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Alan Wake.


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  • 1 month later...

Oh fuck yes http://ca.ign.com/ar...t-new-alan-wake


I knew Remedy weren't done with the series, but I honestly did not expect anything so soon. Hopefully something more concrete during E3 :D


I'm currently reading through the blog posts and it's pretty obviously tied into the mythology of the game. Fun read if you're into the Alan Wake story.



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  • 3 months later...

So I'm at the beginning of Chapter 2, but I just wanted to post my theory as to what's happening (partially for verification so that if I'm right I can say "I called it!" later):



I think Alice is dead, and that the "real world" Wake (the one that keeps showing up on the TVs) is trying to "save" her by writing a story where she's still alive. That story is what I'm playing.



Don't tell me if I'm right.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm recording a playthrough meant only for entertainment. My friend can't play the game so I'm doing this so she can watch it as a series. each episode will be about 15-20ish minutes long. The first two episodes have some hiccups and an audio echo problem from having fraps recording external audio on accident. Finished the 3rd and 4th though and they're running smoothly now. A new video will be uploaded on every Monday and Friday. Enjoy.

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  • 3 months later...



So I guess that's it then. Alan Wake is dead. :(


Some people seem to think this is an elaborate ruse and that they're trying to build up hype and will reveal that Quantum Break is actually Alan Wake 2 but.. yeah, call me pessimistic but I don't see that happening. I'd love to be wrong, though...


Also, big Alan Wake deal over on humble bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly


Really want to get it for the bonus stuff, even though I already own the games. Completely broke atm, though. So that's unfortunately not an option. :(

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  • 1 year later...

You're fucking killing me here, Polygon


After Remedy released the message to the fans above, I went back to the original game, cleared all the achievements and uninstalled it for good. I accepted that the sequel was never coming and I moved on. And now Polygon decides that, for once, they feel like doing some actual fucking journalism and single-handedly undo all of that by digging this up!


Seriously though, it's an interesting read for any fan of the series and that prototype looks pretty cool. Some elements were clearly used in American Nightmare, which kinda retroactively makes it even more of an unsatisfying experience... But I have to admit, it's good to know that Remedy is at least still thinking about the series. I'm not super optimistic that another game will ever happen but man, I've never wanted Alan Wake 2 more than I do now. :(


For now I'll just stick to hoping that Quantum Break eventually comes to PC...

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