't they do 7 that are move only, and 4 move (where only 3 are navs?)


Wirelessly the PS3 supports 7 people.

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But that'd also be a pretty silly amount.

Anyway looking it up, the max is 4 Move controllers at once. That's max the system supports, but yes PS3 can do 7 bluetooth devices, so I'm unsure why the Move is limited to 4. Might be them imposing it and not a technical limitiation. Which once again, probably a H&S thing. 7 people waving moves about would take a fair chunk of space and lead to injuries.

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While I'm not anxious to participate in any motion gaming right now with its current offerings, I think the Move is a step in the right direction. It's building on the controller, rather than trying to replace it, and it opens up the possibility for ways to control games that may actually wind up being more efficient than anything before it. It kind of takes the good stuff from both traditional controllers and KB&Mouse setups and turns it into something new. If I had any faith that developers would use it to its potential I might be ready to purchase one, but I don't see that happening, not in this console generation. It seems like too big of a risk, and of the motion controllers currently available Kinect has the biggest buzz (and Wii the biggest user-base), and is most likely to get devs flocking to it. Maybe I'm thinking negatively.... Who knows though, if the library becomes impressive enough I might end up getting one around the holiday season or next year. Sorcery looks promising, and all the good things I'm hearing about using it with Killzone give me some faith that it might be a nice alternative to a DS3 for even traditional games that don't require Move. Sometimes anyway.

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Best Buy restocked a few days ago and they have a rack full of Move controllers. It just kills me that I have to get the PlayStation Eye as well with the $40 controller. Nothing beforehand ever convinced me to get that camera.


Oh, and I've tried holding the DualShock 3 with one hand... insanity! :o

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So do you guys have any Move games that you would recommend?


I'm not ready to start Dead Space: Extraction yet and I'd like something else to play besides Sports Champions.

Something that feels like a good fit for the controller, not just something that requires pointing.


I tried a few demos but none really stood out as something worth buying (except maybe Tumble. It was fun, but I think it's 15$ and at that price, no thanks). I also looked at the list of Move compatible games on wikipedia, and of the dozen or so that I looked up because they seemed interesting, none seemed to have reviewed particularly well.

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I've been playing Mag with mine lately with a little success. You really have to play with the settings to get it feeling smooth. Not sure but i'm leaning towards getting one of the plastic gun things for it but am torn on the sharpshooter that comes out when KZ3 comes out, the battle rifle, or if one of these would even help me much. I will still need to be able to use all of the buttons. :sherlock: At the very least a rifle would keep me from respawning looking at the ground/sky and having to reorient myself again, since I tend to point the Move somewhere other than the screen after I die.

Edited by Lemmiwinks
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Haha, yeah I also do that a lot.


Just gave Killzone 3 another shot and after tweaking the settings a little I had a much greater control of where I was looking in general.


Plus, I got my Navigation controller today, so that felt a LOT more natural than a one-handed dualshock.

Edited by FLD
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  On 2/16/2011 at 1:17 AM, FLD said:

Haha, yeah I also do that a lot.


Just gave Killzone 3 another shot and after tweaking the settings a little I had a much greater control of where I was looking in general.


Plus, I got my Navigation controller today, so that felt a LOT more natural than a one-handed dualshock.

That thing is a must! I also tried one handing the DS3 and even my SIXAXIS and it just doesn't work for a shooter.

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  • 1 month later...

£30 for the starter kit on GAME. I'm debating picking it up.

I'd want games with it mind. Unsure on much that I want. But there are games I'll be purchasing with Move compatibility on the side.


Also GAME really need to reorganize their site. I'd kinda hoped for a Move/Kinect only section, but they're just mixed in with everything else.

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The £30 one in game looks like the new one. Being game though you can't phone the store to check, and even if you could it would probably be the old one in store and cost £50. I have a stupid voucher for game which I have probably had for a year because I cannot find anything in the shop that isn't offensively expensive. Plus their price match excludes supermarkets and the only other game shop in town is gamestation. Owned by game so they're not cheaper. :angry:

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